Plane Master Copy

Chapter 931: : Angel Hiko

On the surface, this is just a special training between Wu Yan and Ge Xiaolun. Although this special training looks very severe, the same, the gains are also huge.

Before fainting, the power that Ge Xiaolun exploded also attracted everyone's attention, making many people feel amazed, and this exploding power, to a certain extent, stimulated other students and made them full of energy.

"Is this the power of the galaxy? Although it is only part of it, it feels really good." Lena's brows raised, watching Ge Xiaolun passing out, and whispered in her mouth.

As a goddess, Lena would not admit that Ge Xiaolun's galaxy power is stronger than herself, but even Lena has to admit that Ge Xiaolun's strength is enough to get her attention.

"Niu B, didn't expect Xiao Lun's strength to be so suspended? It seems that we have to do a good job in training, otherwise, the two of us will be thrown away by him. good pal?".

Zhao Xin looked at him in a coma and was sent out by Wu Yan to recuperate Ge Xiaolun. He was amazed and revived and said to Jia Wen next to him.

"Well," Jiawen didn't speak, but nodded heavily, his expression was firm, apparently in agreement with Zhao Xin's words.

The special training situation in the mirror space has their own shadows. Don't worry at all. The copy has been completed. Wu Yan personally took Ge Xiaolun to leave the mirror space and walked to the medical office.

However, Wu Yan's pace was not fast, but he copied the ability of gene lock to him while he was in a coma.

Wu Yan is not a person who likes to take advantage of others. Since he has copied the BUG-level ability of silence from him, after thinking about it for a while, Wu Yan copies the gene lock ability to him.

The gene lock copied from Zheng Zheng, the replica, has been fully opened to the fourth stage, and this ability is still very strong.

The gene lock is not only able to increase its own power, the most important thing is the degree of control over itself.

In Wu Yan's view, Ge Xiaolun's galactic power has been able to be mobilized initially, giving him the power to copy the fourth order of gene lock, which can greatly increase the power, and also help him control his galactic power. Is very suitable.

Copy it to him, he is not a loss.

On the side of the medical room, looking at the comatose Ge Xiaolun, the medical staff was naturally shocked, but they heard that they had just passed out and could rest for a while. These medical staff were relieved.

After examining Ge Xiaolun, he did not have any serious injuries.

However, with the inspection, they clearly detected the powerful power contained in Ge Xiaolun's body, apparently that the power of the galaxy had been developed.


After copying the power of the gene lock to Ge Xiaolun, Wu Yan turned and left the medical room, but, before waiting for Wu Yan to return to the mirror space, suddenly, he raised his head with a feeling.

I saw a shadow flying across the sky, and then landed on the side of Super Theological Seminary.

Although the speed of the shadow just now is fast, Wu Yan still clearly saw the true face of the other party.

Here comes a woman, a beautiful woman wearing armor and exuding a strong and sacred breath.

In addition, the most noticeable thing is the pair of white white wings on the back of the woman. With such an appearance, the identity of the other party naturally comes out, angel!

"People of the angel clan have come to the Super Theological Seminary?" After seeing the advent of the angel, Wu Yan's brow raised slightly, and he was surprised.

According to the situation in the original book, the story of the Super Theological Seminary is that the Demon Legion has arrived, and then, the **** of the angels, the sacred Kaisha, followed the earth.

In other words, the Demon Legion came first, and the angel came later.

However, now that the Devil's Legion hasn't appeared, the Angel Clan has played first?

With regard to the appearance of the angel tribe, Wu Yan only thought for a moment and did not think about it. After all, for Wu Yan, the appearance of the angel tribe had nothing to do with himself.

However, sometimes they think they are irrelevant, but they are not really irrelevant.

It didn't take long for someone to find Wu Yan. It was said that Du Kao was looking for Wu Yan to meet, and there were people from the angel clan at Du Kao.

"Okay, I'll go now", listening to Dukao's reception of the angels, and looking for his past, Wu Yan thought about it and nodded.

Sure enough, when I came to Dukao's reception room, I could see a proud woman sitting on the sofa in the reception room. The angel wings behind her had been put away.

As Wu Yan came in, the woman turned her head and glanced at Wu Yan obliquely, with a proud look.

"Teacher Wu Yan, you are here, I will introduce you, this is ..." Watching Wu Yan push in the door, Dukao said.

"Hello, the left wing guard under the sacred Caesar, Angel Yan", but this angel did not let others introduce himself, he took the initiative to speak, and introduced himself.

"Hello, Wu Yan", Wu Yan also nodded slightly, introducing his name briefly.

Wu Yan's simple introduction introduced Angel Angel's brow slightly.

Although the angels are arrogant, they are even more arrogant, but this does not mean that they can tolerate the indifferent attitude of others.

Yes, watching Angel Yan's high posture is like the feeling of the Uchiha family of Naruto plane, Wu Yan naturally will not meet with a smile, giving people a feeling of indifference.

My heart was displeased, but at least on the surface, there would not be much expression. Angel Yan's eyes fell on Wu Yan and said: "I heard Dukao said that you have mastered the news of the Demon Legion and know that Moganna's Things? She's coming to earth soon, isn't she? ".

"Yes, this news is indeed what I said." Seeing Angel Yan's high look questioned himself, Wu Yan's heart was upset, but there was no seizure, but he nodded indifferently to admit it.

Dukao next looked at Angel Yan and Wu Yan, and was caught in the middle for a while, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Seeing that these two are more arrogant and indifferent than one, they don't know how to interrupt.

He knows the pride of the angels, but why does Wu Yan look like this? Is there a festival between him and the angel tribe?

"So, how do you prove yourself? We angels ca n’t easily believe you just because of a word?" Seeing Wu Yan nodded and admitted, Angel Yan asked afterwards.

"Proof !?" Wu Yan smiled suddenly when he heard these words from Angel Yan.

"What are you laughing at?" It was obvious that Wu Yan's smile had some irony in it, Angel Yan's brows frowned, and she looked displeasedly.

"I laughed because you were too self-righteous, right? When I said it, I said it, you believe it or not, why should I prove it to you?", Looked at the angel Yan in front of him, Wu Yan answered angrily. Said.

Indeed, this is the truth. If you speak it yourself, you dare to admit it, but you angels will just listen to it. Believe it means believe, if you do n’t believe it, do n’t believe it, but you have to prove it to them yourself? On what grounds?

I can't stand this high posture.

"Presumptuous!", Listening to Wu Yan's unceremonious words, Angel Yan suddenly stood up, at the same time a pair of white wings behind him also opened, staring angrily at Wu Yan: "Dare you be so rude to me? You can Know who you offended? ".

Looking at this arrogant appearance of Angel Yan, Wu Yan naturally did not flinch, and looked at the pair of wings behind her, and replied, "Birdman!"

"Look for death!", The angel tribe is said to be a birdman. How can proud angels stand?

With an angry expression on his face, Angel Yan moved towards Wuyan and rushed towards Wuyan. At the same time, the white jade hand grabbed at Wuyan's neck. He wanted to lock Wuyan's throat. .

However, looking at Angel Yan's movements, Wu Yan did not wince, and also stretched out one of his fingers, and nodded toward Angel Yan's palm.

There is not much reservation, this guidance is in the palm of Angel Yan, the powerful force, directly flew her out.

His body crashed against the wall fiercely, gravel spattered, and the whole person was almost embedded in the wall.

Sure enough, the two guys looked at the point of the needle to Mai Mang at first sight, and no one would let it, and they really started.

With a sigh in Dukao's heart, he stood out and said, "Wait, Teacher Wu Yan, don't rush to take a shot. I have something to say, I'm the one from the angel family ~ ~ Please come to deal with Devil's Legion ... ".

"So it is ...", listening to Dukao's words, Wu Yan suddenly realized that it was Dukao who informed the Angel clan with the news of Moganna. Do you want people of the Angel clan to participate in the battle against the Demon Legion in advance?

"Abominable, where is this guy sacred?" As for Angel Yan, who was blown out, she fell down on the wall and stared at Wu Yan with a look of surprise and anger. With a blow, she fell Understand that Wu Yan's power is above him.

Looking at Wu Yan, Angel Yan secretly mobilized the ability of the dark matter computer to analyze the person in front of himself, trying to figure out his identity and strength.

However, after analyzing for a long time, nothing came out, which surprised Angel Yan's heart.

How can it be? Who is this guy, where is his identity, and where does he come from?

"Is your name Wu Yan? Who are you?"

The dark matter computer couldn't get the slightest message at all, and Angel Yan's expression became more dignified than ever before, staring seriously at Wu Yan and asking.

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