Plane Master Copy

Chapter 929: : Saying Moganna

For Wu Yan, he met Sun Wukong, but it was just an episode, but unfortunately, this Wu Wukong is just a clone of a **** of thought, not Sun Wukong's body.

Even his normal strength was enough to crush him.

On the other hand, for the students of Super Theological Seminary this time, it was exactly like going out and shaking around to see the scenery. No one took a shot. Naturally, no one was injured.

Therefore, the atmosphere of these students was very relaxed and harmonious on the way back.

For the ease of these students, Wu Yan did not speak. From the situation in the original work, this may be their few easy time.

When the Demon Legion arrives on the earth, they can be said to be tense, and they will spend every day in high-intensity combat, and even experience the life and death of some companions.

"Speaking from the timeline, the existence of the Devil's Legion and the Angel Clan should be coming soon, right?" After taking a look at the relaxed students, Wu Yan's heart murmured secretly.

Speaking of which, the so-called **** body is not very important for Wu Yan to copy or not, but if the ability of the dark matter computer is possible, Wu Yan naturally wants to copy it.

Of course, before that, let's understand what the nature of dark matter computers is.

Moreover, as a high level of individual military force and at the same time, science and technology are very developed. If possible, of course, Wu Yan must also copy some related scientific and technological knowledge capabilities.

It would be better if it could be applied to the genetic engineering of the Evolution House and the spacecraft.

As for the strength of these super seminarians? Wu Yan thinks that Ge Xiaolun's BUG silence ability is the best.

It seems that he has to find a good opportunity to see if he can copy his ability.

Think about it if you have this ability of Ge Xiaolun and you yell, the energy of others cannot be mobilized at all, and there is no way to use skill attacks, which is invincible.

So, isn't it that no matter how high the crystal point of others is, the effect is not so great?

"Everyone, welcome back. In addition, thank you Teacher Wu Yan for your shot ..." After returning to the Super Theological College, Dukao, as a general of the army, personally greeted him.

"Do n’t, we are just going to the theater." He waved her hand, and Lena faced Dukao without much awe, but after seeing the battle between Sun Wukong and Wu Yan with her own eyes, Lena also Realizing that Wu Yan's strength is strong, the stimulus is not small, so my heart is more urgent to want to become stronger.

"Well, you can go back and rest for a while ..." After a few words with these students, Duccao dismissed them all and let them rest.

Immediately, Dukao's eyes fell on Wu Yan's body: "Mr. Wu Yan, how about a drink?"


"Mr. Wu Yan, today we have seen the fighting situation between you and Sun Wukong. Your strength is stronger than we expected."

Dukao changed into a casual outfit and sat in front of Wu Yan, speaking casually, which was very different from his unsmiling appearance. At the same time, he poured a cup for Wu Yan and Xiao Meng himself. tea.

Wu Yan smiled slightly at Dukao's words and didn't say much.

He deliberately changed out his casual clothes and talked to himself with a calm look. He didn't want to make the atmosphere so formal, so Wu Yan also quietly waited for the words behind Dukao.

Sure enough, in the end, it is the style of the soldiers. There are not so many twists and turns. Acting and speaking are straight. Dukao quickly cut the topic into the subject: "I remember Teacher Wu Yan, you said Because you are aware that the earth is about to suffer disaster, come from the universe and want to help on the battlefield? "

"Yes, indeed," Wu Yan nodded slightly.

"So, I want to ask, Teacher Wu Yan, how much do you know about the enemies of the forthcoming earth?" Dukao asked next.

"Isn't that crack in the sky the enemy you're worried about?" Wu Yan leaned his head and pointed to the sky outside the window.

A huge space crack is suspended in mid-air. This is the earth of the Super Theological Plane, which appeared a long time ago.

"Yes, indeed, but what I want to ask is, Teacher Wu Yan, how much do you know about the contents of the crack?" Dukao did not deny, and continued to ask.

"So, how do you know, I know something in the crack?", Without a rush to answer, Wu Yan stared at Dukao like a question.

Yes, his question completely confirmed that he knew something, which made Wu Yan curious.

"I guessed it," and there was no concealment, Dukao replied: "Although Teacher Wuyan is very strong, but the saying goes, there are people out there, there is a sky outside. Come and help, it ’s impossible to know who the enemy is, right? So I guess you must know. "

"Well, you're right, I do know something", listening to Dukao's analysis, Wu Yan nodded slightly.

Since the other party has been able to analyze it, Wu Yan naturally has no intention of denying it.

"So, please also ask Teacher Wu Yan to be able to solve my doubts", seeing Wu Yan nodded and admitted, Dukao continued to ask.

"Well, in fact, I don't know much." After listening to Dukao's words, he didn't know what was happening in the crack. Wu Yan opened his mouth and was ready to explain.

After all, it ’s not long before Dukao knows about the existence of the Demon Legion, and now tells him in advance that if he is prepared, he may also reduce the casualties of the students in the original Super League Theological Seminary.

"You should know about General Dukao about the Angel clan?" Wu Yan thought for a moment and said.

"Angel !?" At the question, Dukao's face was straightened, and he nodded earnestly, saying: "I do know some, angels are a very powerful race. Corresponding myths and legends are left behind, but the angels do not get along well. What do they say about their personalities? They are a bit proud. "

"Well, yes," as a person from the Nord system, Dukao knows the angel family, Wu Yan is not surprised, nodded slightly, and then said: "Now the leader of the angel family, the name is Kaisha".

"I know this, too," and nodded slightly, Duccao understood.

After all, Wu Yan said these things may not be accessible to ordinary people, but it is not a secret.

"Holy Keisha, she is the leader of the angel tribe, but in fact, she has another sister, Moganna, who was originally an angel tribe," Wu Yan said.

"Originally !? Do you mean ..." Dukao looked at Wu Yan with curiosity, and keenly seized the most important part of Wu Yan's words.

"Yes, originally, because Mo Ganna had left the angel family a long time ago. More accurately, she is now a fallen angel. Under her command, she leads a large group of demons and is powerful ... … ", Nodded, Wu Yan's words also confirmed Dukao's conjecture.

"Morgana, the fallen angel? Is the Demon Legion?" Dukao groaned, thinking.

Although the angels are proud and difficult to get along with, the angels are not at all evil.

And this so-called fallen angel, the so-called Demon Legion, is not a good thing just to hear from its name.

"So, Teacher Wu Yan, you mean ..." At this point, Dukao could probably guess what was going on, but still have to carefully verify with Wu Yan.

"Yes, the other side of the crack is the Devil's Legion." When it comes to this, Wu Yan naturally will not hide.

"Is the Demon Legion? Sisters of the holy Kesha of the angel tribe?" Dukao's face became dignified. After understanding the information of the opponent, Dukao felt the enemy more powerful.

Although the angels are proud, if they can, Duccao is not willing to deal with the angels, but it is undeniable that the angels are still very strong.

Since she is the sister of Holy Kaisa, then the demon legion led by Moganna wants extraordinary strength.

"I know, these are probably these things. As far as I know, it won't be too long before the Demon Legion will follow Moganna to the earth, so you should prepare for the general earlier." Taking up the tea cup in front of him, Wu Yan drank it, and got up and said.

"Well ~ ~ Mr. Wu Yan walk slowly, I won't send you anymore". After learning the news of the demon army and Moganna, Dukao's mind is on it.

Knowing the burden on Dukao's shoulders now, Wu Yan did not ask Dukao to send himself. After slightly nodding, Wu Yan turned around with Xiaomeng and left.

Indeed, when he did n’t know the enemy ’s information, Dukao ’s heart was very embarrassed. After all, the existence of this enemy was visible, but he did n’t know who it was. The mysterious enemy was like hanging on his head. The steel knife is disturbing.

But now, after knowing the enemy's information from Wu Yan's mouth, Dukao can feel the heavy burden on his shoulders.

After all, just from Wu Yan's mouth, you can know that the power of the demon army is very powerful.

"It would be very difficult to rely on the power of the earth to resist the Demon Legion, so you have to seek some other help," Dukao thought secretly in his heart, and murmured in his mouth.

After thinking for a while, Dukao had a decision in his heart, and stood up arrogantly, striding towards his own command room and striding towards the meteor.

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