Plane Master Copy

Chapter 928: : Wu Yan VS Sun Wukong

At this time, the students of the Super Theological College did not have the urge to rush, and looked at Wu Yan and Xiao Meng.

From the words of Xiao Meng, do they know Sun Wukong?

"Who are you?" Holding Ruyi's golden hoop, Sun Wukong slightly tilted his head and stared at Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, asking.

"Hello, we are friends," Wu Yan said, looking at Sun Wukong.

Although Sun Wukong in front of him and Sun Wukong in his memory are not the same person, Wu Yan is still willing to be friends with him since it is both Sun Wukong.

"Friend?" After staring seriously at Wu Yan for a moment, suddenly, without warning, the Wuyi golden hoop rod in Sun Wukong's hand was lifted, and the Ruyi golden hoop rod in the wind was like a giant pillar. It smashed towards Wuyan.

At the same time, Sun Wukong sneered in his mouth and said, "Although I don't remember a lot of things, I don't know you clearly. You say you are a friend of Lao Sun? Want to lie to me?"

The huge Ruyi golden hoop stick fell like a giant pillar of optimism, and its power was extraordinary.

However, looking at the iron pillar that fell down, Wu Yan's look did not panic, and slowly raised his hand.

The magnetic king's ability was activated, and he directly controlled the iron pillar, making it impossible to fall.

"Your temper is much more irritable than I remember ..." Looking at the disagreement, he attacked Sun Wukong, Wu Yan controlled his iron rod, and shook his head at the same time.

According to the setting of the original book, Sun Wukong in front of him is just a ray of real thoughts of Sun Wukong, so his strength is not too strong.

When Ge Xiaolun in the original book exploded part of the power of the galaxy, it was enough to have a good relationship with him.

"You demon evil, the strength is very good", holding the Ruyi golden hoop stick, he couldn't smash it, Sun Wukong said, the stick was closed, and he jumped towards Wuyan.

Watching the iron rod fall towards himself like raindrops, Wu Yan lifted his palm, the Qingdi sword appeared in his hand, and the sword technique of Dugu Jiujian was cast.

The exquisite sword skill clicked towards the flaw of the iron rod attack.

If Sun Wukong's iron rod is like a heavy rain, then Wu Yan's Qingdi sword is like a bee in a heavy rain, flying smartly in the cracks of these heavy rains.


As long as the strength does not have the advantage of absolute crushing, in terms of melee combat, Wu Yan's lonely nine swords are almost invincible skills.

The stick came to the sword for a short while, and the Qingdi sword broke through the stick figure precisely, and placed it on Sun Wukong's chained golden armor, knocking it out.

Sun Wukong, who had no memory, was even more irritable. After being blown away, it shouted from his mouth under the anger. Immediately, Sun Wukong's figure flew towards Wuyan again.

However, his body fluttered in the air, but suddenly he split into hundreds of Sun Wukong's shadows, densely packed.

"Is Sun Wukong's avatar ability?" Looking at hundreds of Sun Wukong, Wu Yan's eyebrows were slightly raised, and then his hands were imprinted, and the ability of multiple shadow avatars was cast, which also turned into hundreds of avatars Appeared and greeted.

The battle between Wu Yan and Sun Wukong was originally a one-on-one battle, but at this time, it seemed to have become a scuffle between two armies. Hundreds of Wuyan and hundreds of Sun Wukong were fighting together. Ge Xiaolun and others were dumbfounded.

"Grass holding, this monkey is so powerful, can it actually become hundreds of people to work together? Is your mythical character so perverted?", Lena looked at hundreds of Sun Wukong, and there was no goddess fan in her mouth. .

No matter who is doing it with him, he will become a single person to hundreds of people, right? Is there anything more rogue than this?

Lena is the goddess of Lieyang Star. Although she is a goddess, although she has a little bit of secondary school, her education is still very good. However, these days when she came to the Super Theological College, she unknowingly behaved extremely badly. The influence of these college students.

The word "grassing grass" is her newly learned word. It feels as short as two words, and sometimes it can really express her mind very closely. It is not comparable to other words at all.

"Although Sun Wukong's abilities are great, Teacher Wu Yan also has similar abilities. It seems that he can't afford a little cheaper." Zhao Xin next to him looked at Wu Yan who was fighting with Sun Wukong and followed He said.

Before I gave you one-on-one guidance at the Super Theological Seminary, I saw the shadow avatar, but it was only dozens of shadow avatars, and it was not comparable to the hundreds at hand.

Crushing, facing Wu Yan, Sun Wukong is completely crushed. In terms of strength, it is just a separate Sun Wukong, which is not as good as Wu Yan.

In terms of fighting skills, although his iron rod is very skilled in waving, it is still slightly inferior to Wu Yan's Dugu Jiujian.

The supernatural powers of the avatars outside, but Wu Yan also has the ability of shadow avatars to fight against it, Sun Wukong's ability in all aspects seems to be crushed in all aspects.


Although it was a battle to defeat the Buddha, it was still a monster, after all the avatars were killed by Wu Yan, this also completely inspired the fierceness of Sun Wukong.

There was a fierce roar in his mouth, and I saw Sun Wukong's body rising in the wind, but in a moment it turned into a giant ape that was a hundred meters high, which was the magical power of the heavens and the earth.

"Is it bigger than it?" Looking at the magical powers of Sun Wukong's heaven and earth, Wu Yan's eyes were fixed slightly, and then the ability of heaven and earth was opened.

A golden statue with a height of 100 feet rises behind Wu Yan. The height of a hundred feet is more than 300 meters. The 100-meter-high celestial body appears a little small in front of Wu Yan's law.

The golden phase of the law looked down at Sun Wukong, then opened his hands and grabbed at Sun Wukong. Although he was struggling, Sun Wukong was still grabbed by Wu Yan and raised it directly.

"Awful power ...", everyone at the Super Theological Seminary was seriously staring at the battle between Wu Yan and Sun Wukong, feeling secretly in their hearts.

The strength shown by Sun Wukong is already very strong, but it is crushed by Wu Yan in all aspects. The ability shown by Wu Yan is even more shocking.

call out!

Sun Wukong, who was grasped by Wu Yan, suddenly reduced his size and turned into a falcon. He flew out of the fingers of the Fa phase, which is its magical power that changes like 72.

After escaping from the fingers of Wu Yan, Sun Wukong's figure turned into a streamer, flashed in the air, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Obviously, Wu Yan was crushed in all aspects of power. Sun Wukong knew that Wu Yan was not his opponent, so he chose to run away.

Watching Sun Wukong's body disappear in the sky, Wu Yan didn't mean to go after him.

Although he had a certain instinct for Sun Wukong, he lost his memory, and at this time his thinking was a bit disordered, and he approached him rashly, with unpredictable consequences.

"It feels like Sun Wukong's strength is strong, but compared to myths and legends, it seems that it is not enough." Watching Sun Wukong being beaten away by Wu Yan in this way, Ge Xiaolun said.

"No, its power is still very strong, it's just that my power is stronger." The Qing Emperor's sword was put away, and the Fa phase was also put away, Wu Yan said, shaking his head.

As soon as that was said, Wu Yan paused and said, "In addition, the one that was just Sun Wukong's divine thought just now is not the original power of Sun Wukong."

"So it is," listening to Wu Yan's explanation, everyone at the Super Theological College nodded and made it clear.

"By the way, look at your appearance, it seems like the original understanding of the monkey?" At this time, Lena next to him and asked Wu Yan, it can be regarded as the thoughts of other students of the Super Theological College.

"Become acquainted, I just learned the ability of the Fa phase, actually learned from Sun Wukong's body, and then improved on the original basis", groaned for a moment, Wu Yan nodded and admitted.

"Moreover, Xiao Meng's ability can swallow the power of the sun and the moon to improve herself. This ability is also taught by Sun Wukong."

"It turned out that the stinky monkey taught it!", Listening to Wu Yan's words, Lena thought that her own power of the sun could be swallowed up by Xiao Meng. It was very unpleasant, even with, for Sun Wukong The monkey's senses also became poor.

"So, can the real Sun Wukong be almost the master of their brothers and sisters? How strong should the real Sun Wukong be?"

Listening to Wu Yan's answer, he said that both of him and Xiaomeng's abilities were taught by Sun Wukong. The students of these theological colleges secretly marveled at the true strength of Sun Wukong.

Anyway, with the intervention of Wu Yan, the first actual combat of these students of the Super Theological Seminary was over, so to speak, from beginning to end ~ ~ these students did not do anything The opportunity was just an audience for a while, witnessing the battle between Wu Yan and Sun Wukong.

On the way back, the minds of these students couldn't help but flash through the battle between Wu Yan and Sun Wukong.

Mighty power, the three hundred meters high Fa phase, the exquisite sword skill, the ability of hundreds of clones ...

Previously, when discussing with Wu Yan, because of Ge Xiaolun's BUG ability, Wu Yan could not mobilize his energy at all, so the strength he showed was only unsatisfactory.

But today, after watching the battle between Wu Yan and Sun Wukong, these students deeply understand the power of Wu Yan.

Not only them, but even the headquarters of the Super Theological Seminary, images of the battle between Wu Yan and Sun Wukong are playing on the computer screen.

"It's hard to believe that such a powerful character suddenly appeared in the universe, but had no information before."

Dukao looked at the 300-meter-high French screen on the screen, as if it were a hill-like French image, and murmured in his mouth.

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