Plane Master Copy

Chapter 848: : The function of gloves

Whether it is a film or television drama, a novel, or even an anime, there is an unwritten rule called: blackening is ten times stronger, and white is weaker.

In short, if a character is blackened, it will become very powerful, but if an evil existence is washed away, its strength will drop a lot.

Fortunately, although the Scarlet Witch has been blackened, it has not been strengthened in some way. Therefore, in the face of the combined attacks of Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Ant-Man, Little Raccoon, and Hulk, the Scarlet Witch is also uncomfortable. .

Among them, Thor, Thor, Iron Man and Hulk are the main members of the attack.

After spending some time, finally, the Scarlet Witch couldn't resist the joint attack of these people, was knocked on the body by the axe of Thor's Storm Tomahawk, and flew out.

虽然 Although the strength of the crimson witch is strong, as long as it is a magician's profession, it is inevitable to attack high and low, unless the natural bloodline of Frost Giant bloodline like Rocky increases.

Therefore, after Thor's Thor successfully hit the Scarlet Witch, she was directly blown out and the Scarlet Witch landed on the ground. It seems that she has no fighting ability.

The rumbling rumbling sounded, and I saw the annihilation of the spaceship, which had taken off and fled towards the depths of the universe.

All the alien monsters that followed the extermination have all fled.

Looking at the leaving spaceship, Wu Yan's lips were slightly raised, hoping that the Kamora and the nebula on the spaceship could dominate the remaining power of the destroyer.

她们 As their daughter of extermination, it seems justified to continue to rule these forces.

她们 And their mentality has not been reversed by the power of the spiritual gem, which is also a blessing.

After the tyrant invasion was completed, these members of the Avengers gathered again to discuss what to do next.

Moreover, after this battle, the base of the Avengers was also destroyed, and the situation did get worse.

In addition, at this time, there has been a complete turmoil on the earth. Killing, robbery, betrayal and other things have emerged endlessly, and the entire earth has fallen into a terrible turmoil.

But again, many sinners become upright and kind ...

罪 The most sinful people in the world are, after all, a minority. Therefore, with the outbreak of the power of spiritual gems, the turmoil around the world is endless.

Although half of the population was resurrected because of the power of infinite gloves, this turmoil has led to many deaths.

For the past three days, a flash of light passed. During these three days, the Avengers and Wu Yan stayed together to discuss how to solve the situation at hand.

With the report on Friday, in the past three days, the turmoil on the earth, everyone has a clearer concept.

In a hospital, a patient had a cold and came to the hospital for treatment. However, the hospital required the patient to be hospitalized and gave a pricey medicine list.

In the words of the doctor, it is not necessary for the patient's illness to be cured so quickly. If it is cured early, shouldn't the hospital's income be greatly reduced?

So even a small cold can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

In the face of this high medical cost, the patient naturally strives for it, but it is just a cold. Why should it cost so much?

However, in the face of such a contradiction between doctors and patients, the hospital dealt with it and became familiar with it. Two tall and strong men appeared directly. The patient was taken away and then locked in a hall.

病人 Looking at this patient, there are hundreds of people locked up like him in the hall ...

On the other side, at the police station in New York, a police officer half-layed on a chair, with Erlang's legs raised high, and a sunflower seed.

Suddenly, a young woman rushed into the police station in a panic, seeking asylum.

It turned out that behind the woman, followed by two wretched men, apparently wanted to plot against this woman.

"Rest assured, miss, you are safe when you come to the police station ...", the policeman stood up, said in the words of righteousness, and glanced outside while talking.

The two insignificant men apparently did not dare to run into the police station, but resigned helplessly.

"Hello, thank you police officer ...", some disheveled women watched the wretched man leave, relieved, thank you.

"Hey, if you want to thank me, please come up with substantial benefits ...", but, looking at the woman's disheveled appearance, the police officer suddenly showed an evil smile.

During the conversation, the police officer screamed towards the woman.

On the other side, in a prison towering on the top of a snowy mountain, there are originally criminals of great crimes, each of whom is a great evil.

I am just, compared to the liveliness, in recent days, the prison has been extremely quiet.

The prisoners, one by one, were sitting side by side, whispering the teachings of Christianity in their mouths, and sincerely repented for their crimes.

Uh ...

Although it is only a short period of three days, for the earth on the Marvel Plane, the time when these three days of complete order collapsed, the entire earth seems to be reduced to a world of demons.

Killing and hatred are commonplace. On the contrary, goodness and justice are scarce and even out of place.

Although Wu Yan has been in the last days for several years, he has been accustomed to all kinds of darkness, but the people in the last days are dark because of selfishness.

But on this plane, many people do evil just for the sake of interest.

I was like Spider-Man. For fun, I could sit on Takahashi and use spider web bullets to attack motorcycle riders. Even if the car was destroyed, it was just fun.

"This, this world, has become like this, it's almost like the devil in the Bible description ..." These three days, for these people of the Avengers, naturally live like a year .

The so-called world is turbid and I am alone. This feeling of being incompatible with the surrounding world is unbearable.

Of course, in these three days, the purpose of everyone gathering together is to discuss how to change the situation of the entire world.

变化 The change in this world is the change caused by the explosion of the spiritual gems. Naturally, the best way is to use the power of infinite gems to reverse all this.

However, although the power of Infinite Gloves is strong, its role is also single, that is, killing.

Killing some people according to the rules you made may be the effect of revoking your fingers ...

For example, for the first time, the killing of the tyrant's finger set the life of the entire universe, and the randomness disappeared by half. The hulk's banging of the finger canceled the role of the killing of the finger.

Then, in the original book, Iron Man rang his finger, and he set that all the people who invaded the earth together with the destroyer ...

Therefore, the role of infinite gloves can only kill people if certain rules are established, or revoke previous instructions, and that's it.

Therefore, after studying the infinite gloves for a few days, Wu Yan understood the role of this big killer. Of course, he also understood that it is impossible to use infinite gloves to reverse the situation in this world.

Unless Wu Yan is set to be the villain of the world, all will disappear.

During these three days, while studying the Infinity Gloves, the members of the Avengers Alliance also realized that it is impossible to use the ability of the Infinity Gloves to ring their fingers and restore the situation of the world, so they can only go Think about something else.

"Hey, guys, what if we do the trick again?" Since Infinity Gloves were not used in this regard, he thought for a moment, and suddenly, Dr. Bruce Banner said.

In the form of Hulk, his height is almost three meters.

"The trick is reintroduced? Dr. Banner means, go to the other parallel universes and get a soul gem? Then, let one of the gems explode, and people's minds will flip again. The so-called negative is positive. ? ".

All the people present were not stupid. After hearing Bruce Banner's words, they realized the meaning of his words.

"It seems that this method is really good?".

Since it means there is no way to change all of this, it is indeed a good way to repeat the tricks ~ ~ at random, after Bruce Banner ’s words, the little raccoon and the next Captain America, Eyes were bright, nodding in agreement.

"No, this method is not possible ...", but, as their words fell, Tony Stark shook his head.

"Why?", Captain America looked at Tony Stark strangely, and wanted to hear his opinion.

"The mutation caused by the explosion of nuclear weapons and the effects of nuclear radiation on people is completely random. The first occurrence of a certain mutation does not mean that another nuclear radiation will have the same mutation." Tony Stark shook Shaking his head, he said.

The words he spoke made the faces of all the people in the audience look much darker.

Although he was unwilling to admit it, they also had to admit that Tony Stark's words did make some sense.

The appearance of the two previous spiritual gems is like a conflict between computer programs, causing one of them to explode, so the life of the entire universe is turned over.

However, if you take another one, no one knows what will happen, nor can you guarantee the same effect.

So, if you want to use this method to get negative, the possibility is very small, even less than one ten thousandth ...

"If this method is useless, how can there be any way to save all of this?", The raccoon murmured in a low voice, feeling despair in the words.

Talking about it, everyone else was speechless, everyone became silent ...

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