Plane Master Copy

Chapter 847: : Blackened Avengers

After crushing and casting the reincarnation eyes, the existence of several round tombs in Wuyan was completely unnoticed by others. Under the siege of these rounds of tombs, extermination was not an opponent at all.

At the same time, everyone was astonished.

For these appearance monsters, the power of annihilation is definitely a very powerful existence in the entire universe, but today, the annihilation master is actually crushed on a small earth?

Who is that sacred? Why has he never heard of him?

The same, the Avengers looked at this scene, and they were all dumbfounded.

These Avengers, only Tony and Captain America have roughly understood the power of Wu Yan before, but only through words. How strong Wu Yan is, they do not have a clear concept.

But now, it seems that Wu Yan did n’t move his fingers, but he overwhelmed the annihilation. Even Tony Stark and Captain America felt shocked, let alone other Avengers?


In the spotlight, the tyrant wearing armor was once again blown out by the invisible round of the tomb of the round tomb. The armor, which was already full of cracks, immediately collapsed with this blow, and turned into countless fragments. Come on.

I just said that the exterminated tyrant did not land on the ground this time. Instead, his body was suspended in the air.

之间 Vaguely, you can see the crimson energy meal around the tyrant's body.

The scarlet witch, wearing a big red trench coat, pedaling a pair of leather boots, walked straight out, raised her hands, her powerful power poured out, and it turned out that the tyrant could not fight.

Obviously, the power of the Scarlet Witch is above the annihilation.

"Hey, Wanda ...", looking at the crimson witch coming out, on the side of the Avengers, many people greeted with smiles on their faces.

Of course, the Iron Man next to them looked more or less warily at the scarlet witch's eyes.

I saw the changes of the Scarlet Witch in the video of Friday before, and her mind has been completely changed.

The scarlet witch, wearing a big red trench coat, pulled her sleeves high. She didn't answer the shouts of these Avengers, but her gaze was on the exterminator, with a cold look in her eyes: See you again, this time without infinite gems, your power is much weaker than I expected. "

"Who are you? I don't recognize you ...", the exterminator from other parallel universes, after a little struggling for the words of the Scarlet Witch, shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if you don't recognize me, as long as I can recognize your words." The Scarlet Witch didn't say much about the words of tyrants, and said calmly in her mouth.

During the conversation, the palm of the Scarlet Witch clenched tightly. With her movements, the powerful force was constantly squeezing towards the body of the tyrant.

Although the crimson witch has revived, her mind has been greatly changed, but she would not forget the incident that she died in the hands of Extermination.

So, after this resurrection, I saw the extermination again. Where can the Scarlet Witch stand? Get started.

Extermination without the infinite gem is not itself the opponent of the Scarlet Witch. Now it is injured under the attack of Wuyan's round tomb. Therefore, in the face of the power of the Scarlet Witch, it is not too much. Much resistance.

As the terrible force continued to collapse inward, the tyrant's mouth made a howling howl.

Now that the hands are on, the Scarlet Witch naturally won't keep her hands. The powerful force keeps squeezing the tyrant's body, because even the armor is broken by Wu Yan. The tyrant simply relies on the flesh and can't resist The power of the Scarlet Witch.

身体 In painful yelling, the body quickly became twisted, and finally, his neck was broken.

After the neck of the tyrant was broken, the Scarlet Witch loosened her palm and regained her strength.

Immediately, the corpse of Exterminator fell to the ground with a heavy weight, and it was apparently dead.

"Great, has Wanda become stronger after being resurrected?" Seeing that the Scarlet Witch directly twisted the tyrant's neck off the Avengers next to him, with a surprised look on his face, secretly Surprised.

In the beginning, the members of the Avengers joined forces, and they were not opponents of extermination. Now, even Wanda can kill extermination?

Wu Wuyan, a pair of lilac reincarnation eyes calmly looked at the crimson witch, unlike the other crimson witches in the parallel universe, at this time, her whole person felt differently.

Sure enough, after the annihilation was solved, the eyes of the Scarlet Witch glanced at all the Avengers present, saying: "At the beginning, everyone joined hands not to be the annihilation opponent, and now I have killed her So, from now on, you all have to listen to me, understand? "

In the mouth of the crimson witch, she declared her sovereignty loudly, apparently she wanted to have the power to command the entire Avengers alliance.

As soon as he said this, the Scarlet Witch gave a slight meal, and immediately set his eyes on Wu Yan, saying, "Your strength is also quite good. From now on, you will listen to me in the Avengers."

The strength of Wu Wuyan is enough to crush the tyrant, so the crimson witch means that Wu Yan can listen to his own order.

Naturally, this also means that Wu Yan's position in the Avengers is second only to himself.

"Hey, Wanda, this joke isn't funny at all ...", as Wanda's words came down, Tonys and others beside them all set their eyes on her and shook their heads.

The Avengers, although headed by Captain America and Tony Stark, had both sides of the civil war, in fact, whether it is Tony Stark or Captain America, they have no higher status.

The reason why they let others be willing to help themselves and stand on their side is because of their own personality charm.

However, like the Scarlet Witch, she directly asked others to submit to her. Such things, naturally, the other Avengers would not agree.

"Really? In this case, then, I can only do it and let you surrender ..." The Crimson Witch was not surprised at the answers of these Avengers, but just nodded gently.

As she talked, her hands were raised, and crimson energy flowed between her fingers.

She apparently has long been ready for the Iron Man's psychological refusal, so she is decisive.

"Because of the jewel of the soul, now the crimson witch Wanda has turned into a villainous boss?" Wu Yan didn't say anything, even though the crimson witch spoke at herself, Wu Yan was completely absent Answered, just watching quietly.

I saw that at this time, the Scarlet Witch shot at the other members of the Avengers, Wu Yan could not help but feel secretly.

Naturally, watching the crimson witches take action, these Avengers can't wait to die, one after another, and in time, a group of people fight together into a group.

The purpose of the Scarlet Witch is to defeat these Avengers, subject them to themselves, and then borrow the power of these Avengers to dominate the universe. Naturally, she also wants to borrow the power of Avengers. They wo n’t be aggressive against these other people.

Similarly, although Wanda has become like this because of the gem of the soul, in the hearts of the Avengers, she is still treated as a companion.

Therefore, before finding a way to restore her, the minds of the Avengers were to find a way to subdue Wanda before talking.

Therefore, they will not do anything to kill Wanda.

I watched these Avengers, and they fought with themselves. The alien monsters brought by Extermination looked at each other, and they didn't know what to choose for a while.

The annihilation master is already dead, so do you still quickly retreat and escape the planet?

After a moment of hesitation, these appearance monsters, without the **** of the tyrants, dared to stay, so they all retreated quickly like a tide.

Xu Wuyan glanced at the movements of these monsters and said nothing.

If these monsters continue to attack, Wu Yan will naturally not stand idly by, but if they retreat, Wu Yan has no intention of killing them ~ ~ I just watched these monsters in a horrified response. Go to the spaceship in midair and want to escape.

的 The annihilation with infinite gems is indeed able to slay the entire Avengers alliance. However, without the annihilation of infinite gems, the strength is not so powerful.

Although the strength of the Scarlet Witch is also very strong, at this time, almost half of the members of the Avengers Alliance at the same time joined forces to attack, the Scarlet Witch still looks a little tired of coping.

The battle between you and me didn't last long. Under the attack of Iron Man and them, the scarlet witch gradually became unsupported. Finally, she turned her attention to Wu Yan and said, "You must Do n’t want to control the world with me? ”.

"You don't know anything about my existence ..." Seeing that the crimson witch had arrived at this time, she actually wanted to pull herself to fight with her, Wu Yan shook her head slightly, naturally she ignored it.

At this time, Wu Yan's mind is all on the infinite gloves.

If it is possible, Wu Yan can't wait to leave now, find a place where no one is, and study the power of infinite gloves.

Although the infinity glove hits a finger, it will also cause a terrible burden on the body, but it is undeniable that the power of the infinite glove is very powerful, which is so powerful that it can be jealous of the emperor.

Moreover, the side effects of Infinite Gloves are at least much better than the side effects brought by the dead state of the eight doors.

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