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Chapter 837: : Stark 5 years ago was so scary?

Artificial intelligence Jarvis, although has his own thinking ability, even occasionally jokes with Tony Stark.

No matter what, Jarvis was still just an artificial intelligence program. Suddenly, two Tony Starks appeared in the Staco Building. This incident made Jarvis's program a little messy.

After all, two Tony Stark appeared at the same time, and Jarvis's program had no response at all.

Of course, after listening to Jarvis' words, Tony Stark was completely stupid.

Xu's face sank slightly, and Tony Stark immediately said, "Jarvis, now inject me the latest armor nano."

"Mr. Stark, although the manufacture of the Warframe is almost complete, there is no corresponding data evaluation ..." As Tony Stark's words came down, Jarvis's voice sounded, trying to persuade him, Or to stop him.

使用 If you use it directly without corresponding data evaluation, after all, there will be some potential risks.

"Relax, Jarvis, did you forget when Mark 2 was just created? Before we learn to walk, sometimes we can learn to run ...", persuaded by Jarvis, Tony Tower Ke insisted.

Tony is very clear that Jarvis of artificial intelligence is only to assist himself, and will never go against his will.

Sure enough, she suggested words of persuasion, and seeing that Tony was firm in his position, Jarvis would naturally say nothing more, and directly inject the latest nano-materials into the instruments of Tony Stark's chest.

Uh ...

On the other side, Tony Stark and Captain America are walking in the Starco Building, and they look familiar.

Whether it is Tony Stark or Captain America, he is naturally very familiar with everything in the Stark Building.

"Well, let's go to Jarvis's general control room ..." It is not a trivial matter for Jarvis to illegally steal other cameras and the like. Tony naturally has to do it seriously.

Jarvis's general control room, a glass door is tightly closed. Although it seems to be only a weak glass door, the glass material, even a bomb, cannot be opened.

There is a palmprint identification device on the glass door. Tony Stark walks directly over, and then puts his palm on the device.

The device scanned Tony Stark's palm print and opened it.

"Hey, wait a minute ..." However, as Tony and Captain America were about to enter, suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

When I heard this voice, Tony and Captain America were both in a stalemate and turned around.

A strangely shaped steel armor is standing behind the two, and immediately, the mask of this steel armor slides like water, revealing Tony Stark's face behind the mask.

"You? You just recognized it by palm print? Your magic trick is not easy ...".

Apparently, Tony Stark just saw a scene from the parallel universe that opened his door five years later, and looking at Tony in front of him, Stark naturally recognized him as his own, similar to the transformation of Rocky. means.

But his means are higher than that of Loki, and even these things can be exactly the same, even Jarvis can be deceived.

During the conversation, Tony Stark carefully looked at himself five years later, his frown frowning, and he was very unhappy, saying: "Sorry, I take back what you just praised you, your magic trick is not too much. Out of color, you become my appearance, than the actual, um, how to say? Older, I am not as old as you. "

I came from Tony five years later, and his face was a bit broken. Although I knew that what he said was true, Tony's spit out of his poisonous tongue made him look old. Naturally, Tony was unhappy.

Captain America next to him did not mean to intervene. Although he did not want to change history, but now that he had reached this point, he wanted to see what would happen between the two Tony Stark.

More importantly, Tony's poison tongue is recognized by the entire Avengers Alliance. I don't know what will happen if I confront myself.

Looking at his slightly younger self, Tony's face was a bit ugly.

Because history has changed, today, who should have been talking to Pepper outside, still stay in the Stark Building? I didn't think of that myself.

"Captain, it seems that we have to take a shot together. Let me stun me five years ago before I say ..." Although he had a poisonous tongue, he could face himself, but Tony didn't say so much. To the Captain America next to him.

Judging from his own words five years ago, he apparently regards himself as an enemy similar to Rocky, so when he starts, he will never show mercy.

However, I know that the other party is himself, and it is impossible for him to fight with his hands. Therefore, if he fights alone, he cannot be his opponent five years ago. Tony is very clear.

Of course, he would not admit that it was because of himself five years later that his physical fitness had declined.

"Okay, understand ...", listening to Tony's words, Captain America could understand what he meant, and nodded solemnly.

It ’s just that Captain America's heart is a little hesitant, and instead of rushing to take the shot, he whispered to Tony next to him and asked, "Are you sure, if you and I join forces, we will definitely beat you five years ago I look at his Warframe, something is wrong. "

"Rest assured, it should be some changes in history that have caused some changes in my armor, but there is absolutely no problem if you and I join forces."

Of course, Tony can also see himself five years ago. He has never made that armor, but Tony still has sufficient confidence in himself.

In any case, in five years later, in the development of Warframe, I should be stronger than myself five years ago, right?

After all, after five years of extinction, the research and development of steel armor has not stopped.

With a plan in mind, Tony and Captain America both shot at the same time. The steel armor fist and Captain America's shield were all smashed hard towards Stark.

"Hmm ..." Watching the two mysterious intruders, he took the initiative to attack himself, Stark snorted in his heart.

Naturally, he wouldn't be softened, took a deep breath, the gold alloyed hands on the armor clenched his fists, and smashed into the captain's shield and his own armor five years ago.

The rumbling boom may be due to the technology of permission, which has greatly increased the performance of Tony's steel armor, or because of a pair of fist made of vibrating gold alloy, which has the effect of increasing the attack power.

In short, under the blow of a hard fist, two of Tony and Captain America from five years later, were both directly under Stark's fist, and flew out.

Wu Zhenfei's two people slammed on the wall fiercely, so that two deep and long cracks appeared on the wall.

Although Captain America is an enhanced super soldier, he still feels a little sore all over, as if he has fallen apart, and at the same time, stares at Stark five years later, his eyes fall on the fist of the steel armor .

His shield was made by Zhenjin, which claims to be able to withstand all attacks. Even Thor's Quake can be stopped.

But, Tony five years ago, his steel armor had such terrible power?

"It's impossible, I couldn't have such a left armour five years ago ...", under this punch, Tony's armor suffered a terrible damage, which also made him feel incredible.

Has the change in history made yourself so powerful five years ago?

I don't know if I should be happy or sad.

"Who the **** are you !?" Although he punched both of them at the same time and flew out, Stark realized that something was wrong with Captain America's shield and Tony's steel armor. .

Although Stark questioned the identity of the two reflectively, he didn't believe it, but whether it was the shield in Captain America's hand or Tony's steel armor, Stark could see it and the original product. No big difference.

What do people look like ~ ~ even weapons have the same ability? Isn't this so-called magic trick justified?

"Why is his armor so much stronger than mine on Friday?"

Hearing the report of artificial intelligence, in one punch, his armor nano lost one tenth, which made Tony dignified and asked in a low voice.

"Sir, his steel armor uses some completely unknown techniques, and the material on his pair of fists, which combines the attributes of Zhenjin, can greatly increase the power of attack ...", Tony's steel armor scan After looking at my own armor five years ago, I reached the corresponding conclusion.

"Zhen Jin's attributes, but also can greatly increase the attack power? Is it the piece of metal?" Tony was secretly surprised to hear Friday's explanation.

Your collection does have such a piece of metal, but there is no way to forge and change it.

I did not expect that five years ago, I found a way to use this material?

"It seems that you are not willing to cooperate obediently. If this is the case, then I will subdue you well and say ...".

Stark's eyes fell on Captain America and himself five years later, and he said.

As he spoke, Stark rushed towards them.

The brand-new steel armor, such as the arm commander, hit the two in the past and raised their hands. This brand-new steel armor is enough to smash the power of the building, which is even more violent than the Hulk ...

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