Plane Master Copy

Chapter 836: : Visitors of Shuttle Time

Stark Building, Tony Stark is transforming his new generation of armors with the help of artificial intelligence Jarvis.

The armor equipment given by Wu Wuyan really has great help for Tony.

Tony is very much looking forward to the new warframe he made by combining his steel armor and the armor technology given by Wu Yan, the strength will be improved a lot, even, Tony has the confidence to compare with Hulk.

After joining the Avengers, Tony rarely asked about Stark's management, mainly by his girlfriend Pepper.

As the helm of Stark Industries, Pepper can be said to be a miracle. Therefore, watching these days, Tony is studying new steel armor. Pepper did not come to disturb, but in Sri Lanka. Tucker is busy with his business.

Just, beside the Stark Building, suddenly, the space was twisted, and then two figures emerged from the void.

If Wu Yan is here, I can definitely recognize that these two people are Tony Stark and Captain Steve Rogers.

It's just, it's amazing that inside the Stark Building, Tony is studying the latest steel armor, but there is another Tony Stark near this Stark Building.

"It's not right, Tony, our time seems to jump out of some problems ...".

After appeared, Captain America pointed to a multimedia display on the street not far away. The news reported above was not the most important thing. The most important thing was the time displayed on the display.

With the prompt from Captain America, Tony Stark apparently noticed the time information on the display, with a surprised look on his face, and whispered in his mouth, "Impossible? I designed the space-time jumping instrument It stands to reason that there will be no problem, but this is only a short period of five years? ".

等等 "Wait, from this time point of view, today is the day when tyrants come to earth. This day, I should have been with Pepper but was called away by that mage and Bruce ..."

After being surprised by the mistakes made in traveling through time and space, Tony Stark looked at the time shown above and then reacted.

Tony remembers today's day very clearly, originally dreaming by himself, dreaming of having a daughter with Pepper, called Morgan.

五年 And five years later, I did have a daughter named Morgan. Today, it is time to talk to Pepper about this very real dream.

"Anyway, the space-time traversal was successful, but there was an error in time. What do we do next? Our remaining Pem particles are just enough to go back to," Captain America sighed helplessly, Tony Stark asked.

"Well, Pim particles? According to Mr. Lang, five years later, his Pym particles are really few, but at this time, at least the killing of the tyrant has not started, that is to say, Mr. Lang and Pim Sir, they are all there. As long as we find them, maybe we can steal some particles ... "After a moment of groaning, Tony Stark had a solution and said.

"Well, this is indeed a way, and this is the only way to add new Pim particles, but we have made a mistake on our side, and we do not know what happened to the others".

Although nodded, he agreed with Tony Stark's approach, but in the end, Captain America sighed again and said with some concern.

This word makes Tony's face look very bad, I do not know how to answer.

I have obviously made a successful space-time transit device, and it is logically impossible to make a mistake, but it has made an error, which makes Tony, a conceited, difficult to accept.

What's more difficult to accept is that I have no idea what caused the error.

唉 "Wait, wait, Tony, where are we going now? We don't know where Mr. Pim is, are they?" Followed Tony forward, Captain America asked Tony again.

"Don't underestimate me. I'm outside with Pepper today, so Stark Building is empty. Let's go in and let us search for Dr. Pimm for their location on Friday ...", Tony Tower Ke explained.

I am sure that there is no one in the Starco Building today, and it is of course helpless to go in by myself, and the new artificial intelligence cannot stop himself on Friday.

I have the power of my own artificial intelligence to search. As long as I am willing, cameras from all over the world can become my eyes. It is still easy to find a few people.

Sure enough, the Stark Building has always been controlled by artificial intelligence. After Tony Stark and Captain America came over, the door of the building opened directly.

At the same time, the voice of the familiar artificial intelligence also rang: "Welcome, Mr. Stark, Captain ...".

"Well, Jarvis, I have a new task for you. I need you to connect to the Internet and get permission to the camera, whether it is a monitoring device, mobile phone, laptop, or ...".

I heard a familiar voice, Tony Stark nodded, and quickly set the task.

I just hadn't finished the words. Suddenly, Tony Stark's footsteps stopped, and a shocked expression slowly appeared on his face.

"Tony, what's wrong?", Watching Tony's abnormal performance, Captain America looked around in amazement.

Strange, this is indeed the Starco Building, which is no different from five years ago. What's wrong with him?

"It's impossible ...", just, Tony Stark did not reply to Captain America's words, but with a shocked expression on his face, he said incredibly: "Five years ago, my artificial intelligence was not Friday. Why? It's still Jarvis now !? ".

"Yes!", Captain America's expression could not help but change after hearing Tony Stark's words, he reacted.

的 The psychic gem in Rocky's scepter that year created illusion, and Ultron created Jarvis and devoured it.

奥 Since the disaster of Ultron has passed, Tony has developed a new artificial intelligence called Friday.

From a time perspective, the artificial intelligence of the Stark Building has long been replaced by Friday? But why is it still Jarvis?

"Jarvis, are you still there? Wasn't you swallowed up and became part of Ultron?"

I found that the situation five years ago was wrong with the situation in my memory. Tony Stark didn't talk nonsense and asked directly.

"Mr. Stark, I don't know what you're talking about, who is Ultron?" As Tony Stark's words fell, Jarvis's voice sounded, and he asked strangely.

"What's wrong with history? Will it be Bruce's time that they traveled a bit earlier, so that changed the history?" I also realized that the current history is completely different from the memory, and Captain America's face could not help changing Changed, said Tony.

The crossing on my own side is wrong. Maybe someone else is right? In other words, the time they passed is even more advanced.

Although I have long been told that everyone must not influence history, but it still seems to have failed?

Otherwise, how can we explain this historical change?

"It seems that this is the only explanation, abominable, historical changes will lead to the emergence of a new tributary of time ...", Tony's face became hard to read.

A new tributary of time is a new and unknown history, which is by no means a good thing.

"Forget it, let's ignore this first, let's find someone first and add pim particles before making a plan", shook his head, these problems are very brain-burning, Tony thinks he should first find a way to add pim particles before talking.

With the addition of Pim particles, I can continue to travel through time and space, and it is possible to get history back on track.

Uh ...

"Well, yes, next, as long as you add a new color to the armor, even if it is completely completed." In the research room of the Staco Building, Tony looked at the latest armor developed by himself, his face was full of Satisfied look.

After having a brand new method of armor technology, Tony knew that this was the biggest improvement of his steel armor. Tony even had confidence and Hulk to fight once without losing the wind.

"Sir, the data of this steel armor is very amazing after testing, but now I feel a bit confused ~ ~ As Tony's research on steel armor comes to an end, Javie next to Si sounded loudly.

"Oh? Is there something wrong with your program?", Listening to Jarvis, Tony picked up a towel next to him and wiped his face, asking casually.

"It seems that, at this time, two people have entered the Stark Building", Jarvis's voice sounded, very humanistic and slightly hesitant.

哦 "Oh? Who came in?" Tony Stark frowned slightly at Jarvis's words.

I can enter the Stark Building without having to pass by myself. It seems that only Pepper is there?

In addition to her, even if other members of the Avengers come, Jarvis will inform himself in advance.

"One of them is the captain," Jarvis's voice sounded.

"Rogers?" And heard Captain America coming, Tony's face sank.

Because of the civil war, Tony and Captain America are still in the Cold War.

"Who is the other one? Pepper?", Frowning, Tony asked.

"No, the other person is yourself ...", Jarvis's answer made a completely different answer.

"Me, myself?" Tony Stark froze at the glare.

"Yes, there is another Mr. Stark, so I feel a bit confused in my mind, Mr. Stark".

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