Plane Master Copy

Chapter 818: : To the Imperial City

The vortex of time and space, a spin, made Wu Yan's brain slightly faint. When Wu Yan returned to God, he found that he had returned to the real world.

This is a relatively remote place outside Chang City. As Wu Yan came through time and space, I can see that a woman is sitting here quietly, obviously waiting for Wu Yan to return.

Who else is Xiao Meng?

"Brother, you're back ...", waiting for Xiao Meng, watching the vortex of time and space, with a bright smile on her face, trotting over, like a swallow, she fell into Wu Yan's arms, Hold Wu Yan tightly.

Although in the real world, Wu Yan's departure is only 24 hours away, but in Xiao Meng's view, it has disappeared in one day, as if it were three autumns.

"Well, Xiao Meng, it's hard for you", gently raised his hand, holding Xiao Meng in his arms, Wu Yan's complexion also became very soft, and gently stroked the long hair behind Xiao Meng.

Although Xiao Meng didn't say anything, however, she quietly waited for herself where she would return, and was also guarding herself. Wu Yan could naturally feel this silent effort.

"No hard work, I'm happy to wait for you," Xiao Meng's face filled with a contented smile and nodded silently.

"Okay, let's go back", because of the relationship between himself and Xiao Meng, there really is no need to say any more words of gratitude. He patted Xiao Meng's back, Wu Yan said.

Immediately raised his hand, the space channel opened, and when it appeared again, Wu Yan had already returned to the side of the Dalongshan base.

The resumption work in Jinchang City is almost to an end, and the Dalongshan Base, as a transit station for Titan City and Hero City, is still very lively at this time.

When I returned to Dalongshan, Pei Yufeng and Zhao Lei were both waiting at Dalongshan.

After all, I have known each other for so long. Although Wu Yan didn't say it clearly, but every time, Wu Yan disappears for one day. In this matter, Pei Yufeng and Zhao Lei didn't bother.

Of course, in the last days, people have their hearts back, and everyone has their own secrets, and they will never talk about it.

Just looking at Wu Yan, Pei Yufeng and Zhao Lei who appeared again after a day of disappearance, there was a look of surprise in the bottom of his eyes.

He was obviously surprised by the changes in Wuyan crystal points.

Last time, when Wu Yan returned, the number of crystal points suddenly dropped to only a few hundred points. He was seriously injured and was surprising.

一天 After disappearing for a day this time, the number of more than 1,000 crystal points has risen to more than 4,000.

"Wu Yan, your injury has recovered a lot." Looking at Wu Yan's face, he had lost the feeling of weakness before, and the number of crystal points had recovered to more than 4,000. Zhao Lei said, his face with Happy, also happy for Wu Yan.

"Well, the injury has probably recovered about 70%." For Zhao Lei, Wu Yan also nodded, his face with satisfaction.

If it was n’t forcibly opening the eight-door armor, twice before opening the Uchiha waterstop kaleidoscope, and the reincarnation eye that had just opened the Uchiha spot, causing your load to be greater, it is estimated that the current injury has recovered It's ninety.

For Wu Yan, although crossing the one-punch superman plane and spent more than half a year, the real world is only one day. Therefore, the real world has not changed much, similar to when he left.

The biggest thing is naturally the recovery work in Changshi. At this time, the end is coming. A large number of awakeners are sweeping in Changshi, clearing the zombies of the fish that leaked the net, and strengthening the fortifications of Changshi. Injury over here.

In the last days, almost 90% of the population was reduced to zombies, not only in Changshi, but also in the wild.

As the crowd gathered, the zombies naturally sensed the existence of the crowd, and they were attracted unconsciously and approached towards the gathering place.

After a few chats with Pei Yufeng, they had a general understanding of the survivor base. Wu Yan groaned for a moment and did not tell the news of the spacecraft, let alone the spaceship. Meaning of release.

With this spaceship, Wu Yan is going to take it with him to cross the heavens and the world, so it does not mean to put it in the real world.

After pondering for a while, Wu Yan felt that the spaceship could always be stored in the small world he opened up. As for the connection with the real world, he could build a dimension door to link with the spaceship in the small world, and did not need to be released directly. come out.

The things inside the base were mainly handed over to Pei Yufeng and Zhao Lei, and Wu Yan's was more at ease.

联 The two of them are working together to deal with the matter in Changshi in an orderly manner. Wuyan didn't waste his thoughts on this trivial matter, just listen to them report to themselves.

After chatting a few words, Zhao Lei and the two also had many things to be responsible for scheduling and commanding, so they didn't stay long before turning around and leaving.

What about Wuyan? Then a space portal was constructed, which connected the space of the spaceship, and entered with Xiaomeng.

The spaceship is almost like a small city. This scene fell into Xiao Meng's eyes. Even with her heart, her face couldn't help but look surprised.

Naturally, Wu Yan also came out with Dr. Kenos and looked at the scene outside.

"Boss, are we here on a different planet? The people here are exactly the same as ours, but this world is much more terrible than our original world ...", behind Wu Yan After seeing this eschatological scene in the real world, Dr. Kenos's face looked startled.

Originally, the one-man punch plane was already very dangerous, and there were powerful weirdoes at all times, even the emergence of natural disasters that threatened the survival of human beings. It was precisely because of the fragility of human life that only Dr. Kenos had My own research wants to make humans evolve again.

However, after walking behind Wu Yan for a few days and seeing several survivor bases, even those terrible zombies and evolutionary beasts in the wild, Dr. Kenos found that this world is far more dangerous than his original world.

In any case, in the original world, the existence of human beings is the protagonist on earth.

But this world is different. From the perspective of living space, it seems that these walking dead zombies are the true masters of this world. Very few human beings, the living space is oppressed and can only form large and small. The survivor base, come to warm up.

"No, this is also the earth, but it is not the same as the earth where you are ..." Wu Yan shook his head and said to Dr. Kenos.

Since Dr. Kenos has been brought back, naturally, Wu Yan will not hide some things, and sometimes, if he wants to hide it, he cannot hide it.

"Is it? Is it a parallel universe? We are not in interstellar navigation, but we have come to a parallel universe?" Wu Yan said, Dr. Kenos opened his eyes wide and said in surprise.

Traveling through parallel universes, this technology seems to be more difficult than pure space navigation.

"It's almost what it means", nodded, Wu Yan also agreed with Dr. Kenos's point of view.

The various realms of the heavens and heavens, for Wu Yan, are indeed somewhat similar to the concept of parallel universes.

"Wait, boss, did you just say, 'The earth where you are?' Could it be, you ...", surprised by the existence of the parallel universe, immediately, Dr. Kenus looked at Wu Yan in surprise, apparently, Just now Wu Yan's wording got Dr. Kenos's careful attention.

不错 "Yes, I and you are not from the same earth. This is my hometown." Seeing that Dr. Kenos noticed his words, Wu Yan nodded.

"Okay, this is really a shocking thing. It turns out, boss, you can cross other parallel universes." Shocked. After learning the truth, Dr. Kenos felt shocked, but at the same time, he felt grateful. .

Being able to follow Wu Yan through other parallel universes has greatly opened up my horizons. It seems that following Wu Yan is the most correct choice in my life?

"Next, you can collect the genes of evolutionary beasts and zombies in this world ~ ~ Good research, I only need one point, that is to mass-produce monsters of order four or more. Nothing better ... ".

He walked with Dr. Kenos for three days in the real world, and he also knew many common sense issues in this world. Therefore, Wu Yan assigned a new task to Dr. Kenos.

好的 "Okay, I see, boss ...", nodded, and Dr. Kenoth's face looked surprised.

Whether it is a zombie or a strange evolutionary beast, it is an important research material for Dr. Kenos. In this universe, it seems that he can flex his muscles.

Arranged the task of Dr. Kenos well, let him work to cultivate new monsters, and after getting on track, Wu Yan asked about Changshi's work again.

The work of removing the zombies came to an end. Next, it seems that it can be put into the reconstruction of Changshi.

A city that is large enough to accommodate millions of people before the end of the world, Wu Yan feels that all survivors of the Dalongshan base, Titan City and Hero City can gather to form a brand new Chang city.

I have a big city as a base. Perhaps if more and more survivors come to visit, Changshi will one day become a metropolis with a million people.

"Well, everything that should be arranged is almost arranged. It is also time for me to go over to the capital, and I can't rest assured that I don't know the condition of the capital myself."

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