Plane Master Copy

Chapter 817: :return

"In the next days, you will take good care of all the things that the entire laboratory can use, and pack them all into the spaceship. There is nothing important, don't disturb me ..." Wu Yan's mouth gently Panting, meanwhile, said pale to Dr. Kenos.

I only have more than half a month to return, and before that, I have to build a space that is enough to put all the spaceships in, which is not easy.

"Okay, I understand, boss ...", looking at Wu Yan's serious face, Dr. Kenos nodded, knowing that Wu Yan had something very important to do, and he did not dare to disturb him casually.

However, looking at Wu Yan's pale face again, Dr. Kenos hesitated for a moment, and then he asked: "Boss, it seems that your face is very bad. Is your injury worse? ? ".

"It's okay, little problem ...", he waved his hand, Wu Yan didn't explain much, and then turned and left.

Yes, Wu Yan's injury situation has become more serious.

Although his injury recovered almost 70%, but in order to open the reincarnation eye and cut out the blood of Uchiha's water stop, Wu Yan forcibly opened the power of the eight door armors, and once again broke through the 10,000 mark. This will enable the ability to cut.

Although it has not been maintained for a long time, under the condition that the injury has not healed, strong action has brought great load to the body with the eight-door sacral armor. Therefore, Wuyan's injury has been a little worse.

However, for Wu Yan, forcibly opening the reincarnation eye and being able to make Poros into his own six magpies is still worthwhile for Wu Yan. Therefore, even if Wu Yan knew that he would make himself hurt It becomes more serious and can be harvested, making Wu Yan willing to pay this price.

However, the ability of reincarnation is not as powerful as I imagined, and it is impossible to control the pineapple with more than 100,000 crystal points, which is somewhat unexpected.

I glanced at myself. The number of 4200 crystal points had dropped to 3700, which also showed that his injury had become more serious.

Judging from the display of the number of crystal points, it took me almost one month to recover completely.

There is no nonsense. Fortunately, space magic is a spiritual ability and does not cause too much load on the body. Therefore, Wu Yan stayed at the Evolution House in the following days, and all his thoughts fell on the architecture of space.

Storage space, this is a means that the magicians of the Marvel Plane can use, whether it is Dr. Strange used to store time gems, or Rocky used to store his weapons and space gems, etc., can be seen.

However, the ordinary storage space does not need to be too big, but, like Wuyan, it needs to be huge enough to load a city-sized spaceship into it, which is a vast project.

If it ’s just simple magic knowledge, Wu Yan wants to build a huge space to store the spacecraft, and it is definitely too late in time.

Fortunately, Wu Yan's ability to copy from the apocalypse has the ability of space, and even the teleporter of the nightwalker is also the ability of space. Therefore, the ability of the mutant of space to cooperate with the power of space magic provides Wu Yan Certain possibilities.

The next day, the day after day, the alien invasion naturally caused the world to shake it, not to mention the entire city A was almost destroyed.

All people are not stupid. Since aliens can come, even cross the interstellar, obviously have the means of interstellar navigation, which is much higher than the scientific and technological means of the earth people, will the earth people be alienated? All the stars are gone? Or even slavery by aliens?

This is a matter of life and death for all human beings, and naturally it makes the world shake it.

However, soon, everyone was relieved, because the crisis of aliens was resolved in the first place.

The people of the League of Legends, especially the SS-class hero Saitama, fought alone and killed the leader of the aliens directly. This matter was successfully witnessed by the countless people of the League of Legends.

save the world! For people around the world, Saitama's move has completely saved the entire world.

Therefore, no one dare to question the identity of his SS-class hero. Even, because Saitama defeated the alien leader, he has become a hero of all humans on earth, a true hero!

Wu Yan naturally did not know about the one-punch superhuman plane, but Saitama ’s popularity has skyrocketed day after day, and Wu Yan is also unclear. At this time, he was all devoted to the work of space development.

I saw Wu Yan sitting cross-legged, and the magic surged. In front of him, the pendant of the soul floated slightly, and the gems of the mind bloomed brightly. In front of Wu Yan, the space was crazily twisted, as if boiling. .

The power of spiritual gems provides assistance. Combined with the power of mutants and the power of space magic, Wu Yan opens up the existence of alien space.

Although this is not particularly difficult for Wuyan, the project is huge, but it takes a lot of time.

It's like putting 10,000 dominoes. Although it is not difficult to work, but if you want to put 10,000 dominoes in place, it will take a lot of time.

For Wu Yan now, what he lacks most is time.

"Hey, if I knew this, I shouldn't have been lying down like a salty fish for the past six months. I should have opened up the space early. It was more than half a year ...", shook his head, and finally half The tight time of the month, before comparing the salty fish-like life, let Wu Yan helplessly sigh.

Time passed, one minute and one second passed. In recent days, several disciples of the undocumented knight have also called Wu Yan, saying that they have not seen him for some days.

Wu Yan, but Wu Yan didn't have time to meet them. He only said that he would get together with them after a few days.

Wu Wuyan also took his time, and said goodbye to the undocumented knights before returning, and by the way copied the undocumented knight's healing skills.

Of course, after a few days, the optimized monsters made with dragon blood have been cultivated, but Wu Yan still has no time to watch them carefully, but just verbally asked about the crystal points of that monster.

Wu reached a level of 6800, which made Wu Yan nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, the days passed by a minute and a second. Finally, when the computer graphics in Wu Yan's palm were almost completely sketched out, Wu Yan was busily sleeping and eating for more than half a month.

After a bit of experimentation, it happened that the spacecraft could be loaded into it, and even this open space could be filled with living things, which made Wu Yan nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, from now on, this is the fortress where I walked across the heavens and earth, with these aliens as staff, and then let Dr. Kenos cultivate a group of powerful monsters, whether in the real world or in the army In other planes, I have a powerful force of my own. "

After decadent sleep and forgetfulness, he was busy for more than half a month and finally succeeded. Wu Yan's face had a thick smile.

I have been so tired for so long that even my injuries have become more serious. For Wu Yan, the cost is still high.

However, this harvest has made Wu Yan very satisfied, and he has more hopes for the future.

Of course, now is not the time to feel these feelings. After the work is completed, look at the computer graphics on your palm, almost completely sketched, Wu Yan did not dare to waste time, and hurriedly found three undocumented knights, and even I called Saitama together and held a banquet.

During the period, Wu Yan also told them that he wanted to leave the earth, naturally they let the undocumented knights reluctantly.

Parting soon, the atmosphere of the banquet, although lively, was slightly heavy.

"Wu Yan, are you leaving the earth? Is there a lot of powerful opponents in the universe?" Wu Yan got the Poros spaceship. Saitama knew that when he heard he was leaving, Saitama ’s eyes lightened slightly. , Curiously asked Wu Yan.

"Hey, Poros's strength is almost top-notch in the universe. You want to go to the universe to find a powerful opponent, which is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack." What does Saitama mean? Wu Yan can also guess, And shook his head.

Qiu Wuyan's answer made Saitama's face disappointed, so I won't say more.

Admittedly, as in Wu Yan's previous calculations, is it impossible for him in this life to find an opponent that can bring him the thrill of battle?

After Xu and Saitama chatted a few words, Wu Yan naturally said goodbye to several of them without a license.

During the period ~ ~ Wu Yan found an excuse to have physical contact with the undocumented knight.

Ding Ding, discover removable storage!

With the contact of the limbs, the prompt on the computer page arrived as expected, and then Wu Yan directly left the D drive of the undocumented knight.

Sure enough, the ability to heal immortals appeared in front of Wu Yan. In addition, the capacity of this skill file has also increased a lot, reaching a capacity of 10G, which shows that this skill, the undocumented knight is very skilled.

After the banquet was over, Wu Yan thought about it and found the manager of the supermarket. After chatting with him for a few moments, he transferred the supermarket directly to him.

Back at the site of the Evolution House, I do n’t know how long it will take to return. Wu Yan thought about it and revealed his lilac reincarnation eye. After more than half a month, he finally had time to master the reincarnation eye. Ability.

The reincarnation is a natural technique, which is a ninjutsu that can resurrect the dead.

The gaolen tomb is in prison, which can create several powerful shadows that are invisible to others.

Even the sky obstructing star of Uchiha's kaleidoscope pupil technique, these capabilities are very powerful.

Take advantage of this opportunity, of course, to be good at it.

It ’s just that it does n’t wait for Wu Yan to exert the power of the reincarnation eye, and the palm slightly heats up. Immediately, the computer pattern collapses and turns into a spiral starlight. Wu Yan has completely absorbed it and left the one-man punch.

:. :

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