“Roger… I, afraid of him…”

After the heart was removed, Bach reluctantly said, after which his body fell vertically, lying off the deck of the ship, unable to stand up again.

And Accardo suddenly squeezed the heart in his hand a second after this.

In an instant, blood burst out, and a considerable part of the flesh and blood spilled on Accardo’s face, and when Accardo put his head on his face, Baked’s blood struck, suddenly, the voice of the immortal system sounded in his mind.

[Defeat the enemy: Hart Bach

Degree of capacity development

Mature vampire body: 30%.

Bat Shadow: 110%.

Weapons Gasir: 70%.

Black light virus LV1: 80%].

At present, these three things are the needs of Accardo’s ability development, of which the development degree of bat shadow has exceeded 100%, that is, this ability can be evolved.

Accardo just thought about it in his mind, and when he sent it, the bat shadow began to evolve, like a skill tree, extending new abilities.

“Morphological changes, latent shadows

Skill description: You can change your body form and complete dodging, attacking and other actions by turning into a shadow. ”

At the same time as the latent awakening, the development degree changed back to 10%.


However, Accardo did not awaken because of the new ability, he once again knew the world, such an era.

He recalled a sentence that the golden lion said in the original book, only Whitebeard and Roger were eligible for his approval, and the others were all waste that did not deserve to be called “pirates”.

Today, however, Accardo understands the meaning of the golden lion’s words.

In this era, the reward of 35 million, even in the first half of the great voyage, is enough to dominate the side of the strong figure, but because of a Roger, they are scared to run back to the four seas and are willing to be the overlords in a small place.

The sadness of the times, the extremely boring times, the pirates are all waste.

Roger wants to kick off the era of sea thieves, Accardo understands a lot, yes, this era should be more crazy.


Accardo walked to the ship’s lever, he knew nothing about sailing, but he was confident that he could not solve the sea king class without him.

Now let the ship drift at will, the four seas are not as weird and varied weather changes as the great route, and Accardo, who has lived on an isolated island for ten years, can also judge the weather conditions before, although it is not as powerful as professional navigators, but it is still completely enough in the four seas with normal weather.

A few days later, Accardo’s boat drifted into a new area of water, and also within the confines of a town, where some fishing boats could be seen around.

Frevans, known as the “White Town” in the country, is as white as a fairy tale.

“Sea, pirate ship!”

Seeing a ship that had never been seen before slowly heading towards the pier, and then shifting his gaze to the skeleton flag above, fishermen immediately shouted out in horror, no matter what era, pirates are feared by residents.

Two fishing boats in a row saw the flag on the Britz Pirates.

“Bring the phone worm! Immediately notify the people in the town, hurry up and call the navy over! An old fisherman hurriedly called his apprentice and asked him to take a phone bug so that he could contact the navy for early dispatch.

“Hey! Navy? We saw a pirate ship in the sea, yes, yes, he headed for the west pier of the town, and at that speed, he would reach the shore in less than half an hour. The old fisherman said while pulling the lever of his fishing boat hard, trying his best to stay away from the pirate ship.

“What’s the sign of that pirate ship?” On the other end of the phone worm, someone from the Navy asked.

The old fisherman took a closer look at the characteristics of the pirate flag and said: “The skull, the two bones behind it seem to be two guns, the kind that is as long as we fish. The gun is very similar to the kind. ”

Two skeletons in the back replaced with guns?

As soon as the communicator heard this, he immediately remembered a person, a pirate with a top bounty degree in the North Sea, a pirate who was good at a big gun, Hart Bach, and his bounty was the highest level of existence in the North Sea.

“Gather the people at once! Inform Colonel Julius! There’s something big! The communicator hung up the phone worm and quickly passed the message.

When I heard that it was the ship of the Bahd Pirates, the navy, which was still in low spirits, suddenly came to God, and it seemed that it would be a vicious battle.


Twenty minutes later, more than two hundred naval officers had assembled at the western pier of Frevans, the cannons were ready on the pier, and in five minutes a pirate ship slowly entered the sight of everyone.

A juncao picked up the binoculars and looked at it, found the pirate flag flying on it, and exclaimed: “That’s right, it’s the Bahd pirate group, the captain is a reward of 35 million, and lost to Gor· two months ago.” After D. Roger, the sea pirate who withdrew from the Great Route back to the North Sea! ”

Julius, one of the highest heads of the navy here, heard this, his expression was solemn, and he raised his hand: “Cannon ready!” When the ship comes into firing range, it fires! ”

PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluations

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