
Accardo’s bones were beaten and clicked, there is no doubt that the sea thief with a reward of 35 million is indeed not in vain, but just now, when Accardo was asking, he saw hesitation and timidity in Bach’s eyes, why, why would a pirate with such a high reward show such an expression, which made him very interested.


Suddenly, a gunshot sounded, and blood flowed out on the right side of Bached’s face, and I saw that Accardo didn’t know when, there was already another gun in his hand, a large white gun, and an ordinary pistol of completely different materials.


Someone exclaimed, just wanted to come up to help, Accardo suddenly shook Bached’s body, rotated his body, and continuously strafed the people around him.

Bang bang!

Continuous gunshots continued, one pirate after another fell, and Bachid refused to remove the gun behind his back, folding it in half from the middle, not a long gun, but a double-edged one? A rare weapon.


Bahd roared, stabbed down, and tore most of Accardo’s neck off, and the scene present immediately made him used to killing. The pirates in the killing scene all felt a little creepy.

If Accardo’s head fell directly to the ground, it would be fine, but his head was not completely cut off by Bached, only the last layer of skin on the back of his neck connected his head to his neck, and his head was almost completely cut off, and his whole face was thrown back, and his face showed a smile at the last moment before death.

Two seconds later, the corpse whose head was almost seen actually burst into laughter in the eyes of everyone who couldn’t believe it.

The pirates standing behind Accardo felt a chill, and the heads that should have been cut off actually showed a crazy expression, laughing, he was laughing, and the corners of his mouth were twitching. Move, muscles beat, there is no doubt that he is still alive.

The head was cut off and still alive!

But the people present were a group of pirates with more than 30 million Bailey bounty laughing figures as captains, and they were surprised for only a while, and immediately everyone gradually regained their composure and began to guess why Accardo was alive.

Everyone came up with only one result, the Devil Fruit.

Suddenly, bats that flew from nowhere got into the wound between Accardo’s neck and skull, and in less than ten seconds, these bats were like a good medicine, and they actually reconnected Accardo’s body.

Accardo suddenly raised his gun and “slammed” the bullet, while Bachid quickly used the double knife in his hand as a fend.

When a bullet was blocked, the strong impact made Bached unable to resist taking several steps back.

However, Accardo’s attack is not over, bullets burst in bursts! It seems that there are no limits.

“Help the captain!”

One of the crew roared, and the remaining few quickly grabbed their weapons and rushed towards Accardo.

Accardo’s movements were not the slightest fancy and superfluous, let alone any dodging tendency, and after avoiding the first person’s knife attack, the white gun held in the other hand pointed at the opponent’s forehead and shot. One bullet.


One person solved!

The bullet did not shoot at him, and Bachid immediately rushed forward to fight back and stabbed him. into Accardo’s throat, but when Accardo’s throat shot blood, he thought it should be over, but Bached felt something cold against his stomach.


Accardo smiled maniacally, and these two words came out of his throat.

Bahd hurriedly contrasted, but he was still shot, and his body was a little stunned.

“Oh… It’s rare that you didn’t fall down after being hit by this gun, and you can still stand up. ”

Accardo who was speaking suddenly felt a killing intent behind him, aiming at his heart.

Nope! The heart can’t be cut off for you.

Accardo put the gun on the shoulder of his other hand and fired a shot at the enemy in the back.


One shot into the head, and another person returned to the west.


Bahd roared and rushed again, and Accardo, seeing this, used the pistol as a melee weapon, and loaded it with the opponent’s knife, and sparks burst out for a while.


Accardo suddenly raised his foot and kicked at the opponent, and Bahd quickly pressed down one hand and blocked Accardo’s kick with the elbow holding the knife.

“This kid has more strength than he imagined.”

Bahd was surprised in his heart, originally seeing this guy tall and thin, he didn’t expect to have such strength.

Suddenly, Accardo released the gun in his hand, and for a while, because of inertia, Bach used too much force in his hand, and slid down the body of Accardo in front of him, and the sharp knife cut a huge opening from his shoulder to his abdomen, seriously injured.

On the other side, after Accardo sent the gun away, Jian’s hand burst into Bached’s body, penetrating his entire body, and from the angle of the back, you can see one of Accardo’s hands sticking out from Bached’s back, and the bloody hand is holding something, still beating slightly, Bached’s heart!

“Before you die, answer my questions.”

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