“Want to run? Pursue! Catch this kid, you must play him to death!! Seeing this, those pirates directly took a step and rushed forward in an instant. Then I wanted to catch Ye Feng and teach him a hard lesson to repay the grievances he had suffered over the past year…

“Hurrah!” Ye Feng and Sauro were domineering on the street, shuttling at will, while Sauro shouted speechlessly.

“I said Ye Feng, why do you have enemies everywhere??”

“Harm, I can’t help it, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be knifed!” Go that you… Ye Feng waved his hand helplessly and said to Sauro, and then controlled the stone pillars with both hands, and flew directly to those pirates behind.

After doing this, Ye Feng’s back turned into a cloud wing, and his figure shot into the distance, leaving the husky and Sauro behind.

That stone pillar smashed directly in front of those pirates, and some pirates with low strength were directly stabbed away. And those pirates with high strength, some avoided the stone pillar, and some directly split in half.

Everyone dodged down the stone pillar, waved their hands and patted the dust on their bodies, looked at the direction Ye Feng fled and said speechlessly: “Nima, this guy is slipping too fast…” ”

Everyone shook their heads and smiled bitterly, and then accelerated their pace and rushed towards Ye Feng’s back. In this way, Ye and these pirates began to chase me, and those people on the street saw this situation and quickly found a place to hide.

There is a decisive battle in front, and there is a pursuit in the back… These people from the Kingdom of Alabastan are really too difficult.

A square in the Kingdom of Alabastan, where many people surround it, and in the center there are two people fighting. On one side was Klockdar, but there were only two people on his side, one was him and the other was a somewhat tall young man. His skin can become very hard, and he is the right-hand man of Klockdar, Mr.1.

He is still very young, and it is also because of Klockdahl’s personal charm that he is willing to be his subordinate.

“Boom!” At this time, the two were directly blasted out, and the person opposite was Pavos’s person. At this time, there were more than a hundred people on the opposite side, all laughing at Klockdar and the two.

“Haha, just the two of them, they also want to take us? Joke! ”

“Hehe, you two, if you are my subordinates, you will definitely be the second in command.” At this time, a tall bald figure in the middle said to them. This is the founder of Pavos, 680 million sea thieves, Pavos. It is said that a character from a certain pirate group in the New World came to Alabastan to pretend to be coming.

“It’s a pity, I’m destined to die here today!” A few pirates next to Pavos also smiled at them, and they were also some pirates in the New World, who came to Alabastan with Pavos.

The fallen Klockdar stood up, looked at the opposite side indifferently, and wiped the blood from his forehead. Then he took out his cigar and smoked it slowly.

“It’s okay!” Klockdar glanced at Mr. 1 beside him, then turned to him and said.

“It’s okay!” Mr.1 gave Klockdar a reassuring look, and then stood up with difficulty, looking at the other side seriously.

At this time, several pirates on the opposite side shot at the two, and the bullets shot in front of the two.

However, these bullets were directly jumped out by Mr.1 and blocked with his arm.

“I said, Klockdar, don’t you claim to be some very powerful helper? Why, seeing you like this, scared? Hahaha!! Pavos, on the other side, waved the knife in his hand and shouted at Klockdar.

Klockdar looked at him flatly, but his heart was helpless. If Ye Feng’s guy hadn’t agreed to ally with him, would it be necessary for him to confront Pavos so early? Now it’s good, but people are gone.

Just as the two sides were about to start fighting, a voice shouted, and then Klockdar looked at it with joy.

“Lao Sha, Lao Sha, help!!!” Klockdar heard Ye Feng’s shout, and quickly turned his head to look, only to see Ye Feng running wildly behind him, and there was a giant beside him.

After a while, Ye Feng came to Klockdar’s side, and then Ye Feng squatted down and exhaled heavily.

“No, where did you guy run? I almost killed you… Klockdar looked at Ye Feng and said speechlessly.

“Harm, don’t say it, it’s hard to say anything. Now he is still being hunted down. I’m so hard… Ye Feng said helplessly to Klockdar.

Then Ye Feng glanced at the Parvos pirates on the opposite side, and then asked Klockdar, “This is what you said about Pavos?” It’s not good, hurry up and fight, and you will run away later. ”

Pavos on the opposite side heard Ye Feng belittle himself and the others like this, and he was directly angry, and shouted at Ye Feng one after another: “Where is the boy, you are Klockdar’s helper!” Exactly, a pot was served. Then everyone was about to rush over and strike at Ye Feng and Klockdar.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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