A month later, under the leadership of Sauro, Ye Feng smoothly came to Alabastan smoothly. After coming to Alabastan, Ye Feng took off his heavy naval uniform, changed into his own unique swimsuit, and entered Alabastan directly with sunglasses.

The Kingdom of Alabastan is a very hot country, and many areas are deserts. However, the people of this small kingdom are still very welcoming and welcome outsiders.

For the pirates, the biggest pirate force here is Pavos, and the kingdom of Alabastan sometimes wants to expel this force abroad.

But Pavos’s power is very large, and it is said that there is a deep background in it, and all of Pavos have always been an underground overlord-level force in Alabastan all along.

The pirates passing by did not dare to provoke this force, and the native population of Alabastan was often abused by the Pavos pirates.

When Ye Feng and Sauro stepped into Alabastan, the navy side already knew, and Zefa was also rushing to this side.

Ye Feng stood on the street of Alabastan and looked at the sun above him, and he also felt too hot. After that, Ye Feng and Sauro quickly found a bar and went in to escape the heat of Alabastan.

After entering this bar, some people next to them were looking in the direction of Ye Feng, but they were more curious about Sauro behind Ye Feng.

Where such a huge person is, it often attracts everyone’s attention, but after a few glances, it doesn’t matter.

Ye Feng asked the owner of this bar to quickly bring a few bottles of cold beer, and finally, Ye Feng and Sauro were much more comfortable after drinking this cold beer.

“Hey, I heard that Klockdar is about to fight Pavos!” At this time, those people next to them began to discuss the affairs of the Kingdom of Alabastan.

“It seems to be oh, this Klockdar has been constantly provoking the bottom line of Pavos for half a year, and it is inevitable to start a war!” People started talking.

Ye Feng listened carefully to their discussion when he heard that it was his partner.

“Well, it is estimated that it is a matter of the past few days, I heard that this Klockdar still has helpers!”

“Hehe, what helpers are useful, people are five or six hundred million sea pirates, and there are some hundreds of millions of pirates.” And there are still these hundreds of pirates under his hand, such a big force, Klockdar, a pirate of tens of millions, also wants to come and defeat the power of Pavos. Even if you have helpers, you don’t dare to do this. Everyone began to complain, and everyone wanted to see how Klockdar was hung by Pavos a few days later.

“Hehe, aren’t they just some pirates…” After hearing this, Ye Feng drank a beer and smiled, and then planned to go to see the decisive battle between these two sides in a few days.

“Ye Feng, isn’t that Klockdar your partner? A tens of millions want to take down such a big force of people, isn’t it… At this time, Sauro on the other side said curiously.

“Well… I don’t know this, this guy should have some hole cards, or develop some forces… Ye Feng said without any confidence.

。。。。 Ye Feng and Sauro walked around in Alabastan for a few days, and Sauro also liked this kingdom a little.

“Why, you want to stay here??” Ye Feng looked at Sauro’s joyful look and asked

“It’s not bad to be able to do this, my status is special, after all, following you will only cause trouble!” Sauro said nonchalantly, he was already very grateful to Ye Feng for saving him, and he was tired of fighting between navies. It is only Ye Feng who has no heart and no lungs, and a casual guy can stay here…

“Okay, after this incident is over, I will have half of the forces here, you can rest assured to stay here, there will be no navy to trouble you!” Hearing Sauro say this, Ye Feng promised Sauro to stay here, anyway, he had promised him before to find a place to house him.

Sauro did not say anything, it can be regarded as acquiescence. At this time, some people in the street began to boo: “Go and see, Klockdar is going to war with Pavos.” ”

After this news came out, many people began to look at the place where the two were fighting. And Ye Feng also showed a smile, wanting to look in the direction of those people and rush to see the liveliness.

But at this time, a voice came from behind Ye Feng and Sauro.

“You are Ye Feng, we have been looking for you for a long time, meeting for the first time. Hello, Navy Miscellaneous Ye Feng! ”

Ye Feng was a little curious, who was looking for him, Navy? Then turned his head to look, Sauro also turned his head to look, and both of them were startled.

“Nima… Ye Feng, how much trouble you are… ”

I saw that there were more than a hundred pirates behind Ye Feng, and Sauro had been in the navy for a long time, and found that these guys were some sea pirates in the new world, even the pirates of the Four Emperors.

“Lying groove, I don’t know what’s going on…” Ye Feng looked at these pirates speechlessly and said, when did he provoke so many people.

“That, can you take the liberty to ask, I Ye Feng and you have a feud???” Ye Feng asked with a smile, if so many pirates were to be killed…

“Hehe, Navy Ye Feng, who holds the secret of One Piece Roger, come with us!” The pirates on the opposite side said directly to Ye Feng, a navy that can fight against these people.

They have been looking for Ye Feng for a year, and they didn’t get some news from the navy, this Ye Feng was actually in Alabastan, so they rushed over.

“So, what now??” Sauro asked Ye Feng, it’s not easy to deal with so many pirates.

“What to do? Run away, of course! Ye Feng said directly to Sauro, and then turned his head and ran. Left behind a confused Sauro and many pirates.


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