After sending Judy away, Yukiko couldn’t control it anymore, and threw herself into Lin Ying’s arms with a whimper, crying.

“Woo hoo… What should I do now? Even the FBI can’t help! ”

“These useless guys, they already knew that they wouldn’t help them solve the case!”


Lin Ying gently patted Yukiko’s back and back, and he said slowly: “Now… We should have breakfast first. ”

“Huh?” Yukiko was a little overwhelmed by this sentence, and she looked at Lin Ying with doubtful eyes while sobbing and sobbing at her.

I don’t think he got the point.

Is it time to eat?

Can I still eat breakfast now?

“Let’s have breakfast first, fill our stomachs, and then have the strength to think about countermeasures.” Lin Ying said without hurry: “If you don’t replenish energy in time, the brain’s thinking speed will slow down.” ”

“Besides, we need time to sort things out, don’t we?”

“Say… That’s what it said. Yukiko felt that what Lin Ying said made sense, so she wiped her tears and said, “Then… Then I’ll make breakfast now. ”

Watching Yukiko enter the kitchen to make breakfast, Lin Ying couldn’t help but start smacking his tongue.

This time, the matter is far bigger than I think about it.

He originally wanted to plant Kudo Yusaku, let the other party be arrested by the police and squat for a few days, and then help the other party clear his charges after completing the system check-in task.

But I didn’t expect that this matter also involved the people above.

This made Kudo Yusaku unlucky.

If you deliberately paddle yourself, you will not contribute to the work… If you don’t get it, the other party may really go to jail.

Once Kudo Yusaku goes to jail, wouldn’t Yukiko, the wife, be herself…………

As soon as the thought arrived here, Lin Ying hurriedly interrupted this evil thought.

No, no, no.

Besides, he is not Cao Mengde’s kind of guy who uses all means in order to get other people’s wives.

Or that sentence, using such a despicable means to get Yukiko, that is a distrust of his own appearance and flirting skills!

How to say that he is a teenager who once grew up under the red flag.

Some good character cannot be lost.

Saving the good work and digging the corner of the good work are two different things, and they should not be confused!

After thinking of this, Lin Ying once again firmed up the idea of saving Yousaku.


After simply eating breakfast, Lin Ying said: “I think it is imperative that we still find a way to see Yousaku.” ”

“We’ll tell each other about Judy and see what we do.”

“There is really no way, I will rob the prison again… Bring Yusaku out of the detention center. ”

“But if you do this, Yusaku will be wanted by the whole United States…”

After saying this, Yukiko’s uneasy heart calmed down a little.

At least, they have a choice.

“Thank you, Lin.” Yukiko glanced at each other gratefully.

She felt that it was really rare for her to meet such a good person as the other party.

It was able to do this for the sake of excellence.


“You’re right, we should meet Yusaku now and discuss what to do.” Yukiko put down her chopsticks, she hesitated, and finally said in a showdown: “I can pretend to be a police officer and go and contact Yusaku!” ”

“You?” Lin Ying said in surprise.

“Hmm… I will transfigure. Yukiko told this secret that outsiders didn’t know.

“Transfiguration?” Lin Ying said in surprise: “It’s just… Become someone else’s appearance? ”

“That’s right.” Yukiko nodded, and she said, “I can easily look like others, and I can guarantee that I will not be seen by others.” But the words of the voice… It won’t work. ”

“This… Wouldn’t it be a bit adventurous? Lin Ying showed a worried look.

“Now… That’s it. Yukiko sighed and said, “After all, I have to wait for the meeting permission to come down, I don’t know when.” ”

“In case people are stuck, otherwise we will see, and there is nothing we can do.”

“That’s it.” Lin Ying nodded and agreed to this method.


“Alas.” Inside the detention center, the always smart Kudo Yusaku couldn’t help but sigh.

He was writing a novel at home, when he was inexplicably pressed to the ground by the police.

He was arrested on charges of homicide.

In the past few days of being imprisoned, he has gradually cleared his thinking.

Judging from his experience as a detective and writing novels for so many years, most of this is inseparable from the case related to parliamentarians that he was involved in last time.

Besides, he couldn’t think of anyone else who would have this motivation to engage himself.

In the face of a huge power structure, even if Yusaku is smart, it is useless, and he can only sigh.

After meeting his lawyer, he can find a way to get in touch with the outside world and find out his current situation.

At this time, there was a clicking sound of the door opening.

A guard pushed open the door and said to a female policeman: “Officer Sara, I can only give you ten minutes, no more.” ”

“Well, I see.” The policewoman said and took out the banknote and shoved it into the guard’s hand.

The other party left satisfied, closed the door and left.

“Oh… May I ask Officer Sarah, is there something going on? Yusaku asked curiously.

“Yusaku, it’s me!” Yukiko immediately identified herself.

She didn’t have much time, so she could only quickly tell Yusaku the information Judy had given.

Yusaku didn’t say much, and after listening carefully to Yukiko’s words, his expression became more and more solemn.

He realized that the situation was far more serious than he thought!

Alas, this time it was pitted by the FBI people.

Yusaku felt very regretful, knowing that he would not help those guys in the FBI solve the case.

These are good, broken and broken, and they get into big trouble.

They help them get into trouble, but they can’t help themselves.

These guys, really…

Yusaku felt speechless, he thought the Japanese police were like this, but he didn’t expect that the FBI people were also dicks.

When you want to help yourself, the attitude is good.

Once you ask them to help, it won’t be useful at all!

The world is as black as a crow!!

As for the prison robbery plan proposed by Lin Ying, it gave Yusaku a little more security.

However, he would not choose this method!

After all, if he escapes like this, he will have to escape for the rest of his life.

In addition, family members will be implicated!

This is something that Yusaku cannot accept.

He would rather go to jail and feel the prison life, so that he may also calm himself down and write with peace of mind.

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