A ray of sunlight came in from outside the window and fell on Lin Ying’s eyelids.

After frowning for a moment, he slowly opened his eyes.

The harsh light made him subconsciously look away.

Looking at Yukiko who was lying asleep in his arms, after Lin Ying’s brief recollection, he remembered what happened.

Last night, after Yukiko contacted her FBI friend, Lin Ying sent her home.

After that, the two drank a little more and chatted on the couch while waiting for news from the FBI.

While waiting, the two fell asleep before they knew it.

This made Lin Ying can’t help but sigh that the sound channel is indeed the fastest way to a woman’s heart.

If it weren’t for the fact that night when the two had a relationship and something like this happened, Yukiko wouldn’t have looked for herself in the first place and sought her help.

Seeing that Yukiko slept sweetly, Lin Ying did not wake up the other party, but took out his mobile phone and watched the news for a while.

Before Yukiko could wake up, the doorbell rattled and rang.

The sudden doorbell woke Yukiko from her sleep, and she was still a little confused when she opened her eyes, and she didn’t react to what was going on.

“I’ll open the door.” After Lin Ying gently helped Yukiko up, he got up and went to open the door.


After opening the door, Lin Ying saw a woman with short straight blonde hair and a pair of old glasses.

Well, no… This is New York, and this Asian talent himself is a gringo.

In his thoughts, Lin Ying’s ears sounded the voice of the system:

【Ding! Discover signable characters ————Judy Stilene].

[Check-in task: Plant three strawberries around her neck to complete the check-in. 】

After reading this task, Lin Ying felt a little speechless.

He didn’t understand why the system was so fond of scribbling on other people’s bodies.

However, the information that Lin Ying read from it was that the blonde beauty in front of her was Judy.

“Huh? Excuse me…… Is Miss Kiko at home? Judy was a little surprised the moment she saw Lin Ying, but quickly came back to her senses and didn’t ask anything extraneous.

Professionalism does.

“May I ask you?” Lin Ying knew the identity of the other party, but he had to pretend not to know.

“Judy, the FBI… Miss Yukiko called me last night. Judy expertly pulled open her coat and showed off her thick pectorals while taking out her papers.

“There is Kiko inside, please come in.” Lin Ying gave way to the side and invited the other party in.

After Judy entered the living room, after seeing Yukiko, she stepped forward to care for two sentences and then got down to business.

“Miss Yukiko, I hope you can be mentally prepared.” When Judy said this, Yukiko already felt bad in her heart.

But what can she do?

All she could do was nod and say, “Well, I’m mentally prepared.” ”

“This time… Mr. Yusaku got involved in big trouble. Judy said with a serious expression: “The Luchez family is not just a gangster… If you can make a name for yourself in the underworld this year, there must be someone on it. ”

Lin Ying understands this.

Azu said very clearly—————— are you very capable of fighting, you will have a fart use, come out to mix is to talk about power.

If there is no power, it is only a small deflated three if it can be fought.

If you don’t worship a big brother on top of the gangsters, you don’t need to make an official move, and other gangsters can destroy you.

“Simply put, the Luchez family is a white glove for some of the people above… Now that this glove is gone, people are angry with Mr. Yusaku… Judy was very bitter about this.

Since becoming an FBI, she has become more aware of who runs the country.

All of them are selfish guys who spend all day thinking about how to make money.

Because of their own image, they usually don’t make money themselves.

It’s about recruiting people and doing the dirty work for them.

The Lucchez family is a tool that some people use to make money.

The money-making tool suddenly disappeared overnight, and the evidence on the scene pointed to Kudo Yusaku, and out of emotional venting, they naturally became angry with Kudo Yusaku.

As for who the murderer behind it is, they will naturally investigate, but compared to this, they are more urgent to find a tool person to make money again and continue to make money.

Making money is the top priority!

“This… How could this be…” After Yukiko heard the news, she didn’t expect this matter to be so big.

My head went blank, and I suddenly felt hopeless.

After all, they are just powerless civilians, where can they oppose the lords above?

Looking at Yukiko, who had an ugly face, Judy also felt guilty.

After all, Yusaku did help them solve a lot of tricky cases by the FBI, but they couldn’t help much.

Don’t look at them in front of outsiders, glamorous and majestic, but in fact, in the FBI, that is, a lowest-level working boy.

The supervisor above asked them to investigate whatever they wanted.

But those who disobeyed were transferred to the archive room to sort out the information.

“Miss Yukiko, don’t worry… As long as we can investigate the real murderer, then Mr. Yusaku will be fine. Judy comforted Yukiko twice.

But such a consolation don’t say Judy, even Lin Ying next to him knows that this is just a nonsense.

There are countless wrongful convictions in the United States.

The classic film “The Shawshank Redemption” is the best example.

The protagonist Andy did not kill anyone, but he was not thrown into prison as he was, and he squatted for nineteen years before finding an opportunity to escape.

You know, in the movie, Andy “killed” two people and was sentenced to two life sentences.

Now Yusaku has “killed” more than ten figures of the Luchez family, and has also offended the people above.

Lin Ying felt that if Yusaku was sent to court, he would probably be sentenced to at least ten life sentences.

The only good news is that ten life sentences are no different from one life sentence.

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