Episode 130 Postlude.(4)

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Because this area is not permafrost, the ground is not that hard.

In addition, Cecilia dragged the snow blast from the ridge, not just the pile of dirt around it.

Even if it seems nothing on the outside, the underworld must be in a precarious situation.

With the slightest shock, the land must have sunk into the bottom of the lake.

I was looking for it in reverse.

Rather, it was intended to attack the weakened area first and cut off the part where we were standing from the land.

To bury the Jinjo.

‘Cut the ground!’

The sharp sword cut everything and proceeded.

However, Steven was not at all intimidated by the overwhelming force of the Fallen Charm, so he avoided the purple season just by twisting his body slightly.

‘Certainly a monster is a monster. Avoid this?’

Even so, I didn’t seem like the kind of opponent I could look up to in the Jinjo line.

The corner of his mouth, which had been raised arrogantly, suddenly came down and drew a straight line.

“It’s pretty good. Cecilia, it looks like you didn’t just bring kids. That’s equivalent to the Purple Knights at that age. Are you really worthy of shivering? But, it was far from this!”

Steven disappeared from sight.

A faint afterimage was visible, but the movement of the body was so fast that it was impossible to read it at all.

The speed at which they chased us was ridiculous.

Cecilia, who managed to react, was trying to build up a layer of earth walls to somehow cope with this situation, but as if that didn’t even bother her, she broke through the obstacles in an instant and arrived in front of me.

And his fingertips hit my throat.

“Uh… !”

The shock was transmitted down the spine and all over the body.

He could barely hold onto his spirit, but it seemed that he would not be able to engage in a violent physical fight for a while.

­So why do you have to go out!

­Don’t rebuke. Katarina cadet. Because that has given us a great advantage. Seongjin Park did his part.

­What do you mean?

­You’ll find out soon.

As soon as Cecilia’s thoughts could be heard, a violent vibration began to engulf the entire land.

The shaking did not stop and grew stronger and stronger, and the gap that was just a string that I had drawn was completely cracked and was about to move away from the ground.

The flat ground also leaned towards the lake at some point.

The end was already half-closed.

“… no way!”

“Yeah, it ends here. Stephen.”

A look of embarrassment appeared on Steven’s face.

As soon as he moved away from the land, he realized that the odds were lost, so he withdrew his aggressive attitude and quickly started running towards the other side.

However, it was not Cecilia who would be treated lightly.

He had built a wall of earth that was so thick that even he couldn’t penetrate it, and tied it up with mud under his feet, so he was somehow slowing down his escape.

“It’s already too late to run away.”

“… If that’s the case, then I’ll have to make him my comrade on the underworld road.”

Steven’s eyes lit up.

And it began to drive us with the momentum to vomit our deadly power.

It was incomparable to the current offensive.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

More than half of Cecilia’s subordinates were able to retire in 5 minutes.

Steven, who had even sucked blood from the corpse, showed no signs of exhaustion.

­It’s the subordinates that I’ve been looking for. It’s not helping at all.

­It’s my negligence. I never imagined it would suck the blood of so many people.

­This is a win, right?

­… It seems to depend on the situation of Ai or cadet and Chun Hyun-woo.

* * *

At first, they thought it was an easy task.

However, it didn’t take me long to realize that this was also as difficult as fighting on the field.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

More and more people are dying from seizures.


“I can’t take it like this. The burden of consumption of thought is too heavy. I think we have to deal with the ones we don’t think we’ll be able to save.”

This was not because of the confusion of fear, but because of the pain of absorbing nutrients from the body, so Aina had limited control over it.

“Are you going to just kill me?”

“Yeah, it’s a reluctant method, but Jinjo absorbs nutrients much faster than I can control my mind and draw blood from you. You have to save the people who can save them.”

“… Do you really have to do that? I know that the Mitsuru family doesn’t have much to do with it, but I think it’s too much.”

“If that was the case, I would have brought up this story from the beginning. Don’t make me a ruthless monster. Whether it’s the speed of my work or the speed of my depletion of thought, it’s impossible to rescue all these numbers of humans. Soon all domination will be lifted. Let’s shoot a zombie apocalypse movie, right?”

Chun Hyun-woo clenched his teeth.

‘I came here arguing that I would get rid of such chores casually, but how helpless I am!’

I couldn’t blame Aina.

Until now, she must have been doing her best.

Even though it is a third ability that consumes a lot of thought power, there are only one or two targets to use, so it would not have been a lie to say that the thought power was showing the bottom.

“… Let’s start with the people we think we won’t be able to save.”

* * *

Despite Esmeralda’s protection and Priscilla’s cover, Katarina had a hard time following Stephen’s movements.

Just counting the scars on his body, it was clear that he was unfit to become Steven’s opponent.

But somehow, the current Katarina was surprisingly competing with him.

No matter how you look at it, it was a situation that could not be explained other than that Steven’s skill had deteriorated sharply.

“It must have been quite urgent to even kill the hostages.”

“… Are you killing hostages?”

“My blood sacs. You didn’t kill them.”

He couldn’t answer.

Because Katarina’s regime had completely shattered his jaw.

Of course, without listening to Steven’s answer, Cecilia quickly deduced the answer.

­Now I know. Why did Steven suddenly become weak?

­What is it?

­It seems that there was a problem with Aina and Chun Hyun-woo. Apparently he killed some of the blood sacs, the people who were giving Steven life.

­Does that mean that it was absorbing the life force of the innocents it was holding onto, and it was producing strong power? Those whose vitality is sucked out die?

­You should think so. I don’t know for sure because I’m not Jinjo myself.

At those words, a vein sprang up on Katarina’s head.

‘It’s f*cked up.’

Having a strong sense of justice is definitely a good thing.

But, even if you keep your cool, you’ve lost your reason against a guy who barely wins or not?

I couldn’t stand it.

­calm down. Katrina. It’s an opponent you can’t win if you’re not calm.

­Cadet Park Seong-jin is absolutely right. You have to keep your composure.

­I would like to start by saying a word of apology to everyone. Responsibility will come later. sorry.

She ignored our refusal and ran forward.

There was not even a single hesitation in the gwongak filled with wrath.

Just crushing everything.

Its destructive power made even Steven hesitate and retreat.

Steven, who had the opportunity again, quickly fell out.

It was said that Katarina had the upper hand for a short time, but it seems that the damage she suffered in the meantime was quite large, so he didn’t rush forward.

Thanks to her giving me quite a bit of time, I was able to pull myself up and join the ranks.

However, the war situation was still extremely unfavorable even after my participation in the war.

If any one more fell, the balance would have been completely lost.

‘I’ll have to take the time somehow. I just collapsed from a shock earlier, but my body is fine, so I’ll be able to hold on for a while.’

I lifted my finger to signify a jump.

The effect of the taunt may not have worked, but he also ran towards me.

It’s probably true that I’m the weakest among those I can fight right now.

­coming. It looks like they’re aiming for the Mana Glaive of cadet Park Seong-jin.

­I know. to that extent.

In the first place, what could be the reason for showing a technique with strong single-shot power like Nakrincham?

The most fundamental reason was to sink this area to the bottom of the lake, but also to imprint the impression of a swordsman on him.

That way you won’t be vigilant about my fists.

Expectations didn’t go wrong.

Because Steven was aiming from the right hand holding the sword.

‘It would be nice if what I learned from Chloe worked.’

Immediately after withdrawing his right arm, he slapped his temple with his left fist loaded with mana.

Then, a sticky mass of brain water, vitreous humor, blood, and other by-products burst out in front of my eyes.

To be honest, I was a little embarrassed.

It was because Chloe was a skill that was able to block it casually.

who would have known

Even the skull would be crushed to pieces.

The opponent is a regenerating monster like Ixyasha’s abyss.

It wasn’t even playing properly.

­Cadet Park Seong-jin, I will make you withdraw from this place. More than half have already been flooded. Steven will need some time to play now, so he’ll have plenty of time to run away. You should also consider the safety of others.


It was a pity that Steven had to be left alone, but it was true that the safety of others was more important, so I decided to follow Cecilia.

After collecting the dead and the dead in one place, all the work was to move them to land, but it was twice as difficult as walking on flat ground because it was tilted at an angle of 45 degrees or more, because the center of gravity was already broken and it was closer to the island.

Still, it was impossible to slow the pace of work.

Because Steven’s play was almost over.

Just as I was barely getting the last member, Katarina, I heard a growl (?) behind my back.

“Do you want to miss it like this? I was the leader of the Valery family, which should have been abolished earlier. There should be no place for the traitor bitch to return!”

That cry was now more like madness with lamentation than a shimmering ear.

In fact, he was going fast.

It started to smash things around him at random.

‘It’s not good. If an island that could not withstand the shock was destroyed’

As if to ridicule my thoughts, an ominous rattling sound came from the floor.

Looking down slowly with his trembling head, a huge crack was forming on the floor.

­I think it’s messed up.

­… I think so too.

The steep island in the form of a spire began to crumble.

He was running hard, but it was certain that sinking in the lake would be faster than the speed of reaching the land.

‘I don’t know if it will or not, but I’ll have to gamble as long as it’s like this.’

“Hold on tight. Cecilia.”

A muffled voice could be heard from below.

It was probably a story about ‘what are you talking about’, but I don’t remember exactly because I didn’t have time to devote to such things.

Hey, because what I’m doing right now requires all my strength, concentration, and mental strength!

How easy would it be to tie my body and the bodies of others in a single string with a spun thread and then climb up to the station on the falling debris.

Besides, the length between the pieces was not too far away, so in some sections, it was even necessary to accompany the spirit food Chamwoo (??).

He was convinced that he would not be able to escape this situation if he didn’t struggle even like this.

So, there was only one step left to land.

Suddenly, my body felt heavy.

No, it was true that my body became heavier.

The body that had been moving forward even a little bit was now falling downwards.

“Cecilia, I told you I wouldn’t miss it… without me! You are not in this world either.”

He chuckled as he looked at the setting sun and Cecilia alternately.

Cecilia could feel the absurdity of the words he had uttered until now and this laugh, but unfortunately there was no time to worry about it.

Because I didn’t have enough time to get rid of that leech-like bastard.

To be honest, it was safe to say that this was the end of the situation.

“You said you were going to fall behind water ghosts, and that’s a sheep water ghost. mother.”

At that moment when he raised his head and promised only the moment when the horizon was dyed blue, a light flashed from the white ridge where the boundary between the sky and the ridge was blurred.

The tiny spark passed through the countless pieces of debris and pierced Steven’s forearm precisely.

To some, it was the main lamp of the White Reaper, and to others it was the salvation sent by an angel in a white coat.

But, that was enough.

Because what I was hoping for wasn’t an angel’s arrangement or a Shinigami’s guidance.

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