Episode 129 Postlude.(3)

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“Everyone, prepare for battle.”

He seemed to understand why Cecilia was making such a fuss.

It was because Jinjo was running faster than the crushing snow on the falling slopes.

“Can you really win that?”

“Sure. I am not a person who does not wager a fight that cannot be won.”

That’s something I used to say often.

Obviously, I didn’t feel anything strange until it came out of my mouth, but when I got into the position of the listener, it sounded like crazy nonsense.

‘So, you mean that’s what I’ve been doing? I could only hear the madman.’

Even in such an emergency situation, he was acting like sh*t, so his outfit was going to explode.

“Cadet Priscilla, from now on, I leave all judgment entirely up to you. You don’t need to get permission one by one, you can move at your own discretion.”

“What about us? Can we do it ourselves?”

“We have a different story. Please wait for now.”

Cecilia intercepted us with her hand as if telling us to stay still, then slowed down and stepped forward in front of Stephen, who was approaching slowly.

He had no idea what he believed in or what he was doing, but his expression was still relaxed.

Even though she was short (?) without any weapons.

“Yes, Steven. Did you enjoy playing tag? It reminds me of the past, okay?”

“Did you think I didn’t know it was a shallow trick to lure in? Valerie seems to have gone down quite a bit. Those little children are the ones who have been summoned to fight me at the most.”

“They are far more capable than you think, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

“I’m not curious about trivial things. After all, this place is a superb view that is perfect for taking a seat. Give up the symbol of California and die here. Then, let me find rest myself.”

“I will decline.”

“Then I will shred it, crush it, and tear it to pieces that even a toothbrush cannot scrape off. And so will the band of traitors following four years!”

Steven started running.

It was so fast that I couldn’t even follow it with my own eyes, so I didn’t even think of a counterattack.

Until I saw Cecilia taking the attack casually.

‘Take care. I’ll protect you with my powers, and for the moment, Steven won’t do much damage to you. Even if it’s an unresponsive movement at the cadet level, it’s just an attack that’s slow enough to make me yawn.’

Esmeralda’s telepathy echoed in her head.

I didn’t show this reaction because I didn’t know her ideology.

It was because I didn’t have the courage to take it so boldly.

It’s not uncommon to face a monster that peels the ground off with only one unit of wind pressure.

Except for Cecilia, the rest of the personnel seemed to be afraid of the sight, so they did not show any signs of going forward.

Even Katarina, who always boasted her boss-like spirit with a detached attitude, expressed displeasure as if it was the first time she had ever seen such a scene.

Only Cecilia, who had borrowed Esmeralda’s power, was struggling to withstand Stephen’s offensive.

However, there were good reasons why we couldn’t act recklessly.

‘Crazy, is it D X Brandon or De X Jin? At best, I thought it was a rather powerful monster, but it’s funny that it even shoots in the eye! You should have told me about this in advance!’

Even if I understand that you are spraying dirty blood all over the place, what the hell is that squint in the eye?

“Did you bring them here to stand on a folding screen or as a bridesmaid? I’m sorry. After all, four years was not the timber of California. The reason I joined hands with the Watchers was to bring down the family.”

A chill fell on Cecilia’s face, who had a relaxed look at those words.

As if to represent her distorted expression, the earth pulsated, and the vegetation began to warp.

The vibration, which had only been felt at a distance, passed over where we were standing and gathered towards the point where Steven was standing.

As if swimming under the ground.

The true nature of the vibration was a huge angler made of soil.

The creature that rose from the floor, no, the creature opened its large jaw and swallowed Steven in one bite.


The impact of the upper and lower jaws meshing was transmitted here.

Steven’s wreckage was scattered everywhere like an explosion.

‘Damn it, I thought it was going to end like a flat piece of paper, but the pressure was so strong that it exploded.’

It happened so quickly that I couldn’t see it properly, but it wasn’t a big deal because the blood spilled out between the flesh and the narrow crevices around me was kindly telling me what had happened.

“It’s a disgusting scene. I must have thought I was used to things like this… You mean it wasn’t… .”

Just like Katarina, my stomach felt nauseous as well.

Since he had left his stomach empty in advance, there was nothing to evacuate, but he couldn’t stop the sour and thick water from filling his throat.

I used to see a lot of similar scenes during training, but actually experiencing it was another story.

Even this bizarre snuff film was still just the intro.

The scene where the flowing blood and wriggling pieces of meat piled up in one place and took on the shape of Jinjo again would have been better if it was more than that, but it was never less.


After witnessing something beyond my imagination, the word came out of my mouth so naturally.

Others only showed similar reactions, and no one dared to step forward.

Only the sound of mourning could be heard around.

‘Can I get in between me and do something?’

And, it wasn’t anyone’s encouragement or support that broke the hesitation that had taken place everywhere, but a single bullet.

Thanks to the peculiar oblique lines (?) that draw strangely twisted shapes, it was not difficult to infer the owner.

Priscilla Carlyle.

It was definitely her.

‘Yeah, come to think of it, it’s not like this happened once or twice. In the future, I’ll be taking on a lot of extra work, but I can’t be hesitant like this.’

I am the one who survived the confrontation with Nihilis.

Compared to that, Jinjo wasn’t even a good person.

I felt there was no reason to be afraid.

We have a strong ally called Esmeralda, and we also have support from a sharp shooter called Priscilla.

Gaining some confidence, I slowly moved forward.

‘Stand back. Cecilia.’


‘I’m asking you to stay away.’

Cecilia seemed to have sensed my intentions, so she cleared the road without a fuss.

towards that open space

* * *

“Child, what do you think is one of the most important things when dealing with a sword?”

“I don’t know.”

“Follow me.”

When I asked where he was going, there was no answer.

It wasn’t sad or anything.

‘Cause I’ve been like that since time immemorial.

If he wanted to leave, he would suddenly leave, and when he decided to come, it was Nihilis who appeared in front of me at some point.

All I can do is follow him without a word, and walk aimlessly and again.

And, the place where his steps stopped was a small island with snow and drift ice that could be called the end of the world.

“If you’re going to come to a place like this, would you mind telling me something? I’ll come in one more layer.”

“Remember what you are now.”

he slammed into the air

It wasn’t funny.

It wasn’t pretty either.

It was a movement that felt nothing.

So it’s even weirder.

If the sword isn’t really on the human body, how can it be such a familiar and natural gesture?

It was as if the body was responding to itself, as if inhaling and exhaling.

“… .”

There was no such thing as a parting of the sky or the sea.

Everything remained intact.

Except for the snowy mountains where huge hollows (??) dug at an angle were formed.

The figure resembled something in memory.

“The five hundred and seventy and eighth year since the shooting star was buried on the hillside… Four months and two days… ”

I already knew what that meant.

Glenlunark, the day the Valley of Stars was born.

Yes, it looks like it was artificially carved out, but in fact, it was sculpted by a star, not a human.

Even if you didn’t know the story of its birth, you would be able to recognize it right away.

The scars engraved on this mountain look exactly like Glenlunark.

“What is the name of this technology?”

“The Tomb of the Stars. I call it that.”

“I think I understand to some extent what you want to say. However, this is only my opinion, so I wonder what Master’s thoughts are. So, what is the most important thing in handling a sword?”

“… .”

All I realized was the extremely unsurprising fact that ‘tools resemble their masters’.

He never told me what was most important.

No matter how many times I asked if I was right or not, he only flicked his head vaguely to the point where he couldn’t tell if he was right or wrong, and he didn’t give me an answer.

‘Is this the common state of being all water?’

As Nihilis said, there was no way that I, a mere child, could discern such a thing.

I just thought I could imitate it.

It’s not about the ‘Tomb of the Stars’ technique, but the secret to handling tools well.

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