Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 772: The existence of Saratas

Grommash, wearing a hood, appeared on the streets of Gudak-except for the strange, wet body, other places were not noticeable at all.

Gudak is a city of trolls after all.

Here, most orcs will feel uncomfortable, so most of the orcs in Gudak wear cloaks and hoods.

Fortunately, Gudak's targeted search was limited to the city gate, and Gromash had a rare rest in a hotel.

A large portion of the Northland barbecue feast easily dispelled the chill brought by the cold river water to Gromash.

Grommash, who had a good night's sleep, left the hotel the next day and chose to continue north.

Storm cliff ahead!


Entering the cliff of storm means entering the wind and snow again.

But for Gromash at this time, wind and snow are not a problem.

Grommash, whose mental and physical conditions are at the best level, is not afraid of wind and snow!

Although his home is in Nagrand, Gromash has not been to Frostfire Ridge.

The Frostfire Ridge at the beginning was also full of wind and snow—Didn't Grommash also smashed Goron!

From the moment he entered the cliffs of the storm, Grommash entered a state of searching.

The Storm Cliff is a relatively closed space. It only takes a few suspension rope descents to enter the Storm Cliff from Gudak, but on the other hand, if you want to enter Gudak from the Storm Cliff, it means that you have to climb a steep climb. The walls...

The Storm Cliffs are relatively easy only to get to the Icecrown Glacier-but even so, you need to pass through the alliance fortresses.

Thinking with my knees, it is impossible for the Alliance to let Garrosh pass by easily—not to mention that the Horde and the Alliance are still harmonious now, but how can the Alliance easily release a team of elite war songs!

Therefore, Grommash concluded that Garrosh was definitely still in the cliffs of the storm.

The only question is, where is the storm cliff.

Kor'kron near the Temple of Wisdom was all searched and nothing was gained.

In this regard, Grommash is no surprise-Speaking of combat effectiveness, Grommash is undoubtedly the strongest of the tribe, but when it comes to detection and search, these youngsters are still not enough!

Gromash has only one goal, and that is Ulduar!

Ulduar is now empty. When making plans with Garrosh, the first goal is the Temple of Wisdom, and the second goal is Ulduar.

If the Temple of Wisdom does not find what he wants, Garrosh will go to Ulduar.

And now, in Grommash's view, if Garrosh is really lost without being able to resist the will of the ancient gods, he will go to Ulduar!

This is where Yogg-Saron has been imprisoned for countless years!


Ulduar's palace is still majestic and majestic, but Grommash knew it was just an empty shell.

When the Guardians are not there, the only ones left in Ulduar are probably the automatic programs...Unfortunately, the tribe has no corresponding talents and can only let the Alliance research.

Looking up, Grommash started his final ascent.

Using the prepared claws, Grommash, like a gecko, came to Ulduar bit by bit along the steep peak.

Then, after entering Ulduar's square, Gromash narrowed his eyes slightly.

My guess seems completely correct!

Because the dwarves and dwarves who are studying Titan Technology here have died all over the place!

The corpses everywhere didn't smell the slightest blood—the square was full of decay.

Although he had not personally experienced the battle of Ulduar, Grommash still had some feeling for the breath of Yogg-Saron—not this decadent feeling, but a crazier and stronger feeling.

But in the same way, this subtle decay also gave Gromash an inexplicable familiarity.

I did encounter this kind of breath somewhere!

Where is it……

Grommash squeezed Gorehowl tightly, and did not choose to advance.

After thinking hard for a long time, Grommash finally realized that this kind of familiarity came from the once blood ring orcs!

The blood ring orcs were once influenced by an ancient **** named Saratas.

At that time, Grommash also had some cooperation with them, and even tried to cultivate the dark shaman of enslavement.

But all this finally failed. After Saratas revealed his true colors, Drunk Wind appeared and conquered the dagger.

Now Grommash discovered the breath of Saratas in Ulduar?

Grommash felt that things seemed to be developing in a direction that he could not predict.


At this time, among Ulduar, Khadgar and Sylvanas were struggling to support them.

When other guardians said that they were busy and had a lot of urgent tasks to do, the newly promoted mortal guardian Khadgar chose to stay at Ulduar-on the one hand, to avoid the troubles of Stormwind, on the other It is also equivalent to taking care of the dwarves and gnomes who are working hard outside.

What, you said this is a two-person world with Sylvanas?

nonexistent! Is Khadgar that kind of person? Isn’t it good to go to Karazhan after two people?

So, when the other guardians left, Khadgar became familiar with everything here in Ulduar.

However, the rapid development of things was like a wild horse running out of steam, which exceeded everyone's expectations.

First of all, the dwarf construction team said that the siege vehicles on the outside square were a bit weird recently-it stands to reason that after the death of Yogg-Saron, those siege vehicles will become models, but according to the dwarves, there are still some siege vehicles. Suddenly there was a movement, and several hapless dwarves were already injured.

Khadgar arrived quickly and conducted a simple interrogation from the energy point of view.

Then Khadgar discovered that it was probably because of the residual energy...

After this matter stopped, the recycling robot program of the garbage disposal site also had some problems.

The sequelae of Mimiron's confusion gradually emerged. Mimiron's creations and the large number of machinery that maintained Ulduar's normal operation stopped working due to lack of daily maintenance.

Khadgar tried to ask Mimiron for help.

But based on the dwarf's feedback, Brian seemed to take Mimiron to Uldaman, and he would not be able to return for a while.

In desperation, Khadgar could only roll up his sleeves and try to fix it himself.

It's okay if it doesn't repair. After the repair started, Khadgar was awkwardly trapped in the control room-then Sylvanas who came to help was also trapped.

At this time, Khadgar discovered that the reason for all this was not lack of maintenance, but because Ulduar had always hidden a black hand behind the scenes.

This man behind the scenes is the dagger that was lost by Drunken Wind-Saratas!

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