Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 771: Disappointed Gromarsh

Putting on a cloak, Gorehowl on his back, and a packed bag, Grommash left Durotar and embarked on the road to Storm Peaks.

When people reach old age, Grommash finally gradually degenerates willfulness into persistence-although this transformation seems to have come a bit late.

From Durotar northward, the weather seems to be getting warmer gradually as the altitude changes.

Grizzly Hills, Grommash adjusted his state while continuing his journey.

To be honest, Grommash hasn't fought for a long time, and he sometimes feels that his body is really aging-but more often, he will also wonder if the lack of fighting made his body fall asleep.

The sunshine in the Grizzly Hills was warm and not dazzling. Grommash kept adjusting himself, gradually increasing the amount of exercise, increasing food, and reducing rest, putting himself in a relatively tense state of combat readiness.

No way, Grommash once didn't need these at all. He was his father when he picked up Gorehowl, but now he has to spend a lot of effort to get his body excited.

Now is the time when the wild deer are plump. Grommash’s gorehowl killed many unlucky wild deer, and their antlers became the hook on Grommash’s waist. Dark is still the cliff of the storm, and he still has many mountains to climb.

Although he is a little old, Grommash’s momentum is still there. The wolves in the Grizzly Hills don’t even dare to think of him. The instinct of the beast tells them that this guy with the axe doesn’t So messy.

Grommash doesn't have a map, but he can tell the direction—as long as he keeps his route to the north, there is no problem.

At this moment, to be honest, Grommash missed his wolf a bit, the old guy had been dead for a long time, Grommash personally buried it in Durotar.

If the old guy is still there, his journey may be a lot faster.

Grommash didn't know where Garrosh went, but he believed he would find him. This was a warrior's instinct.

(Anyway, it's not the Temple of Wisdom, 80% is Ulduar!)

Well, in fact, sometimes Grommash himself wonders if he can find Garrosh on this journey.

But if you don't start, what can you do?

Stay in Durotar, waiting for death to come?

The times are different-in the tribe, the orcs are different from the past.

Although compared with the days in Draenor, the orcs need to restrain their behavior and restrain their impulses, but in the same way, the food trade from the oath has given the orcs a relatively sufficient supply.

No matter how cold the winter is, the newborn little orcs will no longer be frozen to death.

When food doesn't need to hunt hard, who will do all they can to exercise?

Grommash admitted that he had indeed made some mistakes, but he still firmly believed that the orcs now lack the enterprising spirit.

This is also a problem that all doves need to face.

Thrall's policy certainly gave the orcs a chance to gain a foothold in Azeroth, but it also changed many of the traditions of the orcs.

In this respect, Thrall, who has been talking about restoring the tradition of the orcs, is the one who has destroyed the tradition the most.

For today's orcs, fighting is no longer an honor, it must be a "righteous battle"-in Grommash's eyes, it is a stupid dogma like a human paladin.

Orcs are born to fight!

Glory is never for **** justice, fighting is fighting, superb skill itself is a manifestation of ability, victory is glory!

Fighting is glory!

However, Grommash is currently unable to change anything-even this time, if Garrosh is not recovered, the orc hawks in the tribe will disappear in half!

At that time, the new chief of the Warsong clan...may not maintain his current position.

For the tribe, Grommash and Thrall have almost completely different views.

The experience in the human arena certainly gave Thrall an opportunity to learn, and the books he got from Tallesa also enriched Thrall's knowledge, but it also caused Thrall's thinking to appear some deviations.

Fortunately, after the return of the orcs in Draenor, Grommash saw hope.

With the help of Gaia'an and Agna, Thrall is also changing.

If the orcs don't respect honor and survival is first, what is the difference from humans?


To the north of the Grizzly Hills, Grommash, who had traveled alone for a long time, finally came to Zudak.

Zudak is the territory of ice trolls, and their capital, Gudak, is located on this hill.

What's interesting is that these trolls are very exclusive. Although they have joined the tribe, they don't even follow Thrall's instructions except for Zul's instructions.

Originally Grommash thought he could pass Gudak easily, but he didn't expect Thrall to stop him, he actually lay his blood!

Gudak is completely blocked!

Grommash looked at the ice troll guards who were paying attention to the pedestrians at the gate of the city in a bit of amazement and interrogating them-he had never expected that Thrall would be so unwilling to go to the Storm Peaks by himself.

But anyway, Gromash must go!

Since there is a sentry at the door? Then it's a big deal not to go to the door!

Gudak is not only accessible through normal roads!

With this kind of thinking, along the high walls of Gudak, Gromash began to find his goal.

Soon, he found what he was looking for.


Yes, Gudak is the birthplace of the only ice-free river in Northrend. There is water here!

Although the water here is cold and bitter all year round, at least it is not frozen ice!

Facing the icy river, Gromash didn't hesitate.


Since no one has ever been to this underwater, when Grommash opened his eyes in the cold water, he saw a gate made of thorns.

Yes, the door made of thorns!

Since Gudak City was built very early, the trolls did not even have the ability to smelt at that time, so this water gate seemed very "simple".

After the troll joined the tribe, Gudak once carried out a simple "upgrade", but the Watergate did not upgrade.

Because no one has ever invaded from there!

This undoubtedly gave Gromash a chance.

With a wave of Gorehowl, Grommash easily split these fragile thorns-although these thorns will not rust and do not need to be taken care of (and even have the ability to filter), they are really not very strong.

Soon, Grommash, who was soggy, appeared on the streets of Gudak.

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