Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 687: Alsace's choice

Arthas received the order to actively attract the firepower of the Alliance and the Horde to buy time for Yogg-Saron.

What is Yogg-Saron doing, he needs to buy time?

At this moment, Yogg-Saron was in Ulduar's prison, carrying out the last step of his plan.

Now, Ulduar's guardians are under the control of Yogg-Saron. As long as they find opportunities and get enough energy, Yogg-Saron can get rid of the seal of the Titans and bring his dark empire back to the sky.

The Alliance’s actions have never been beyond Yogg-Saron’s expectations-Loken's hapless guy is just an abandoned son thrown by Yogg-Saron!

Why abandon Loken?

Yogg-Saron needs energy—or rather, the energy of the star dome called Algalon.

The Titans took great effort to seal the ancient gods. It doesn’t matter if the seal is a bit sloppy for someone like C'Thun who can only make little brothers, but for Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth, the Titan’s seal is quite strong!

In order to get rid of this troublesome seal, Yogg-Saron tried many methods, but even with the help of the guardian, he still couldn't break free.

It is not that the method is wrong, but the energy is insufficient.

Although due to the destruction of the Pantheon, the Guardians received the remnants of the Titans, but unfortunately, their power is still too far behind the real Titans.

What's more, in order to ensure the control of the Guardians, Yogg-Saron could not let them fully fire.

Even the Guardian is not enough to open the seal, Yogg-Saron can only find another way.

At this moment, the wise Loken forged a disc of Norgannon, and bound his life with the arrival of the astral body of Algalon.

Loken regards his behavior as an insurance-if you, Yogg-Saron, dare to cross the river and tear down the bridge, Algalon will talk about the world restarting, and then you will destroy Azeroth together!

Great joke.

Where is Azeroth's life reshaping device?


If it weren’t for Drunk Wind’s intervention, the entire Uldum would have been infiltrated into a sieve by Al'Akir, and the life reshaping device in the Hall of Origin had already been activated once due to Thor’s behavior. Now even if it’s activated again, it’s nothing more than Only the level of cataclysm!

Destroy Azeroth? Do not make jokes!

Okay, actually Yogg-Saron doesn't know this, but he knows that he can take that Algalon.

What is the star dome?

This starts with the birth of Titan.

As we all know, Titan is an orderly life born from the star soul after the explosion of the light and dark universe.

There are so many planets in the vast universe, but there are very few who can give birth to star souls and become Titans!

Doesn't the remaining planet contain the power of order?

of course not!

Those planets that failed to give birth to star souls also contained a certain degree of orderly power, but this power was really weak and not enough to give birth to star souls, so when many of these planets formed a certain connection, another kind of orderly life appeared.

This is the star dome.

Therefore, the star dome can be regarded as a close relative of the Titans, and they also advocate order, but because it was not born from a planet, the power of order contained in itself is not very sufficient, so the power is much worse, and they cannot master the powerful. law.

But the star dome is very similar to the Titan in many aspects, like rules, advocating order, and-can be corrupted by the ancient gods.

Maharaja Void sent the ancient gods to corrupt the star soul, because the star dome is a cluster of life, and the power is not big, corruption is very troublesome, and it is difficult to find.

But this does not mean that the star dome cannot be corrupted.

According to Loken's description, Yogg-Saron judged that if he swallowed Algalon, his strength would directly surpass the original Y'Shaarj. At that time, Ulduar would not be able to shut himself!

No one in Azeroth can even match himself!

Since Algalon will come after Loken is dead, that's good, please die now!

Even if the Alliance does not raid the Hall of Lightning, Loken will be sold by Yogg-Saron sooner or later.

After instructing Arthas, Yogg-Saron began his final preparations-preparations for corrupting and devouring Algalon.

So, after accepting his new mission, Arthas began to mobilize the army of undead natural disasters.

In order to cooperate with Arthas, Yogg-Saron also sent his own army of Faceless.

Soon, the scouts of the Alliance and the Horde found traces of the undead natural disasters. It seemed that Yogg-Saron could not help it, and the plan went smoothly unexpectedly.

Although there is something wrong with the style of painting, since Alsace has set out the cart and horse, the Alliance and the Horde are ready to fight.

Even if the Alliance and Horde still want to wait and see, they can't do it.

Because after learning the news of Alsace's appearance, Kalia set out with the Royal Guard of the Forsaken...

After mentioning her younger brother, Kalia didn't have the usual wisdom and became extremely impatient. After receiving the signal from the scout, she directly took her men and opened it.

Anyway, the forgotten are not afraid of the cold and have no logistical needs!

In this case, even if Turalyon and Khadgar are still a little skeptical, they can't help but keep up. Kalia's behavior directly forced the Alliance to send troops!

And after learning that the Alliance was out of the army, the tribe also said that they could not fall behind.

(Interestingly, after the Dragonmaw clan completed the preliminary investigation mission, they dispersed and began to capture a large number of Ancestral Dragon and Storm Dragon.)

Thus, when Arthas appeared in Ymiheim, both the Alliance and Horde began their own march.


The cold icecap glacier, Imiheim.

It used to be a settlement of the Vrykul, but now it has become a paradise for the dead.

Originally, the undead under Alsace did not dare to provoke these Vykul But with the help of the Faceless, Arthas killed and transformed many dimensions with the help of Frostmourne. Kuren.

Of course, more Vrykul were made into the suture monster-after losing a large number of Val'kyr, Arthas sometimes needs to do it himself if he wants to create undead...

But anyway, with the joint efforts of the undead and the Faceless, a fortress was quickly built.

Although it is rough, it is completely incomparable with Icecrown Citadel, but relying on the mountainous terrain of Imiheim, it is also easy to defend and difficult to attack.

In this glacial fortress, Arthas stood in Frostmourne, quietly waiting for the crusade from the Alliance and the Horde.

No one knew what he was thinking.


Regarding the star dome, the glass **** does not have an official clear statement, so everything comes from the author's blind thoughts, if there is a coincidence... it may really be a coincidence!

Then ask for a monthly pass by the way, although I know I still owe 26 chapters...

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