Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 686: Trivia of Westfall

This embarrassment did not last long.

After all, whether Sylvanas or Khadgar are both "older youths", there is nothing embarrassing about this kind of thing—not to mention it's just a hug.

Looking at Khadgar as he calmed down, Turalyon winked his eyes and motioned to him, "Boy is pretty good, when is it?"

Khadgar wouldn't pay attention to Turalyon...

Who doesn't know the alliance? In order to pursue Alleria, Turalyon lost his face. The deputy commander of the dignified alliance ran to others' tents to sing love songs every morning. How can my generation of Faye be like you!

(Thanks to Zuifeng, your bet successfully created a dark history of Grand Marshal Stormwind!)

Finding that Khadgar was unwilling to speak more on this issue, Turalyon curled his lips and pulled the topic back.

"Kadgar, what do you think about the guardian—it seems that you have made your own decision?"

"I promised." Khadgar nodded, "I am willing to take this responsibility."

"Great." Turalyon let out a sigh, "Now you have been a great help!"

"How do you say?" Khadgar raised an eyebrow. "There seems to be something I don't know?"

"The Alliance’s finances are tight recently-you know, the wars from Draenor to Northrend are a heavy burden. It’s okay for Draenor. Admiral Daelin made a statement for the affairs of Arathi Highlands. After a lot of blood, we can persist in Stormwind—although the Second Army has a lot of pensions, the finances can still support it. But this time the Northrend Northern Expedition, the Chancellor of Finance has found His Majesty to protest many times."

"I know this." Khadgar was confused. "What does this have to do with me being a guardian?"

"Something happened in the Westfall." Turalyon sighed. "The activities of the jackals have been too frequent recently, but we don't have the staff to deal with them. As a result, the civilians there are very dissatisfied and even started protests."


Hearing Turalyon's words, Khadgar frowned-the wizard had heard about the Westfall, but it was just hearsay, and he couldn't focus on such things.

But Khadgar still didn't understand what this had to do with the Guardian.

"The Westfall has formed a self-defense force to resist the threat of the jackals-this is understandable, but many nobles in Stormwind consider this to be a bad phenomenon. Although it is a militia force, it is formed after all. Besides, those nobles have always been very wary of the civilian army, you know."

"Is it okay to give a designation soon?" Khadgar looked dumbfounded. "Isn't this a normal process? The militiamen get regular, and then send a nobleman to become the commander of the army."

"But the army refused." Turalyon couldn't laugh or cry. "They said,'Stormwind is engaged in a meaningless war, and we can't join it. We are the Westfall Self-Defense Force, a force to defend our homeland.' I He once went to talk to their leader in person, but he was determined to stay in the Westfall unless someone could replace them and guard the Westfall."

"So you want me to look at the Westfall?!" Hearing this, Khadgar finally understood, "With the name of the Guardian, go to the Westfall to see the field?!"

Turalyon was a little embarrassed by the word "look at the place," but he nodded under Khadgar's gaze.

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

Turalyon felt a little overwhelmed under Khadgar's gaze-in all fairness, letting the Guardian of Tirisfal go to see the field is not justified, but let the Westfall Self-Defense Force wander in Stormwind. Outside the regular army, that's not the case.

You know, under the hard work of Ryan and Varian, the civilians of the Kingdom of Stormwind have excellent senses for the royal family of Wrynn, but they don’t have so much recognition with the nobles, so the People’s Army of the Westfall Rian didn't seem to be a problem at all, but the nobles in Stormwind were very nervous about it!

Now the Northern Expedition of Stormwind City, the interior is empty, if those mud legs have any bad ideas...the consequences are disastrous!

That's why Turalyon made this suggestion.

Of course, Khadgar's protection is not a guard. In essence, this is a "fooling" arrangement. As long as Khadgar builds a mage tower in the Westfall, Stormwind City can be said to have passed.

"The Guardian has often lived in the Westfall. He will shelter you."

"What? You said you didn't see Lord Guardian? He is a mage, how could you let you see him!"

As to whether Khadgar is or not, who knows?

In essence, this is taking advantage of civilians’ ignorance of magic, creating the illusion of "the Lord is watching you". As long as you cooperate with the security forces, clean up the jackals and ensure that the jackals will not make big moves. This thing is done.

Why must Khadgar become a guardian?

Because the civilians don't understand the mages! You say Khadgar is great, but the civilians won't buy it!

Khadgar? My neighbor's kid is also called Kadjian!

But if you talk about the Guardian of Tirisfal, everyone knows it!

After understanding everything, Khadgar suddenly didn't know what expression he should show.

This is not a big deal, but it does reflect some of the problems currently facing Stormwind City-in Azeroth, it is not only the border that needs to be guarded, but even the hinterland of the country must ensure that there are enough troops. Otherwise, things will happen in minutes.

Whether murlocs, kobolds or jackals, these guys have the energy to make a big news!

Moreover, the contradiction between the nobility and the common people has always existed.

After figuring out the cause and effect of the matter, Khadgar Am I going back to Karazhan now? First inherit the identity of the guardian, and then run to the Westfall to build a decent mage tower? "

"Don't worry, don't worry." Turalyon hurriedly smiled, "It's good that the Northern Expedition is over-just in time for the Self-Defense Forces of the Westfall to stimulate the nobles of Stormwind for too long."

"Alright." Khadgar nodded, "I happen to have some ideas too, I want to talk to you after the Northern Expedition is over."


And just as Khadgar was dumbfounding for his new mission, Arthas also had a new mission of his own.

Compared with Khadgar's mission, Alsace's mission was a bit troublesome.

According to Yogg-Saron’s instructions, the Lich King should attract the attention of the Alliance and Horde as much as possible, and buy time for Yogg-Saron’s plan!

But after receiving the task, Alsace didn't hesitate at all. He swaggered out of his underground base and appeared in Icecrown Glacier.

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