Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 677: Logos and Zaira

Logosh's words made Zaira suddenly at a loss.

For Zaira, Logosh is so powerful and so powerful-he is obviously a shaman, but the combat effectiveness of lifting a hammer is no less than that of a fighter.

But now, Rogosh said he was running out of time.

Zaira has seen many deaths. In the environment of the wetland, the small tribe she belongs to will always have various accidents. Maybe anyone is unlucky enough to be dragged away by the crocodile, or stuck in the swamp and cannot get out. .

Zaira, who grew up in this environment, has long been accustomed to death.

But he had never seen the death mentioned by Logosh-a foreseeable and bound to come death.

Zaira glared her eyes and looked at her teacher carefully.

Still majestic physique, full of energy in his eyes, completely without the appearance of an old man.

"Child, don't doubt the shaman's instinct-this is the call of the wild spirit." Logosh smiled after seeing Zaira's hesitation, and then touched the braid on the head of the dragonmaw female orc, "I I know my body, it’s okay. Although it will return to the wilderness, my soul will be with the ancestors."

Zaira lowered her head silently, and she blinked her eyes hard, hoping that she would not show her weakness-what a female orc needs is strong!


With a whistling sound, the two ancestor young dragons were sent to search for food, and Logosh sat directly on the ground.

"The shaman is one of the most important members of the tribe-not because of how powerful the shaman is, but because we retain the wisdom of the orcs. Originally, I wanted to return to Zuldak and talk to you. , But after this journey, I found that I can no longer refuse the call of the wild spirit."

"So, I hope you can firmly remember what I say below."

Facing Logosh's solemn words, Zaira finally nodded.

"You are not a shaman, so I will not talk to you about the elements today." After Zaira agreed, Logosh briefly organized the language, and then slowly said, "I want to talk to you about the future of the Dragonmaw clan. ——And the future of the tribe."

Hearing that Logosh could not talk about the elements, Zaira was a little lost, but the loss was only a moment. After all, she knew that she was not a shaman's material, and Zaira also knew that she belonged to the kind of muscle faster than her brain. Orcs.

When Logosh talked about the future of the Dragonmaw clan, Zaira's eyes widened.

"The future of the Dragonmaw clan? Me?"

The significance of this is already obvious. According to Logosh, the future of the Dragonmaw clan depends on Zaira, which means that Zaira will become the chief of the Dragonmaw clan!

Don't think that the current Dragonmaw clan only has two or three kittens, but after mastering the core technology of how to train the dragon, the revival of the Dragonmaw is just around the corner!

Even Zaira, who has almost zero political sensitivity, understands that if she really becomes the chief of the Dragonmaw clan, then becoming the top of the tribe is just around the corner!

Under this circumstance, Zaira's breathing inevitably rose rapidly.

Ambition, every orc has!

Seeing Zaira like this, Logosh became even more worried.

Zaira didn't realize how important the responsibility he was about to face!

Now within the tribe, the main battle and the hawks and doves of the Lord have formed a delicate balance, because whether they are orcs or trolls, their nature is relatively savage-only the two leaders of Thrall and Zul Understanding the situation of the tribe has been suppressing the bloodthirsty and warlike voices in the tribe.

Coupled with the fact that the tribe is now facing the threat of undead natural disasters, it retreats safely from Draenor (also sacrificed a troll king).

It can be said that the entire tribe is in a delicate balance, and if one step further, it may slide directly into the abyss of endless war.

But this balance is difficult to maintain for a long time.

New adult orcs are often too young to desire honor too much. After all, it is not that no orcs are as brainy as Thrall, so it is foreseeable that with the passage of time and the expansion of the tribal population, the voice of war will become louder and louder. .

The rational doves that can restrain these orcs are facing the embarrassment of no successor.

Once the orcs become violent, not only will they destroy the enemy, they will also destroy themselves!

Why are there so many doves in the tribe now?

That's because a large part of the orc veterans who drank the devil's blood began to reflect after getting rid of the nightmare!

Eitrigg, Brocks, Varok, Jurone, Samuro...

These orc veterans are doves, not that they are not strong enough, nor that they don't care about honor, but because they have experienced enough pain, and the precipitation of time has given them the ability to suppress their own nature.

Some of them passed on this will-Jurone taught Nazgorin with his own life, sacrifice is greater than honor; Varok has also been educating Dranosh that everything is for the sake of the people; As for Thrall, the warchief became the world Saar of today under the education of four great orcs, Drek'tar, Rogosh, Eitrigg, and Gaiaan (well, it’s still There is no such title).

It can be said that the orcs who have inherited this will do not have a simple role, but the problem is that more orcs still have no brains.

Moreover, there are not a few who want to be radicalized from generation to generation like Hellscream Father and Son.

Therefore, Logosh hopes to use his last efforts to bring Zaira to the right path.

At least draw a line with that brain-dead Warsong Young Chief!

In the wind and snow, Logosh talked about the current status of the tribe, the relationship between the tribe and the alliance, the tacit understanding between the tribe and the oath, and the responsibilities for Azeroth... everything was carefully and carefully explained to Zaira.

Zaira seemed to understand but not to understand.

Although Logosh said it in detail and clearly, it is clear that Zaira is not good at facing this, and she still has a lot of things that she does not So Logosh said it the second time, The third time.

When Zaira finally no longer doubted, Logosh took out a dagger and looked at the vigorous female orc.

"My boy, this is the souvenir I got from my first hunting prey when I was in Frostfire Ridge. It was also a snowy day like now. After mastering the power of the elements, I hunted down a gray-toothed wild boar alone. This is the left fang of that wild boar."

"The one on the right was broken by my warhammer, which is a pity."

"Now, I leave it to you-I hope you can always remember what I said, and lead the Dragonmaw clan on the right path."

"Responsibility is the greatest honor."

Between the mountains of the storm cliff, the cold wind howled.

Logosh closed his eyes—what a familiar wind and snow, as if he were in Frostfire Ridge.


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