Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 676: Looking for the trail of Loken

Azeroth is a good place with four distinct seasons-but unfortunately, it does not include Northrend, especially the Icecrown and Storm Cliffs.

There is only one season-winter.

Starting from the Scarlet Dawn Fortress on the North Coast, Kurdran and his Griffon Skare cursed the **** weather more than once.

Damn wind, **** snow, **** blizzard!

Dun Morogh’s winter is also very cold (although the Wildhammer dwarves live in the warm Hinterlands, but their origin is also Ironforge), the dwarves are also known to resist freezing, but compared to Northrend, Dun Morogh The severe cold is not worth mentioning.

As a griffin of good blood, Skare's feathers are very thick.

But such thick feathers are of no use in this place in Northrend.

Especially when Scarley is performing a search mission and must fly at low altitude...

After entering the storm cliffs, Kurdran and Skarley kept their eyes on the steep peaks, searching for the temple where Loken might be hidden, but they found Thorim's. But after all, Loken was not found.

The only temple that Kurdran thought might be Loken was full of **** tentacles. The Wildhammer dwarf didn't dare to stay for a long time, and after a hurried look, he left directly.

Where is Loken?

He is no longer his own Temple of Wisdom, he is in the Hall of Lightning-the place where he cast Thunderforged Dwarves and Storm Giants.

The escape of Hodir’s son and Hydnir caused Loken to be severely punished. The criticism from the Thousand Maws is not just as simple as mental pollution-if it were not for Loken, it would be useful, Yogg-Saron almost wanted He was brainwashed into an idiot.

So Loken, who had made up for it, stayed behind closed doors in the Lightning Hall, and began to create more Thundercast Dwarves and Storm Giants.

After Yogg-Saron realized his exposure, he decided to have a mighty battle.

This is why Kurdran has been flying in the cold wind for nearly half a month without finding Loken...

Fortunately, Kurdran found Logosh and Zaira.


Compared with Kurdran's misery, the search trip of Logos and Zaira went smoothly.

After all, the ancestor young dragon is more adapted to the environment here than the griffon.

And more importantly, the intuition of these ancestor young dragons is much more acute than that of Griffins-two people don't even need to land to know whether Loken is in the temple below, which greatly increases the speed of searching.

No, none at all!

Seeing the ancestor young dragon's always carefree look, Logosh and Zaira can be sure that there are no guardians in these places, and naturally there is no Loken.

After searching for nothing, Logosh and Zaira decided to explore Ulduar.

However, these two unlucky ancestor young dragons were unwilling to fly towards Ulduar, and it was useless to urge Logosh and Zaira no matter what.

Could it be that Loken was also in Ulduar?

This is the only conclusion reached after Logosh and Zaira discussed.

If this is the case, it is really troublesome. No one knows what the state of Ulduar is. If Loken is really hidden in Ulduar, I am afraid that it will be difficult to lead the snake out of the hole.

Just when the two were about to return, they met Kurdran.

After greeting in the air, the two sides chose to land with a tacit understanding.

Among the orcs, Logosh is more able to talk to the Alliance. If the person sent by the Horde is Grommash, then it must be a fight at this time, and Logosh can still fight Kurdran said a few words.

"Hey, dwarf-if you have a chance, you can go to Ulduar. I guess that eight achievement called Loken is in Ulduar!" Logosh tried to imitate his lover's tone, "It looks like... It's really spectacular."

"Why?" Kurdran raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you go and see?"

"I want to go..." Rogosh gave a wry smile, "But the Ancestral Dragon is very scared and doesn't want to be near there."

Kurdran frowned when Logosh said this.

It is very likely that if Loken really hides in Ulduar, then everything will be overthrown!

"This is very important. Thank you for your information. Regarding Loken, we will also inform the tribe in the next step."

Thinking of what he should do next, Kuran's nodded towards Logosh, and then stepped on the Griffin again. Skare flapped his wings and left here.

"Teacher, why do you want to tell him this news?" Zaira didn't understand Logosh's decision. "Does the glory of destroying Loken have to be handed over to those despicable Alliance dogs?"

"We have no choice." Looking at the thunderous Zaira, Logosh shook his head, "As you know, the ancestor young dragon is very scared, we can't fly there now."

"We have!" Zaira argued loudly, "As long as we go back to increase the training of the ancestor young dragon, or capture the adult ancestor dragon, there is always a way to bring us to Ulduar!"

"But it's too late!" Logosh also raised his voice, "We don't know what happened here, we don't know the relationship between the ancient gods and the Lich King, and the cliffs of the storm are far from Zuldak and Du Lontar is too close!"

"No orc is willing to give up the glory that can be obtained by fighting bravely, but we can only do this!"

"Do you hope that because we wasted time, we have to face a more erosive situation?!"

Although Logosh was old at this time, his aura was not comparable to Zaira's. His roar echoed among the mountains and echoed in Zaira's heart.

The life she has drifted away from a young age has made Zaira’s vision not so broad. Her cognition is still at the stage of "discovering the it by myself". There is nothing wrong with it, but once the problem is not When you can solve it yourself, or when the cost of solving it yourself is too high to accept, the uncompromising Zaira will go in the wrong direction.

This is also what Logosh worries most.

After a long time, Zaira finally recovered. He climbed onto the back of the ancestor young dragon somewhat mechanically, intending to return to Zudak.

But Logosh stopped her again.

"Come down, boy--I thought I could speak slowly, but unfortunately I have heard the call of the ancestor's spirit, and it's too late."

"This is my last lesson to you."

Hearing what Logosh said, Zaira finally widened her eyes in surprise-Logosh's words almost meant that he was on the verge of death!

The shaman, on the other hand, is always predictable about his own death.


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