Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 674: Tough 0 light battle

Regardless of Dai Lin's feelings and worries at this time, we will turn our eyes back to this Northern Expedition.

According to the information left by the Scarlet Crusaders, the Northern Expeditionary forces found the Scarlet Crusade camp on the northern shore of Icecrown.

When the warships of Kul Tiras berthed in the humble harbor, the soldiers of the Alliance saw a desolation--or barrenness.

Speaking of it, the Northern Expedition of the Scarlet Crusade is really miserable.

Remember how they got to Northrend?

They rely on the goblin ship, the black rope group!

At the beginning, the Scarlet Crusade paid a big price to hire the Blackfuse Group, and secretly transported this northern expedition to Northrend-the goblin technology was shocking, and the Paladins suffered a lot along the way.

In order to reduce the cost as much as possible, the classmate Blacksot adopted an extremely inhumane "canned" filling method for this transportation. The entire cabin was filled with paladins like canned sardines.

Had it not been for a priest to dispel the plague, I am afraid that most of these Scarlet Crusaders would die directly at sea...

But the Scarlet Crusaders had no choice-for the sake of secrecy, they could only seek the help of goblins, and only goblins would take this job.

Then, they were sold by goblins.

That's right, the Scarlet Crusaders paid the return ticket when negotiating with the Blackfuse Group-but the Blackfuse Group decisively released the Scarlet Crusade pigeons after taking the deposit.

What a sad story...

When the Northern Expedition was not going well, several senior officials of the Scarlet Crusade also had a discussion about whether to fight or withdraw.

But later these poor paladins discovered that they actually had no choice at all, and couldn't leave even if they wanted to go-because the goblin didn't mean to pick him up at all!

As a result, the Paladins could only stick to the Scarlet Dawn Fortress, waiting alone for the dawn that might come.

First wait is three full years.

In this section of the northern shore of the Icecrown Glacier, Northrend’s ecosystem has suffered a devastating blow-under the pressure of survival, the Scarlet Crusade has trained a large number of fishing masters and kitchen masters.

Human potential is endless...

When the ships with the Union flag appeared, the sentry of the Scarlet Crusade jumped directly from the guard tower.

"Our family came to pick us up!"

Wrapped in thick fur, Turalyon, who was the first to step off the ship, was stunned by the scene before him.

Turalyon really couldn't believe that the group in front of him was actually the elite soldiers of the Scarlet Crusade-these people seemed to be refugees!

Yes, refugees.

The Scarlet Dawn Fortress looked terribly crude, and the paladins were all ragged.

If everyone's body is not strong enough, I am afraid that all the elites of the Northern Expedition have been buried forever by the wind and snow of Icecrown Glacier!

And when he saw Gavinrad, Turalyon finally confirmed that this was the Scarlet Crusade.

"Gavinrad, what have you experienced!"

For the Scarlet Crusade, Turalyon’s emotions are very complicated. It can be said that these paladins have gone on a wrong path due to extreme extremes-but looking at their miserable appearance, Turalyon is fundamentally accused. I couldn't say it, so what I blurted out in the end was a concern.

"We... we went through a lot of mistakes, and then became what we are now-it's hard to say a word, I think we can talk about it slowly." Regarding Turalyon’s question, Gavinrad stopped talking, and he changed the topic Turning to the fleet this time, "Is the Kul Tiras navy? It seems that the Alliance intends to avenge Alsace?"

"Yes." Turalyon nodded, "After so long of cultivation, the Alliance already has the power to fight. We will divide the Drunken Lich King and purify Northrend!"

During the Northern Expedition of the Alliance, humans, dwarves, and gnomes all took out their troops at the bottom of the box, and it is predictable that the tribe will be the same.

This time there is no Trial of the Grand Crusader. Everyone started to be bloodthirsty, and the bayonet saw red from the start!


Why during the WLK period, the Alliance and Horde’s Northern Expedition chose the way of crusade trials?

You know, the footman at that time was a group of elite adventurers and mercenaries, not a big lord or uncrowned.

Then why would the huge alliances and tribes choose such a way of losing shares, choosing the last fighter to attack Icecrown?

No way, the hard power is insufficient.

Look at the Western Wilderness at that time, it was all rotten!

Look at the barren land at that time, it's really barren!

The most important thing is that the battle between the Alliance, the Horde and the Lich King is a "mortal battle." Although Arthas is already a demigod in strength, he is nothing but a demigod in the face of world power. mortal.

Arthas can't destroy Azeroth, but Yogg-Saron can and Deathwing can.

After the cataclysm caused by the big jaw, the dragon and the gods of the wilderness were panicked, but the Lich King was angry, and he did not dare to do anything in the Dragonblight Wilderness.

If Malygos hadn't been crazy at the time, it would be hard to say whether Arthas would raise Sindagosala.

It was during the WLK period that mortals proved themselves with their own strength and will.

In the eyes of many players, the Lich King and Icecrown Citadel are the pinnacles of wow, but for Azeroth, Ulduar fighting the dragon soul is the sign of the arrival of the mortal age!

When the Guardian halted, it was mortals who stood in front of the ancient **** Yogg-Saron with the belief in defending their homeland.

Yes, there was no help from the guardian, and the zero light was dim.

But no one retreated because of cowardice, no one was crazy because of the ancient gods. After the **** battle, Loken died, and Yogg-Saron's conspiracy was finally shattered. In Dalaran, Ronin could proudly look up at the sky.

In the Battle of the Dragon Soul, the mortals took over the power to guard the world, and Thrall took direct action to stop the conspiracy of the world destroyers.

In this timeline, due to Drunk Wind's intervention, things have changed a lot.

Although there is an oath to use Kalimdor's output as logistics, the problem has become The Lich King and the ancient gods stand together.

This means that the Alliance, Horde and Oath will face more severe challenges!

Moreover, Deathwing may rush out of the Deep Rock Continent at any time and launch a catastrophe!

Thorim had been imprisoned in Ulduar.

It is still a battle of zero lights.

It was still a decisive battle with the Lich King.

Still want to smash the conspiracy to destroy the world.

But this time, three things are likely to come at the same time.


Thinking of zero lights, thinking of stars.


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