Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 673: Captain of maritime transport

Obviously, finding Tichondrius is not a simple matter.

For those Scarlet Crusaders who are psychologically distorted, psychological counseling is even more difficult.

The dilemma is added, so although the Alliance has already occupied this place, the processing of the Scarlet Monastery has just begun so far.

But the process of the Northern Expedition can't be dragged on any longer-no one knows what will happen after the undead natural disasters and the ancient gods get together.

Alonthos Faor left the Scarlet Monastery with the Forsaken Esoteric. They wanted to find the trace of the dreadlord and completely wipe out the root of this corruption.

The rest of the alliance began the journey to Northrend with the Forsaken Forsaken Army as the vanguard.

Thanks to the Northern Expedition of the Scarlet Crusade-Uther and Mograine are very well prepared. They even left a lot of hydrological information about ocean currents and Northrend's north shore, combined with the experienced sailors of Kul Tiras , The Northern Expedition of the Alliance Army went smoothly.

Interestingly speaking, Dalin now seems to have become the captain of the Azeroth Sea Transport Brigade. Kul Tiras is responsible for every large-scale military operation or civil migration.

For this reason, in Kul Tiras, how to turn a battleship into a passenger ship has become a compulsory course for sailors...


Standing on the deck of his flagship with his own saber, Admiral Daelin Proudmoore allowed the sea breeze to blow his gray hair, quietly looking at the busy dock in Nanhai Town.

Time is not forgiving-Dai Lin is getting old.

Among the older generations of human kings like Terenas and Ryan, Dai Lin is considered to be a young one, but time has not spared others, and time has left his mark on the admiral's body and heart.

Only Gene, Thoras, and Dailin are still alive now.

If it was in the past, if Dai Lin saw a sailor being lazy while moving things, he would definitely run over and kick that guy’s **** with his boots-but now, Dai Lin prefers to stand here, quietly. sun.

The pain of losing his son at the time was the sadness that Dai Lin couldn't let go of until now-if Drake hadn't died under those dragon's breath by then, maybe the admiral is now Drake.

Dalin had only one son and one daughter. After Drake's death, the first heir to the entire Kul Tiras was Jaina.

And for Dai Lin, Jaina is the only heir.

For his daughter, Dai Lin's feelings are very complicated.

First of all, Dai Lin was proud of his daughter.

Jaina is a great magician well-known in Dalaran, an amazing genius!

But on the other hand, Dalin was also very worried about Jaina, ah, I don't know if his daughter can lead Kul Tiras on the right path in the future.

Jaina was still too naive.

She is proud and stubborn, sensitive but strong, but as the king of a country, these are far from enough.

Jaina didn't think deeply, and didn't have the responsibility of a politician-in other words, she always put herself in an absolutely neutral and correct position.

But how can the king be neutral?

The king’s neutrality is irresponsible to the people of his country!

The king's selflessness is the tragedy of all the people!

If the king of a country treats everyone (no matter which country they are) the same for fairness and justice, then how desperate the people of this country will be!

Moreover, after returning from Draenor, Jaina was even more desperate-Jaina, who hated war, couldn't let go of why the Alliance and the Horde had to fight.

Sometimes Dai Lin would wonder whether a mage who can't eat the fireworks and can not become a qualified king.

In Azeroth, it's not easy to be a king—Silly Baitian will die miserably, and if you have a deep mind, please refer to Terenas. There are many guys who are deeper than you, just accidentally.

Dalin was really worried, would Jaina take Kul Tiras into the ditch...

Kul Tiras now seems to be prosperous, but in fact, the more Dai Lin understands the sea, the more fear he is.

He is afraid of the unmatched existence in the sea.

Whether it is the lord of the water element—Neptulon the Tidehunter, Azshara, the queen of Naga, or the legendary N'Zoth, these are the existences that worries Dai Lin.

The more people who know, the more awe in their hearts.

Living on the sea certainly occupies the convenience of transportation, but it also means that there is no depth.

Some time ago, Naga was doing things in Kul Tiras once again-although with the support of the Alliance, those Naga couldn't make a big setback, but this undoubtedly sounded the alarm for Dai Lin.

Among humans, Kul Tiras is invincible at sea, but facing those aquatic creatures, Kul Tiras has become a weaker party instead.

During the Battle of Draenor, Kul Tiras sent many Marines, and even for this reason, Dalin and his old friend Logosh fell out.

Why do you want to do this?

The driving force behind Dai Lin this time is no longer hatred.

Daelin now hopes to retake Arathi Highlands-only by occupying Arathi Highlands, Kul Tiras is not rootless.

But Jaina didn't approve of Dalin's choice-she even argued with her father to shoot the table.

In Jaina's view, Kul Tiras does not need Arathi Highlands.

The proud female mage thinks that all this is just an excuse for ambition-there is an alliance, there is an oath, why do you want to take back the territories of the orcs because of some worry?

Kul Tirans do not lack land, and those orcs need land. In this case, why should Kul Tiras be brought into war because of the desolate Arathi?

The father-daughter conversation ended up unhappy.

And after the Battle of Draenor Dalin discovered a lot.

People are old and talented, and now Dai Lin has almost a clear view of Drunk Wind's strategy. He pledged to balance the strength of the Alliance and the Horde while doing his job of maintaining peace in Azeroth.

It seems that taking back Arathi may not be so easy...

In this case, Dai Lin had to give more consideration.

Unknowingly, the loading of the Dai Lin flagship has been completed, and the admiral shook his head and stopped thinking about those things.

"Go, target Northrend!"


Regarding the issue of Kul Tiras, since all the Warcraft TRPGs are invalidated (the key is that some of them conflict with the chronicle), there is no such thing as Tanred Proudmoore, the second son of Dailin. All the chronicles shall prevail.

In addition, Dai Lin set up a FLAG~


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