Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 662: Drunk wind’s findings

?Why is Drunk Wind so sure that Benedictus can't do anything big?


  Because of drunk wind, the preliminary investigation has been done long ago-without investigation, there is no right to speak.


  Why was the drunk wind doing during the war in Delano?


On the one hand, he wiped his own son's ass-some of Nomi's behaviors attracted parents including the high-level "Jing" Lingsangunar family and the representative of the "Lost" Stormstout family Lao Chen. Protest, Zuifeng can only carry this pitfall.


   On the other hand, Zuifeng is also looking for the latest developments in Deathwing.


   After all, Deathwing’s actions are likely to be directly related to Pandaria’s ‘mis’ fog!


   If possible, Zuifeng would like to go to the Deep Rock Continent to'figure out' what his father-in-law is doing now.


   But, of course this is just thinking about it.


   Drunk Wind can guarantee that if I dare to run to the Deep Rock Continent, I will never come back alive...


   Deathwing’s chin is like a tiger’s butt, and it’s not ‘touch’!


   Since we can't trace the origin, then Drunk Wind can only find another way-if you can't find Deathwing, then go to Deathwing's subordinates!


  Don't forget, there is another clue in Nomi.


   Ravenholdt Manor!


   Wasn’t it Ravenholdt who got the source of the "Flesh Seed Project"?


   However, when Drunk Wind arrived at Ravenholdt, Ravenholdt was almost destroyed.


   That’s right, Drunk Wind’s spent a lot of time, after some twists and turns, following the clues, when he found the legendary manor among the vast mountains, he was surprised to find that it had been razed to the ground.


   Among the dilapidated rubble, there are still many traces of once brilliant.


   The holy land of human assassins disappeared into the long river of history.


   Zuifeng is still a little lucky, the young lady of Sangunar's family has been dragged back by her brother-on the one hand, her safety is guaranteed, and on the other hand, Zuifeng is given a chance to understand the situation.


   After thinking of this, Drunk Wind went directly to Quel'Thalas.


   In Quel'Thalas, Drunk Wind met Varela smoothly.


   Facing the drunk wind, Valera was very cautious, or a little too cautious.


   But Zuifeng doesn't care about this at all, he is more concerned about what happened to Ravenholdt.


   After learning about the coming of Drunk Wind, Varela told one side of her experience in detail, and she also sold Nomi and talked about Deathwing and the blood **** Hakkar.


   Drunk risk some faint!


   Give the body of Deathwing to the Ancient God, and give the blood and "flesh" of the Ancient God to Deathwing, Nomi, this is the rhythm of pitting your father to death!


   Now Drunken Wind is all clear.


  Why did Deathwing go?


   With his toes, he can understand that he is going to repair his body!


  During the War of the Ancients, Deathwing betrayed the Dragon Legion and created the Demon Soul.


   The Demon Soul directly tore the body of Deathwing, and magma flowed out of the gaps in his scales all the time.


   This is why Deathwing chooses to put an iron shell on itself-this is not as an armor (normal metal is not as strong as Deathwing's dragon scales), but to prevent this endless pain!


Now it’s alright. With Nomi’s help, Deathwing has obtained the blood'flesh' seed of an ancient **** (professed). Combined with the battle report of Illidan's encirclement and suppression of the black dragons, I am afraid that Deathwing is not now Know where to hide to repair the body!


   At this moment, Drunk Wind’s heart is full of despair...


Think about it, if the guy who clamored "I am the incarnation of power" really repaired his body and became weak-in this case, once he started doing things, it must be a big deal. .


   Something more serious than the rift of the earth!


   So Drunk Wind decided immediately that he must hurry up before Deathwing to do anything, do it first, and kill his old husband!


   After getting a lot of details about Ravenholdt from Valera, Drunk Wind left Quel'Thalas and returned to the ruins of Ravenholdt.


   This time, Zuifeng found a clue.


  The clue is the metal boxes that Nomi and Valeira failed to open.


   The trial of Duke Jorazzy Ravenholdt left a deep enough impression on Valera and Nomi, so Valera told Drunk Wind about the boxes.


   Zuifeng felt that there must be something strange in these boxes!


   Nomi and Varela can't open, but Drunk Wind can open.


   (Here, thanks to Aura Kil for his strong support for the cause of box opening)


   Inside these small boxes, there are special papers that use common language to record some clues and speculations of Duke Jorach Ravenholdt.


   "A strange force is eyeing Ravenholdt."


"This force is like a **** net that wraps up the entire Ravenholdt. I don't know who the enemy is, and I don't dare to ask for help. I have a hunch that if it is not handled properly, this big net will cover everything. Someone who is aware."


"Fallard has a problem, but I didn't find the problem-this is the instinct of an assassin, the dignity of a thief. Although he has been in Ravenholdt for many years, the time is not reliable in this case. "


   "I hope Farad is just coveting my position. If he is also a thread on that big net, I am afraid Ravenholdt will not escape his fate."


   "I feel the horror of this organization more and more. It seems that Ravenholdt is destined to come to an end. I hope someone can discover this information and find the murderer behind the scenes after the destruction of Ravenholdt."


   "It's over...Someone started to send assassins around behind my back. I don't know if they are going to make a false public'private', or if they want to spread the crowd, Ravenholdt will probably be destroyed in my hands."


   "If you see this information go to Lordaeron, in the palace of the old Lordaeron city, there are some evidences that I have hidden under the throne, I hope you can find them."


   "Everything, for Azeroth."


The small boxes with these characteristics are extremely resistant to magic, and they are not conspicuous. The people who destroyed Ravenholdt did not notice them. After Drunk Wind searched the ruins of Ravenholdt carefully, they found out from these small boxes. Inside, I got a lot of useful news.


   If Zuifeng hadn’t guessed, the "big black net" was either a subordinate of Deathwing or a believer of N'Zoth.


  The specific situation can only be ‘clarified’ by obtaining Lordaeron’s evidence.


   In this case, Zuifeng decisively got up and rushed to Lordaeron.


   Then, while Zuifeng was trying to find the evidence, he met Faor.


   "Drunk Wind, are you looking for some record scrolls?"



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