Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 661: Archbishop Hidden

? For N'Zoth, mortals don't know much about it. . :.


After all, this ancient **** also took the "high-end route". Look at Deathwing, and then look at Azshara. Kittens and puppies are not in the eyes of this ancient god. No matter how fanatical it is, It's just an ordinary believer of ancient gods.


  Varian didn't know N'Zoth, but it was normal.


   So in Varian’s ‘private’ meeting room, Drunk Wind could only choose to tell Varian in detail about the relationship between Deathwing, Azshara and N’Zoth.


   Warri Safety Cheng was surprised.


  Although Drunk Wind used the name Deathwing to explain the terrifyingness of the ancient **** before crusade against C'Thun, the overly smooth battle of the new quicksand caused Varian to have an incorrect impression of the ancient god.


   Isn’t that the boss nestled in his hometown!


   For alliances and tribes, like C'Thun, the ancient gods who established a "base" and gradually expanded their influence were not terrible.


   The big deal is to encircle and suppress!


   No matter how many people you have, can there be as many people as me?


   But for N'Zoth, after learning the details, Varian frowned.


   The ‘insidious’ ancient god, the black hand hiding behind the scenes.


   Azeroth’s "Boss Battle" so many times has proved that, if the enemy is just like Sargeras, the destructive power of the villain is not that great.


   Ake's "Mon" is great, right? Died twice!


   Kil'jaeden is great, right? Banished by Lothar!


   And if you count down the situations that have caused serious consequences, you will find that those ‘insidious’ guys who hide behind the scenes and do things are the most disgusting.


   When thinking of this, Varian suddenly didn't know why he thought of Arthas.


  Varian believed that even in the face of Sargeras' threat, Arthas would not succumb, but he fell because of the dreadlord's tricks and even destroyed Lordaeron directly.


   Drunk Feng Niu'forced' right? It’s not that someone secretly ‘yin’ hand, fed Chenguangmai’s corpse for so long!


   At any time, the tightest fortress is breached from the inside.


   This time Kalia was assassinated, if it weren’t for the great **** Faor behind the Forsaken, then maybe the Alliance would really be bad for the Northern Expedition!


   After ‘firing out’ the ins and outs of the matter, Varian finally looked towards Drunk Wind.


   "Then who is the "traitor" you said?"


   "It's in the cathedral." Drunk wind sighed, "Archbishop--Benedictus."




   Hearing what Zuifeng said, Varian "teng" stood up.


   "This is impossible! It can't be done by Benedictus!"


   To the accusation of Drunk Wind, Varian's first reaction was that it was Drunk Wind squirting blood.


   Benedictus is the Archbishop of Stormwind!


  Varian would never believe that a priest who believed in the light would be a believer in the so-called ancient god!


   In that respect, there is no reason for Benedictus to do this-why bother? !


   Benedictus is the heir of Archbishop Alonthos Faor and the propagator of the doctrine of the Holy Light!


   Wait, isn’t Archbishop Alonthos Faor right in front of him...


  Varian looked at the archbishop with incredible eyes.


   Facing Varian's doubts, Archbishop Faor nodded heavily.


   "..." At this moment, Varian was struck by lightning.


   No matter what he wants to break his head, he can't think of it, but Benedictus betrayed him, betrayed Stormwind, and betrayed the Holy Light!


   "Why..." Varian's lips trembled, "Why is this..."


   Seeing Varian desperate, Drunken Wind and Faor didn't know what to say for a while.


   Actually, after the rebuilding of Stormwind City, Lothar's "yin" handed over to nobles, Stormwind City can really be said to be changing and prospering with each passing day.


  With the unity of the soldiers and civilians of Stormwind, everything looks so beautiful from the Elwynn Forest to the Redridge Mountains, from the Westfall to the Deadwind Trail.


  The people who believe in the Holy Light live and work in peace, and the soldiers under the protection of the Holy Light charge forward.


   Although the current Stormwind City is also facing various challenges, Varian never thought that there would be such a big crisis in Stormwind City.


   There is nothing more sad and hateful than betrayal.


   And the closer the betrayer is, the greater the pain of betrayal.


   In Stormwind, Benedictus can be described as a high position-in public, even Varian will respect the archbishop.


   For the people of Stormwind, Benedictus is the embodiment of the Holy Light!


   But now, Varian suddenly learned that Benedictus was actually a believer in the ancient gods-this really caught Varian off guard.


   Zuifeng and Faor didn't say anything anymore, they could only give Varian time and let him figure it out.


   No one can do anything like this, everyone is helpless-but betrayal is betrayal.


   And drunk wind does not just rely on the plot to say that, drunk wind has evidence.




   It was a long time before Varian recovered from the heavy blow of Benedictus' betrayal.


   "No wonder the assassin seems to have evaporated from the world-all priests are self-examined by the Church of Light."


   "No wonder MI7 has no clue-where is the restricted area of ​​MI7!"


   "No wonder the Assassins are so familiar with the mansion-there used to entertain the bishop of the Northshire Abbey, and Benedictus knew it well."


   All kinds of doubts and ‘confusion’ were all explained in an instant after Varian wanted to understand. The so-called mysterious assassination was nothing more than a clever arrangement under the cover of Benedictus, with the help of blind spots in thinking.


   After figuring out everything, Varian's first reaction was to immediately take action and control Benedictus first.


   This kind of traitor doesn't deal with it right away, is it waiting to go home for the New Year?


   But the next moment reacted to something wrong.


   "Why did you take the initiative to say that you found the "traitor" in the previous negotiations, and also proposed to have a secret meeting, but the pastor was present at that time!"


  Varian suddenly didn't understand. Why would Drunk Wind say such things as "rape" in the public? Doesn't that give Benedictus a chance to prepare and escape? !


   After seeing Varian reacting, Zuifeng and Faor smiled at each other.


   "What I want is for him to react. If he runs away, it would be great!"


   "..." Varian instantly understood the abacus of Drunken Wind. He wanted Benedictus to be the one to lead the way, leading to the black hand hiding behind the scenes.


   "But what about Stormwind City? If Benedictus desperately wants to destroy, then Stormwind City may pay a huge price!"


   Regarding Varian’s concern, Zuifeng said directly that now the master of Benedictus is still lurking and there is no time for big news!



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