Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 614: Thrall's blind date

When the Alliance and the Horde were preparing to march towards the Hellfire Citadel, a certain warchief had already set foot on the land of Nagrand.

It may be a bit unnatural, Thrall is on a blind date while others are still fighting silently.

You read it right, it's a blind date!

Speaking of it, Thrall’s age is really embarrassing-he was born during the first orc war, basically no peers. After all, few orcs can compete with Thrall’s mother, female hero Draka. You can still have children after passing through the dark gate.

So Comrade Thrall’s life-long event has always been a big problem.

In Azeroth, there are many female orcs who admire Thrall, but Thrall and them have serious value disharmony and huge generation gap-after all, not everyone can accept that his wife is a teenager younger than himself.

In this case, Thrall can only remain a bachelor.

According to the experience of Gul'dan and Ner'zhul, the orcs without family members are quite unreliable. Maybe that day he felt hopeless in life and began to retaliate against the society-well, just kidding, mainly because Thrall and Ta Resa’s relationship is a bit too good. After the two became the leaders of their respective camps, they had maintained a state of forgetting each other for a while, but when Teresa returned to Kalia, she was relieved of the burden. Taresa began to communicate with Thrall again.

If Thrall were an ordinary orc, if something happened between him and Tallesa, the orcs might still support it, after all, Tallesa was one of the few women respected by orcs.

But unfortunately, Thrall is a great chief.

Leaders don’t have personal problems—or rather, leaders’ personal problems are not personal.

Last time in Draenor, after the Saurfang brothers met Gaiaan, apart from talking a lot about the tribe, they also specifically mentioned Thrall—and Thrall’s unusual concept of love.

After all, necrophilia is not a big problem, but it shouldn't happen to the warchief.

The most direct manifestation is that if Thrall is really with Taresa, then when fighting the Alliance, the level of taunting of all the Alliance fighters will be a step higher-your warchief has no son!

Regarding Thrall's question, Gaia'an was quite calm, and she calmly stated that it was not a problem at all to leave everything to herself.

Then, when Grommash was sent to discuss the migration issues that he had said long ago, he was stunned by Gaiaan, sprayed with blood, and had to ask Thrall for help.

When Thrall came to Nagrand and talked about going to Azeroth, Gaia'an smiled and agreed.

Thrall was at a loss as to the tremendous changes in Gaia'an-didn't he mean that his grandmother was very stubborn and couldn't come to Azeroth?

Then in the next moment, Thrall understood why Gaiaan had lied to himself.

"Thar, my child, you should have a family now."

Like all the hapless people who are urged to marry, Thrall has a headache for the argument that "you should get married, which helps cultivate your sense of responsibility."

But he really couldn't help Gaiaan.

This time I came to Nagrand, on the one hand for the migration of the Mag'har orcs, on the other hand, for answering all my doubts, but Gaiaan now made it clear that you can’t do anything if you don’t go to a blind date. Comrade Thrall could only nod his head and agreed to participate in the blind date.

Then Thrall regretted it.

Because Gaiaan didn't tell him in advance that this was a one-to-many blind date.

On the hills of Nagrand, Thrall's head is as big as a fight, looking at the dozens of female orcs sitting scattered in front of him.


Thrall would rather go to Hellfire Peninsula and the Alliance desperately now, rather than endure such embarrassment here.

Yes, embarrassing!

In Thrall's eyes, Nagrand's orcs are simple, but heinously naive!

Under the protection of Gaia'an, the Mag'han orcs rarely come into contact with the deceitful hearts of the outside world. The orcs here adhere to the most primitive traditions and live regularly under the guidance of shamanism, even if the environment deteriorates day by day. , But still extremely optimistic.

It's like an optimistic family...

Thrall thought he was already kind among the orcs. Compared with the Mag'har orcs, he was really...not too kind!


It's not just Thrall who is embarrassed, but Agna is also among the female orcs who have been on a blind date.

In advance, Agna was unwilling to participate in such activities, but at the strong request of Gaia'an, she had to come-so she chose to mix in the crowd and silently beat soy sauce.

As a new age orc woman who advocates freedom and courage, Agna dislikes this environment very much.

When the orc women around her were full of small stars and asked idiotic questions one after another, Agona almost couldn't help getting up and leaving.

That's a green leather!

Regarding this great chief, Agna really has no respect. She still remembers that when someone said that Thrall was at the same age, his strength far exceeded Finally, she explained again in Thrall After a female orc questioned, Agna stood up.

"Come and fight, Warchief."

Agna's directness caught Thrall by surprise, but after a brief surprise, he nodded.

"I am happy to accompany you--but are you the toughest one?"

"Of course." Agna raised her head proudly. "To be precise, no one can beat me in Garadar better."

Obviously, Agna understood what Thrall meant, and Thrall was obviously unwilling to continue the inking like this.

Thrall took the Doomhammer together, then hesitated, then put it down again.

"Who find me a spear..."

"Pick up your warhammer, Guyer!" Agna is extremely disgusted with Thrall's statement. "I am a soldier, and then a woman-put away your mentality, I don't need your mercy!"

"I am simply afraid of you being hurt." Thrall was dumbfounded by Agna's words. "The Doomhammer is too heavy, I can't even grasp it well, and I am very good at using spears-I and Ao Grim used a spear in his first fight."

"……hope so."

Staring at Thrall for a while, Agna finally stopped forcing him to use Doomhammer. She took off her warhammer from her waist and then took out her shield from behind.

The orcs formed a huge circle. In the center of the circle, Thrall and Agna, who had taken off their armor and held a spear, looked at each other quietly.

This is an interesting battle.


I'm in a bad mood. I have some things at home and I don't have time to update.

Today I am like a dried salted fish, stiff...

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