Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 613: Deja vu decision

To be honest, King Rastakhan’s participation in the war was actually excessive.

This is equivalent to Magni fighting as a forward in person-but considering the current state of the troll, it seems understandable.

After all, the contradiction between the Prophet Zul and King Rastakhan is not clear to the foreigners, but they are more or less aware.

And interestingly, Zul hasn't shown up yet.

King Rastakhan’s battle instantly gave the Horde an advantage. Without a large number of mages, the humanoid God of War (well, the Troll God of War) could not handle it.

And the battlefield of this battle is Draenor, not Azeroth.

The performance of wizards in Draenor depends on how well they can adapt to this environment-guys who can display all their strengths anytime and anywhere, we can call them astral wizards, so far there is no astral wizard.

After all, Medivh has now become a warlock.

Without Faye's full support, the league is now in a strategic defensive position as a whole.

But this kind of defense is only temporary. After all, in terms of pure strength comparison, the alliance can be said to be in an absolute superiority-at least for now.

Although the Alliance does not know what the trolls are going to do to the gods of Arak, there is no doubt that they must have mastered a certain method that can help them gain the power of the gods of Arak.

If they are really successful, then the result is really hard to say.

In this case, the Alliance had to choose to take the initiative and look for opportunities to give the Horde a look.

"Master Moira, what's the status of Violet's mage now? If we delay, once the trolls get the power they covet, I'm afraid our war will become troublesome."

"The state of the mages is not very good." Facing Turalyon's question, Moira was also very depressed. "To be honest, fighting in another world is a very hard task. Even me, in this void Wherever energy is raging, you must be careful to fail to cast spells, let alone other members of the wizard group."

"Huh—" Turalyon sighed long, "The battle will begin after the first fortress is completed. It seems that the orcs are doomed to complete first."

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, this may not be a bad thing." Khadgar was calm. "We may not have to defend all the time. Once the wizards have adapted to the environment, the first attack is the best way."

"It can only be so." Turalyon nodded helplessly, "Anyway, the troll can't get those crystals with peace of mind."

"So, now our task is very clear-to figure out where to attack next, and then to formulate a complete combat plan, after the wizard group has fully restored its ability to cast spells, then take action."

Turalyon nodded, then looked at the map carefully.

"Draenor, Hellfire Peninsula--what an interesting place, Khadgar, is this map really accurate?"

"Of course." Khadgar smiled. "This is something my teacher gave me. It is said that it was collected from an astral merchant after paying a considerable price."

"Master Guardian..."

When it comes to Medivh, Turalyon really doesn't know what to say.

Originally, as a guardian, Medivh was undoubtedly a member of the Alliance, but in fact, Medivh is now strictly neutral. If Medivh helps the Alliance at this time, the Horde may be hanged in this war. hit.

On the other hand, Turalyon somewhat understood Medivh now.

The current Medivh, or the entire oath, is no longer the division of Azeroth's power. From the oath, the war between the alliance and the tribe is just a small fight. The real war is with The ancient gods, the Burning Legion and even the Void Lord.

Shaking his head and trying not to think about it, Turalyon set his eyes on the map again.

"Adjust the troops first. Unsurprisingly, the Hellfire Citadel is our battleground-if we can hold it here, we can even bypass the tribe directly and go to Terokkar Forest to stop the trolls first. We will have no worries."


Coincidentally, when the Alliance was planning to launch an offensive, the Horde was actually thinking about when to fight another wave.

No way, no matter whether it is Gromash or King Saurfang, no one does not worry about the Faye of those alliances.

Unlike the original timeline, no one in the tribe is speaking for them in Dalaran. The entire Dalaran is now working for the Alliance. The power of the Violet Avengers Mages is also very clear to these orcs.

The orcs who are free from the haunting of the devil's blood are not reckless, they are not so arrogant that they can carry magic in their bodies.

I have to say that Zul's actions were really well concealed. Although the orcs knew they were thinking about something, they couldn't figure out what they were thinking about.

It can be said that Zul's actions not only concealed the enemy, but also deceived his teammates-the tribe didn't know if it really dragged on, the situation would be beneficial to it, so now the tribe is also trying to continue to organize the offensive.

"Think about it, where should we fight?"

In the command post King Saurfang and King Gromash and King Rastakhan who had just returned to the Glory Fortress were also looking at the map.

I don’t know why, after a big victory, King Rastakhan rejected Gromash’s suggestion to attack the Hellfire Citadel. Instead, he chose to retreat directly and withdrew the Glory Citadel, leaving only a small group of troops and Scout, watching Stormwind's Second Legion in Glory Fortress-they are not fast anyway, if they want to return to Vengeance Fortress with supplies, a small group of troops will be enough to hold them.

"It's really hard to tell." Grommash shook his head. "The undead knew what the cubs of the Alliance had made!"


As for King Rastakhan, he was carefully wiping his golden spear with a piece of animal skin, and he turned a deaf ear to King Saurfang's doubts.

The tribe without Thrall seems to have no brains!

King Saurfang shook his head helplessly.

Compared with the original timeline, the current tribe is really lacking in IQ-there is no Woking, no Kane, no Aqiang, no Queen Hee, count the whole tribe with brains and one blind date in Nagrand. The rest were digging graves in Terokkar Forest (Jindu didn't know when he slipped away, not surprisingly, he should be in Terokkar Forest now).

No matter how you look at it, how do you think the orcs' command is a problem.

"Why do you think so much?" Grommash didn't care about King Saurfang's hesitation, "Since we don't know where to fight, then we simply go back to Hellfire Citadel-bring all the siege Equipment, I don’t believe it, the Alliance will abandon their Stormwind Second Army!"

Facing the two familiar maps, the Alliance and the Horde made a familiar decision.

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