Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 592: The secret of Zangarmarsh

Seeing the dwarves holding warhammers and muskets, these little guys began to shiver. ?Ranwen Novels?????????`???

Then the scene fell into a subtle embarrassment.

Brian could not find any threatening place in these little guys. Primitive and fragile weapons (a spear that looks similar to the chopsticks used by Drunk Wind), short and weak bodies (compared to these little guys, dwarf All are big men), and there is no sign of powerful spellcasters (there are no waves of holy light, arcane, elemental, shadow, and fel energy).

After observing for a long time, Brian felt that he was really nervous. These guys seemed to be only good at hiding and disguising...

Of course, out of caution, Brian did not let go of these little guys for the first time, but let the guys who are good at alchemy in the team analyze the use of the potions in these little guys.

It's a pity that it was not analyzed.

Among the potions produced in Draenor, most of the raw materials dwarves have never seen, so the analysis of potions' functions cannot be completed at all.

But what's interesting is that these little guys seemed to have discovered the dwarf's intentions, and then two cautiously walked up, who looked like chieftains, and then began a vivid performance.

The two little guys first uttered strange things face to face, then shook their heads together, as if they could not understand each other.

Then one of the little guys handed a bottle of black potion to the other one. After drinking it, the two little guys seemed to be able to communicate finally, and then began to hook up.

Bryan finished watching their performance and then touched his beard.

It seems that these little guys are telling themselves that they can understand what they are saying after drinking their medicine.


Brian planned to try the potion by himself and was stopped by Loya.

"Professional matters should be entrusted to professional people, and me should do things like drinking medicine!"

"You know how to make gold?" Brian looked incredulous, "Never heard of this!"

"Who said I can alchemy?" Luo Ya curled her lips, "I'm just good at drinking medicine. When I was in Dalaran, I didn't do much to help those mages experiment with potions in order to make money!"

"..." Brian suddenly had nothing to say.

Luoya took the potion and drank the black liquid.

"Well, a slight headache, no other state, low adverse reactions." Luo Ya habitually began to summarize the effects of the medicine, "Also, my throat is very comfortable."

However, at this time, the eyes of Brian and others looking at Luo Ya became surprised.

Because Luo Ya just spoke in the same voice as those little guys!

This is indeed a medicine for communication!

Luo Ya also found the problem at this time, but fortunately, she had drank similar medicines in Dalaran. After squeezing her throat, she finally returned to the common language.

"It's a magical potion that can change language, and the taste is not bad. It seems that these little guys are not malicious."

After Roja confirmed, everyone temporarily put down their guard. Under Brian's organization, half of the archaeological team drank the potion.

Then the little guys introduced themselves.

"Hey, anyway from outside, welcome to Zangahai, uh, Zanga Marsh!"


Without communication barriers, the dwarven archaeological team quickly made new friends.

These little guys who claim to be spore people are far more hospitable than imagined, and they know everything about dwarves and dwarfs, and they can say no more.

In the mouth of the sporeman, Brian learned the origin of this swamp.

As he had guessed, it was indeed an ocean of Zanga.

After the collapse of Draenor, the waters of the Zangar Sea quickly evaporated under the influence of the energy of the twisting void, becoming a swamp.

Because of this, most of the creatures living in the sea are extinct.

"What about the remains?" Brian studied it very strangely, "then there won't be any traces left!"

"I was eaten by the fungus giant." Hearing this question from Brian, the spore man at the head seemed to have some bad memories. "Everything in the past was eaten by the fungus giant even the dead fungus giant was eaten. It's dropped, Sibra is scared!"

Was eaten!

Brian patted his forehead and finally realized that he had entered a misunderstanding of thinking.

In Azeroth, the flesh and blood of dead creatures are treated by scavengers, but bones often form fossils, but Draenor is another world, not like this!

Obviously, although those fungal giants can be regarded as scavengers, they seem to be more edible than imagined!

Now everything makes sense.

There are no traces of living creatures because the traces of dead creatures here have been eaten by the fungal giant and the life detector is ineffective because the sporeman and the fungal giant are both semi-plant life.

According to Sibra, they were Demon Pods a long time ago. After the collapse of Draenor, the world’s natural energy dissipated, Demon Pods degenerate (or evolve?) and finally became the current spores. people.

It's a pity that there are no orcs in the Dwarf Archaeological Team, otherwise they will be very surprised. Those Demon Pods who see everyone want to fight will actually become like this, and the war has become a pacifist!

In fact, the reason is very simple.

The fanatical Demon Pod and Lin Jing, these little guys are all creatures brought about by Draenor's excessive life elements, and their fanaticism comes from the excess of life elements in their blood.

Just like the Spore Mountain and the Primal Ancestor Jing Beast in Draenor, the overly vigorous life elemental creatures will try to swallow everything. Lin Jing and Demon Pod will deliberately destroy everything because of their small bodies.

But when Draenor collapsed, the life elements here were no longer surplus.

After fighting with Margoron for thousands of years, the primordial ancestor Jing Beast quickly and completely wiped out (tui) extinct (huan) (jing) after losing its living environment.

A large number of plant creatures quickly disappeared in Draenor. Today, Blade's Edge Mountain, Hellfire Peninsula and Shadowmoon Valley are all bare.

In this case, the large plant creatures lacking energy disappeared, but the small demon pods survived.

Without excessively rich life elements, plant life has no desire for devouring and destruction, and finally becomes peaceful and stable. A large number of Demon Pods and Lin Jing left their homes, found Zangar Marsh, and merged into the present. Spore man.

To this day, Zangar Marsh is the last reserved place for Draenor elements.

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