Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 591: Secretly Observing Guy

Players who have played the Burning Crusade expansion should be familiar with the Sporemen of Zangarmarsh. Burning novels????????????`

This kind of alchemy and peace-loving race is very happy to share everything about themselves with the footmen, plus they see too much and have a cute appearance. In the war-torn Draenor (or Outland), the life of the Spores is still very good. Not bad.

After all, there is prestige and reward.

From this point of view, the Sporeman should be very good at talking, right?

But because of these "talking" spore people, the dwarf archaeological team has encountered endless troubles. Have you ever had this experience? When you are busy working, someone is secretly in a place you don’t know and treats you Observe in secret.

That's right, this is the problem facing the Dwarven Archaeological Team now!

The clues left by Rukhmar are almost insignificant in Zangar Marsh. There used to be a sea of ​​Zangar. The traces of Rukhmar are almost insignificant in the sea, so the archaeological work of the dwarves is very difficult.

This is not too much trouble. The most unbearable thing for the dwarves is that they have a strong feeling of being stared at from the moment they enter this strange mushroom forest.

There seemed to be some guys watching the dwarves in the shadows.

At the beginning, Brian thought everyone was just too nervous. After all, the pace of archaeological work this time was very fast, and in order to hurry up, the dwarves and dwarves had not rested for a long time.

Long hours of work can produce hallucinations. This is not the first time that Bryan has met.

But as more and more archaeological team members said this, the atmosphere in the entire archaeological team began to become weird.

The mood of the dwarves became more and more unstable, and Brian had no choice but to temporarily put aside his archaeological work, and then organized all the team members to conduct a thorough search of the land where he was.

The dwarves and dwarfs divided into teams and used the life detector to conduct a large search of Zangar Marsh, but it turned out that they did not find any threatening intelligent creatures.

This result made Brian also aware of the problem.

The area of ​​Zangar Marsh is very large. Everything here is wet and has the salty smell of the ocean. So at the beginning, Brian judged that it was once a sea.

But as the exploration continued to deepen, Brian discovered a very serious problem here, the ecosystem is extremely fragile!

Yes, Brian and the archaeological team searched for three days, but apart from some fungal giants and spore bats, the only creatures they saw were small fishes and shrimps in shallow water, and dysplastic hydras (or these poor The Hydra can’t be called Hydra at all, it should be better to call it two-headed snake).

No birds, no more other creatures.

Even, there are no biological remains or fossils!

This terrible discovery made the archaeological team even more panic. There was no trace of fel energy here. All life seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving no traces of their own in this world.

Could it be that some terrible existence directly erased the traces of this place?

Brian would not believe that there is nothing in this sea!

Due to the fragmentation of Draenor and the backflow of distorted void energy, there are many anomalies in this world, but this place named Zangarmarsh by Drunk Wind has all kinds of weirdness far beyond the imagination of the dwarves.


Fortunately, the leader of the dwarf expedition is Brian Bronzebeard.

This low-handed guy can become a great archaeologist not only because he dared to die, but also because he would solve the problem. The grass on the grave is now three feet high...

Soon, Brian discovered the problem.

The life detector can detect Hydra, fish and shrimp, and even has a weak induction to the spore bat, but it has no response to the fungal giant.

Due to the huge size of the fungus giant, the expedition team often found the fungus giant outside the scope of the detector, so when everyone started, they did not pay attention to the failure of the detector.

But after getting serious, the careful Bronzebeard discovered this problem.

Under this circumstance, Brian immediately judged that there must be some kind of creature in the dark place that he hadn't discovered so far. They silently observed themselves in the dark place, and silently affected the ecology of Zangar Marsh in the dark place.

Therefore, Brian called the dwarves to speak out his thoughts, and his deduction reluctantly convinced everyone, and everyone decided to find another way to find these hidden guys.

Want to catch it!

The dwarves decided to set up a small "trap" to seduce those guys to show their true So, on the fourth day, the dwarves who finished their exploration started the banquet.

Bryan took the charge, took out all the reserved drinks, and started a grand banquet.

In front of drinks, the dwarves seemed to quickly forget all the unpleasantness they experienced.

In the camp, everyone drank freely, and ate the fragrant grilled fish.

The banquet lasted until the very beginning of the night, when the first batch of dwarf engineers fell to the ground, and then the dwarves began to be unable to hold on, and Bronzebeard finally fainted in the middle of the night.

The camp was quiet.

Just after the dwarves seemed to finally give up all their defenses, some little guys in the shadows finally appeared.

These guys about the height of a dwarf took their small spears and approached the archeological team's camp cautiously. They carefully observed the dwarves lying all over the ground, and finally blew the whistle on their chest. .

Soon, more little guys appeared, they put away their weapons, and then began to try to drink the dark potion for the dwarves.

At this moment, the dwarves woke up one after another.

Obviously, the dwarves are naturally pretending to be drunk. Since someone is observing in the dark and cannot find their trace, let them come out by themselves!

Looking at the little guys holding strange potions in front of him, Brian waved his hand. The dwarves took up their weapons and surrounded them. Don’t look at the number of dwarves because of their disadvantages, but look at the posture, these guys with spears. It doesn't seem to be the opponent of the dwarves.

During the two days of exemption, the author reluctantly restrained himself from adding changes. I waited for the exemption to end until the end of the month, and I would update it every day!

In addition, the alliance is about to open a movie with the tribe. The alliance dog and the tribe pig are fighting, wow!

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