Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 582: Ill-fated Garona

Gul'dan is a nightmare that Garona will never go away.

The birth of Garona was not an accident.

Orcs who have drunk the blood of the devil will always vent all their desires brutally, the kind in all aspects, so it is a hapless first that your woman has a child.

After Garona was born, there was no mother—for Gul'dan, these hybrids were useful, but after giving birth to the children, the weak draenei women were no longer useful.

For this reason, Garona has been under the control of the Dark Council since she was a child, and her every move cannot be hidden from Gul'dan. Under Gul'dan's meticulous training, she is not only proficient in orc culture, but also has a A considerable degree of understanding.

Coupled with the mysterious stealth methods and endless assassination methods, Garona became a spy, an ace spy.

However, although there is Gul'dan’s spell to "ripen" Garona, there are too many skills to learn in Garona. After she became a qualified spy, the orcs have almost occupied the entire Draenor. , Garona did not have the opportunity to show her role.

As a result, Garona, who was "weak and deformed" in the eyes of the orcs, was squeezed and beaten endlessly until one day, Gul'dan was beaten by a visitor from the astral world.

No one knows who the guy who completely hides himself in the black shadow is, but the only certainty is that Gul'dan’s most powerful spells can’t hurt him a single bit--and on the contrary, the mysterious man. With a light finger, Gul'dan almost fell to his knees.

The mysterious man provided Gul'dan with news of Azeroth, and his words bewitched Gul'dan to attack the world.

Of course, this mysterious man is Medivh.

The drunken dreams of the nobles in Stormwind and the fragments of the future seen in Karazhan made Medivh feel uneasy. Subconsciously, he believed that Azeroth needs a war. Only after experiencing the pain of war can people be numb. Wake up.

To this day, Medivh hasn't figured out why he had such thoughts at the time-he still doesn't understand whether his brain was convulsed at that time or he was affected by Sargeras.

After that, Medivh opened the dark door.

Sargeras’ influence on Medivh is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting harder and harder for Medivh to keep his will. Many times in a daze, he did a lot of things that he didn’t know-such as giving his mother a meal. beat……

It was because Aegwynn discovered Medivh's problem, but when she found Medivh and tried to persuade, Medivh, who was controlled by Sargeras, acted directly. Aegwynn was not an opponent at all, and had to run away.

Just when Medivh was lost, he met Garona.

For Sargeras, Garona was just a small character, so when facing Garona, it was one of the few moments of Medivh's awakeness after the Dark Portal opened.

Medivh, who was upset, interrogated Garona, and then learned her story from her mouth.

Garona’s past resonated with Medivh-Medivh, like her, was driven by endless contradictions. For this reason, he did not punish the half-orc, but took her to Karazhan. And hope she can resist the Shadow Council.

But Medivh didn't know that Garona was Gul'dan's "eye". As long as Gul'dan thought, all that Garona saw could be seen by Gul'dan.

After discovering that the mysterious man was actually a human, Gul'dan was very depressed for a time, but when he passed Garona and saw Karazhan, he had new ideas.

Gul'dan needs knowledge, knowledge in Karazhan!

As a result, Garona began to frequent Karazhan, and was always by his side when Medivh was sober.

Then the two of them had a leg inexplicably...

In all fairness, from the perspective of human aesthetics, Garona is really not beautiful, but Medivh...

There are some things that I really can’t say...

When he was possessed by Sargeras, Medivh’s life was so absurd, he was unconscious, and the choices were strange, and he did a lot of things that he didn’t understand--that’s why Medivh repelled fel in his heart. The reason, he really hates this chaotic energy.

Later, Gul'dan used Garona to get news of the tomb of Sargeras and assassinated Ryan. Later, he slipped out to the sea with a storm plunder to pursue Sargeras' power-and as someone else saw it. "Gul'dan's confidant", Garona was also stricken by the pond fish and had been mercilessly tortured by Orgrim.

In short, Garona has been a tragedy directed by Gul'dan since she was born. She is like a puppet in Gul'dan's hands. She clearly wants to resist, but has to succumb to evil spells.

When the orcs failed in Lordaeron, Garona took advantage of the chaos and escaped. At that time, Gul'dan had died in the tomb of Garona was free, but there was nowhere to go.

In the Eastern Kingdoms, Garona wandered for a long time, knowing the second opening of the Dark Portal-Tyrone Gorefiend found Gul'dan’s skull, and Ner'zhul opened the Dark Portal once again, but there was none in Azeroth. Garona, who was in the shelter, came to Draenor alone.

In other words, back to Delano.

Garona is actually only twenty-six years old now-what Medivh did in the beginning is actually a matter of the highest death penalty.

Now, Garona saw Gul'dan's head with her own eyes.

The nightmare is over.

Seeing Garona's painful look, Medivh did not pick up the tattered skull after all.

"Forget it, let it be here, and decay with the trash-open the dark door and I can do it by myself."

Contrary to Medivh's expectation, Garona pushed him away, then stepped forward firmly, picked up the head that had caused him endless pain, and then handed it to Medivh.

"Hey, Medivh, have you forgotten what I said to you? I am half-orc, half-orc Garona Half-blood, and I don't want to hide my fear like the young ladies in Stormwind. "

"Gul'dan is dead-even if he is not dead, I would dare to show off the dagger when I saw him!"

Seeing Garona returning to normal, Medivh rarely smiled.

Perhaps this is why Medivh and Garona came together. As the former guardian of Tirisfal, what Medivh saw in Garona, in addition to the appearance of a half-orc, there is also a strong soul.

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