Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 581: Gul'dan's dead head

For Garona's disbelief, Illidan and Medivh expressed their understanding.

After all, according to Garona, she took the opportunity to slip to Draenor after the Dark Portal opened for the second time-fifteen years have passed since this, and the changes in Azeroth far exceeded hers. Imagine.

Medivh said in a good manner, Garona still didn't believe that a world would dare to counterattack the Burning Legion.

Fortunately, the most basic trust is still there, and Garona is just on guard at the moment.

In the end, it was Mother Shahrush who convinced Garona.

Combined with the deployment of heavy troops in Draenor, Shahras analyzed Azeroth’s threat to the Burning Legion in depth, and listed all the details that Garona has known, which fully proves that Azeroth is indeed The confidant of the Burning Legion.

If the drunk wind is here, he will be surprised by Shah Lasi's professional qualities-big data, small details, and independent analysis of each incident, and it is almost impossible to get a ppt.

After explaining to Garona, Shahras looked at Illidan and Medivh who were shocked and smiled.

"Don't behave like this. Informatics has always been in charge of Saboteur and Nathrezim."

"Okay, okay." Illidan didn't want to be entangled at this point, he turned his head to look at Medivh, "What does it take to open the Dark Portal? I remember Drunken Wind and I mentioned that the Rod of Sargeras Got Gul'dan's skull? Do you need it?"

"Ahem, I want to explain a little bit here." Shahras raised her right hand, "I don't know where the Rod of Sargeras is now. A warlock in the Legion took it away-as for that Gul'dan's head , The thing is still here."

"I see." Medivh nodded to indicate that he understood, "Although Khadgar also mentioned to me the seal he left on the Dark Portal before, but after all I haven't seen the actual situation, it's hard to say..."

"Just in case, you should take the skull." Shahrush thought carefully, "That skull...should be in Magtheridon's collection. He seemed to mention it just now."

"All right." Although he was reluctant, Medivh decided to take the skull of Gul'dan for the sake of safety, "Then let's go and see what kind of treasure this and the devil have!"


Magtheridon's taste is not very good-it can be seen from the door of his private treasure house.

A messy skull with no idea of ​​what species, Medivh seemed to get the obvious result at first glance: "The brain is small and terrifying, and it has no special abilities. Apart from being big enough, there is nothing significance".

"This is normal." Mother Shahrush didn't care. "Matheridon's taste has never been very good. As an Abyssal Demon Lord, he is not the most powerful, nor the most cunning-this thing is A warlock fooled him into buying it, and the price was not low."

"Is it an orc warlock?" Garona curled her lips. "To be honest, if you don't consider the identity of Magtheridon, this thing is actually okay-such a big clefthoof cow should be put on the initiation ceremony. It is estimated that it can also cause a sensation."

When the two women sang and made peace, Matheridon's taste was madly black...

Taking out the key from his waist, Shahras opened the door of the treasure house.

Although Medivh said that he wanted to detect first, whether there were any traps or something, Shaheras waved his hand and said he didn't use it.

"Don't worry, it's safe here. It's impossible for Magtheridon to set up traps in his treasury, otherwise he will hurt himself."

As expected, as Shaheras said, there were no traps in this huge room.

"My God, gold coins!" With the lights on, Medivh could hardly believe his eyes, "There are demons who like gold coins? Isn't that kidding? What use is gold for demons?!"

"It's still useful." Shahras took out a peculiar package from the pile of gold coins, and then opened it-after a burst of smoke and dust, a lot of inexplicable big things were on the ground, "Matheridon's The strength is not very good, so I always move my mind to strange aspects, such as buying weapons."


Illidan untied the Warglaive of Azzinoth with some curiosity, and then came to a big thing that looked golden.

The imaginary sound of weapon collision did not appear. The big thing that looked like a hammer was broken by Azzinoth's War Blade. It was even more scrap than scrap.

Fortunately, Illidan was wearing a blindfold, otherwise this huge contrast might surprise his eyes.

"What kidding, is this a weapon?"

"I haven't finished speaking yet." Shahras curled her lips disdainfully. "Matheridon uses gold coins, do you think he can buy anything good?"

" some people dare to lie to the devil." Garona looked around carefully, "Or is it that Magtheridon is so stubborn to buy garbage?"

"Why no one dares to deceive?" Shaheras seemed to think of something interesting and couldn't help but laugh, "Have you heard of the Ethereal?"

Illidan and Garona both shook their heads, and Medivh raised his brows.

"Interesting, Xu Ling! Those guys are really capable of doing this kind of thing!"

"Hey, what are you talking about? What virtual spirit?" Garona was a little dissatisfied with Medivh's muzzling behavior, "What is that?"

"From a race in the Twisting Void, a wealthy businessman, covered in bandages, like a...goblin in the infinite universe."

The interpretation of Medivh's image made Illidan smile. Illidan knew what a goblin looked like. When he thought that the demon was deceived by something like a goblin, Illidan felt inexplicably comfortable.

Although Garona didn't know what a goblin was, her attention was no longer here-in the corner, Garona found a skull.

A skull exuding fel energy.

And above, waves of familiar waves reminded Garona, the former owner of this skull.

This is Gul'dan's skull!

Seeing Garona who was trembling with excitement (maybe fear), Medivh stepped forward and took Garona in his arms.

"Relax, Gul'dan is dead, at the hands of his demon master, everything has passed!"

Medivh knew better than anyone what the name Gul'dan meant to Garona.

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