Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 558: The changed line of fate

The appearance of Drunk Wind undoubtedly changed the destiny trajectory of many people, including Sylvanas.

This high elf, known as Queen Hee by countless Forsaken players, is now saved from the fate of death-but now she is still very unhappy.

The four Windrunner sisters and brothers, we put aside the training of the Demon Hunter in Stormwind, and there is a tendency to become the captain of the Windrunner brothers, the remaining three Windrunner sisters actually have obvious personal inclinations.

Alleria is for Azeroth, Sylvanas is for her people, and Vereesa is for her family.

In the original history, Alleria and Turalyon crossed the Dark Portal together, and then disappeared in Draenor-it is said that they also pushed all the way to Argus. The couple fought dozens of times for Azeroth. year.

Sylvanas, who stayed at the post of general ranger, died when Arthas attacked Quel'Thalas with undead natural disasters, and was resurrected as the Queen of Banshee. The future of the forgotten (undead) has been exhausted and almost blackened.

After the younger sister Vereesa and Ronin got married, she put her family first. After a series of changes, she parted ways with the blood elves at the time, and joined the remaining high elves in Da Laran formed the Silver Covenant, and the tribe has been black since then.

The three sisters all had their own choices and finally embarked on their own path-but now because of the drunken wind, things have changed dramatically.

Alleria and Turalyon stayed in Stormwind, and Sylvanas also lost her position as the ranger general among the high elves because of the break between the high elves and the humans. Although Vereesa and Ronin were still right Eyes, but progress is very slow.

In Stormwind, Sylvanas did not have a good time. Like Khadgar, the problem she faced was urging marriage.

Well, to be precise, it's not a urge to marry-what Sylvanas needs a headache is that many people pursue herself.

When Alleria marries Turalyon, Vereesa and Ronin are in love, countless single men in Stormwind have some wonderful misunderstandings-the girls from the Windrunners love humans!

In terms of pure appearance, Sylvanas is the highest among the three sisters.

And this is still a powerful ranger, the kind who can be in command!

In this case, the Mad Wasp and Butterfly almost annoyed Sylvanas.

So, shortly after the end of Draenor's expedition, the dissatisfied Sylvanas looked for an opportunity because of losing the position of Ranger General, humiliated and cleaned up those fancy meals.

It is a pity that she has not been quiet for a few days.

After the flies were driven away, Sylvanas ushered in many new suitors.

These new suitors are not the kind of strawbags with only good skins—most of the suitors this time are new stars with good strengths, not very high births, and promising prospects.

For example, in the expedition to Delano, Lothar's new adjutant Newcaster.

Another example is the fifth Duke of Futagon, the king of diamonds.

In all fairness, these new suitors are all potential stocks/good-quality stocks.

But Sylvanas said that grandma is very happy to be single now, don't bother me.

If you say you don’t bother you, don’t you bother you, don’t I have no face, you are definitely a girl’s reservedness, because our sincerity is not enough!

So the suitors became more enthusiastic.

Helpless Sylvanas even said, I'm older than your grandma, don't be annoying, okay-but everyone said it doesn't matter, age is not a problem!

Sylvanas feels that Stormwind is really poisonous...

But soon, Sylvanas found a way-since you don't give up, okay, then I will find a scapegoat.

This scapegoat is no one else, but Khadgar.

As we said before, there are mainly two guys in Stormwind who are troubled by personal problems. One is Khadgar and the other is Sylvanas. Khadgar is a real schoolmaster who is addicted to Karazhan all day long. Study, don't extricate yourself, and Varian, who was worried that he and Medivh had the same problems, tried to find a partner for the Lord, and even dispatched Turalyon to force Khadgar to participate with the Forbidden Ring.

As a result, at a banquet, the two poor people formed a tacit understanding.

Get rid of those annoying flies by borrowing the other's hand!

Sylvanas moved to Karazhan and shattered the glass hearts of countless young Stormwind talents-but in fact, Sylvanas lived at the bottom level, and Khadgar opened up a huge training ground for her , For her to hone her ranger skills, while Khadgar hid in the upper library all the year round to read.

This tacit understanding lasted for many years, until Medivh's return.

Out of concern for his disciples (Medievan swears that he really did not retaliate when Khadgar stabbed himself when he raided Karazhan), Medivh inadvertently told Varian of the tacit understanding between the two-Kara Nothing like praise can be hidden from Medivh's Regarding the small tacit understanding between Khadgar and Sylvanas, Medivh is insightful.

As a result, Khadgar was forced to marry again.

In this trip to Ahn'Qiraj, Sylvanas and Khadgar joined for the battle, and part of the reason was that they wanted to relax and stay away from the babbling Varian and Alleria.

After entering the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, facing all the weirdness, even Drunk Wind's heart felt a little hairy, but Sylvanas was completely excited at this time.

Yes, excited!

Sylvanas felt that she was about to rust after so many years in Karazhan!

Now finally there is another battle!

Especially seeing Princess Hahoran flying in the air, Sylvanas was completely excited.

Moving targets or something, the best!

After saving Hussim, Sylvanas didn't look at the hapless Tol'vir-Magatha could not pull the chain of healing, but he could still dispel the toxin.

Facing Princess Hahoran in the sky, Sylvanas raised her hand to shoot multiple shots. Can you fly? You fly one to show me in the arrow rain? !

Princess Hahoran was a little embarrassed.

As a royal family of insects, Princess Hahoran is very big, so although the combat effectiveness is good, the flexibility is still not enough.

It's okay if you just can't avoid multiple shooting, but Sylvanas's multiple shooting is not just a hunter's skill, she is a ranger who can cast spells!

The rain of arrows hit Princess Hahoran’s carapace, causing serious corrosion...

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