Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 557: Weird underground maze

The interior of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is very complicated.

And unlike the copy in the game, the interior of the entire temple is full of weirdness.

Let's not talk about the fact that every room is full of bugs, just say that these peculiar murals on the walls of the temple will make people feel uncomfortable after a long time.

No one will be very comfortable looking at eyes everywhere...

Under the magical light of Kael'thas and Khadgar, twenty-five people passed through a long corridor and finally reached a relatively bright place.

When everyone was watching the surroundings carefully, the five dragon kings, Illidan, Vaschi, Maiev, Medivh, and Gromash didn't know when they disappeared.

A "wall" suddenly appeared, isolating the ten people individually, and then when they wanted to make a move, a huge eye appeared, staring at them firmly.

Ten people and always eyes, just stalemate in this small room-Ke'Thun also realized the terrible lineup of this attack on Ahn'Qiraj, so he simply went out and watched ten first!

At this time, Zuifeng hadn't realized the problem, and was still looking at this peculiar room carefully.


This seems to be a place where insects worship.

Large pieces of resonance crystals, many expressionless bug people.

"You are here." The head priest was expressionless, "God has predicted everything, and your arrival and destruction are inevitable..."

"Shut up, you dirty bug!" Hussim directly interrupted the murmur of the C'Thun sacrifice, "It is not us who destroys, but your **** C'Thun!"

"Calling God's name directly is unforgivable."

The worm man sacrificed his face still expressionless, but the next moment, he suddenly broke his left front paw.

Zuifeng's group was stunned.

What the hell? Also self-harm by talking? !

The green body fluid dripped onto the ground, soaking a piece of sandy ground.

"Appear, servant of God, as a C'Thun believer, I call for your presence and destroy these blasphemers!"

The ground began to vibrate, and when everyone was on guard, a huge body emerged from the ground and swallowed the worm man sacrifice.

This is a sandworm.

"Princess... we succeeded, Oro heard our call!"

When this combination of centipede and earthworm continued to devour the remaining worm priests, these worm priests did not fear at all, but began to pray.

Then, after the sandworm named Oro swallowed all the worm priests, it finally looked at Drunken Wind and the others-but did not launch an attack, as if it was waiting for something.

Soon, a flying insect man with wings, like a green grasshopper, flew to the scene from a high passage.

"Ha, my brave servant, I feel your loyalty! Now I am about to become a queen at last!"

In this case, Zuifeng also understood what he had encountered.

A mixed battle between Princess Hahoran and Auro the Digger Sandworm.

"What the hell, the boss can double open?!"

"Five Dragon Kings, Dragon Breath is clear!"

Fortunately, there is a lot of space in this room, and Zuifeng decisively calls the five dragon kings to plow the ground, first to see if there is an ambush.

Then the next moment, Zuifeng discovered something was wrong, and the person was gone!

After counting the number of people, Zuifeng quickly discovered the disappearance of ten people.

This change caused a lot of psychological pressure on Drunk Wind-ten people were lost for some reason, which is a little hard to explain!

But I can't control so much!

"Kael'thas, Khadgar, spell plow, see if there is an ambush!"

Too late to take care of anything else, Drunk Wind can only begin to command.

"Sylvanas, Rexxar, Roja, and Brian are preparing defensive traps. After the traps are set up, they will attack from a distance!"

"Fording, Magatha, the Red Dragon Queen is gone, the healing task is left to you!"

"Hussim, brother Saurfang, Muradin, come with me!"

In the acid of the sky that Princess Hahoran spit from mid-air, the battle started.

Just as Princess Haholan was holding her breath and preparing to defend against the charge and jump cut from the Saurfang brothers from left to right, two figures suddenly appeared behind her.

Samuro and Liam didn't show up at all!

This assault was caught off guard!

At the critical moment, Princess Hahoran quickly raised her wings and rushed to a high place for a certain distance, avoiding the claws of Liam who had become a werewolf, and also dodge the charge of Brother Saurfang, who had turned into a werewolf. But for Samuro's long knife, Princess Hahoran did not completely avoid it.

"Damn, you hurt me!" Princess Hahoran screamed in pain, "You hurt the body of the future queen, you will pay for it, let me think about how to punish you!"

"Before that, you should worry about yourself!" Hussim leaped up high-the Tovil's wings are not all He slapped his wings twice, and then took the one in his hand. The spear pierced Princess Haholan, "Try the spear of revenge!"

It's a pity that Princess Haholan really couldn't handle it without the five dragon kings. She continued to rise, avoiding Hussim's spear thrust.

"Ha, there is a way, I will give you pain first!"

Hussim, who had to fall to the ground without a hit, was pierced with a green spike on his left arm.

In the next moment, Hussim lost control of his body, and the severe pain made him lose consciousness instantly.

"This is the venom from the future queen-a toxin that is extremely'sweet' for all Titan creations." Princess Haholland looked quite proud, "How about it, the running dog of Titan?"

Hussim had no time to respond to Princess Hahoran's provocation, Hussim had almost collapsed at this time.

Princess Hahoran’s venomous spike is a toxin specifically aimed at Titan’s creation. The deeper the relationship with the Titan, the more painful the creature, and Hussim is the guardian who named the Titan himself and stayed in Uldum. This situation Next, the severe pain made him feel unhappy.

Hu Xinmuzhi felt that his body was being torn bit by bit, and then slowly reorganized. The endless pain and endless suffering made him unable to make any movements.

Princess Haholan was obviously quite satisfied with the results of her attack, and when she was thinking about making up for Hussim, an arrow flew over her face almost.

"Hey, cockroach, your opponent is here!"

Princess Haholan turned her head and saw a high elf holding a bowstring.

Sylvanas is in place!

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