Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 271: Choice of the Burning Legion

The news of Dalaran's destruction was quickly spread throughout Azeroth. The blue dragon monitoring the magic net in the Temple of Wyrmrest realized the problem for the first time, and then spread the news to Darnassus through the green dragon.

Although Zuifeng didn't know exactly what happened in Dalaran, he was certain that the Eastern Kingdom was already in erosion.

"Malfurion, where is Illidan now?" In this case, Drunk Wind chose to unite all forces. "Ilidan, Maiev, and Ravencrest, are they still in Black Crow Fort?"

"Yes, he and Maiev have been training a special team, and the two seem to be at odds-one trains the demon hunter, the other trains the watchman, and then fights with each other if nothing happens, and Ravencrest laughs every time. referee……"

"That's it!" Drunk wind cleared his throat, "All races of the vows have begun to mobilize urgently, gather all combat forces, gather and start cooperative training. Onyxia and I went to the Broken Isles to find Illidan and Maiev. ——There I will set off to Northrend to find a new ally."

"Leave it to me in the Eastern Kingdom, all of you don't act rashly for the time being, if the problem is not big, I can solve it completely, if the problem is serious, I believe Kalimdor will not be spared!"

Everyone nodded one after another. When the drunk wind was in a coma, the entire vow was already tense, and now there is no problem with issuing a general mobilization order.

"Master Ysera, please tell me that the black dragons in the Temple of Wyrmrest are all assembled in the Blackstone Tower, waiting for my order. The green dragons come to Darnassus to assemble, and the red and blue dragons will guard the Temple of Wyrmrest!"

"Ok, no problem!"

Just do what you say, Drunken Wind and Onyxia set off directly, took the teleportation formation of Darnassus, and went directly to the Black Crow Fortress.

In the past, Drunken Wind and Malfurion had been talking as little as possible in order to prevent unnecessary trouble from interfering with the timeline, but now they finally don't need to take care of them.

Once again, I came to the Black Crow Fortress and looked at the familiar building, but Drunk Wind had no time to sigh.

"Ilidan, Maiev, come out!"

As soon as he appeared from the teleportation array, Drunk Wind began to shout.


After the destruction of Dalaran, Archimonde began to summon demons on the spot.

Dalaran was originally the node of Azeroth's magic web, with abundant mana, and with the soul of the undead as a sacrifice, Archimonde could easily summon demons here.

The last failure gave Archimonde a blow, and he also realized that this world is not as easy to deal with as other worlds.

The demons began to gather in the Hillsbrad Hills, and Archimonde began to think about where to march.

So, he summoned Arthas to ask about Azeroth's current situation.

"Your name is Arthas?" Archimonde looked at the death knight in front of him, "It's OK, let's talk about-what are the more powerful existences in this world? Are the wild gods still alive? Have Illidan, Malfurion, Huen Gaoling?"

"..." Alsace searched for his own memory, recalling the books he had read in the library before, "Dear Archimonde, most of the gods of the wilderness are no longer there-at least we mortals have not heard of them. , The name you mentioned I only heard of Malfurion, he is the leader of the night elves, and he is in another place called Kalimdor."

"Oh? Kalimdor? Have you heard the news of the World Tree?"

"Yes, the World Tree is also in Kalimdor. It is said that the night elves can live forever by relying on that big tree."

Hearing this news, Archimonde's eyes burned with a flame of revenge.

Ten thousand years ago, he failed under the tree of the world. This time he specifically learned how to absorb natural energy and encountered the tree of the world again. Archimonde believed that it would no longer be his obstacle-on the contrary, That big tree will become its own nourishment!

"Very well, Arthas." Archimonde looked very satisfied. "The enemies on this land are very weak. I think you can solve it completely-and I will go directly to Kalimdor, my opponent. over there!"

Arthas suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and tried to be calmer.

"But respected Lord Archimonde, without your help, I don't think I can deal with the enemies here..."

"I will leave some demons to help you, little guy." Archimonde gave a grinning smile. "Also, an old friend of mine has been waiting for a long time, and I believe he is also happy to come to this world."

After figuring out the direction, Archimonde set off directly to the west-his target was Mount Hyjal of the night elves. As for the Eastern Kingdom, all these "weak" enemies were handed over to Arthas.

Seeing Archimonde's back, Arthas breathed a sigh of relief.

On the way, almost all the souls of the deceased were used by Archimonde to summon the demons, and the Scourge's forces did not increase at all.

Ner'zhul was not willing to be a running dog for the devil, and even Mal'Ganis was killed by him. According to the plan, the battle between Arthas and Mal'Ganis who picked up Frostmourne should be a battle. Fake play, who expected Ner'zhul to directly control Alsace's fake play. Mal'Ganis's last surprise was not because of anything else, but because he did not expect Ner'zhul to dare to pit himself!

Now, the entire Eastern Kingdom is ready for Alsace to ride!

Arthas didn't follow Archimonde's instructions to find a chance to summon Kil', but began to secretly expand his power.

Last time because of the trial of Old Fording, a large number of Paladins gathered in Nanhai Town. Now suddenly, these Paladins have organized a defense on the spot. And Arthas, who was short of soldiers, wisely did not choose to go directly south, but began to sweep up the entire Lordaeron.

When the capital was captured, the whole of Lordaeron was in chaos, especially the western part of Lordaeron. It was originally heavily taxed because of the war with Gilneas. Now that there is no leader, the guards have become With the undead under Alsace, countless towns have fallen.

Almost all the Tirisfal Forest and Silverpine Forest fell, and the Gilneas army returned to the Greymane Wall in a desperate manner.

After passing through one town after another, one village after another, the undead natural disasters under Alsace gradually grew stronger.

And just as the undead natural disaster was raging in Lordaeron, a group of unexpected visitors came to the sea kingdom of Kul Tiras-the leading ones were Drunken Wind, Onyxia, Illidan, and Maiev! (To be continued.)


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