Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 270: Destruction of the Magic City

The day Arthas killed his father happened to be the day he woke up from the wind.

On this day, Drunk Wind was summoned by Krassus-at the time Krassus didn't know Alsace's father killing, he only mentioned the appearance of Mal'Ganis and Alsace's revenge, even if only so, Drunk Wind is already very nervous.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that after one was placed, am I still going to deliver the doll?"

Subsequently, the leaders of the oath gathered together, and now everyone needs to come up with ideas to deal with the possible coming Scourge and the Burning Legion.


Under the guidance of Arthas, the Scourge quickly occupied the teleportation circle in Lordaeron, resulting in news that could not be sent out immediately.

When the Alliance realized that there was something wrong with Lordaeron, the Scourge had already arrived in Dalaran-the Scourge from Lordaeron went directly south, Arthas waved Frostmourne in his hand, and the surface of Lake Lordamere. A thick layer of ice formed on it.

Countless undead soldiers passed through the smooth ice and came to the south bank of the lake—this is the magic kingdom of the Alliance, Dalaran.

When the undead natural disaster appeared on the surface of Lordamere Lake, Dalaran immediately activated corresponding emergency measures.

Master Antonidas directly used the Eye of Dalaran as the foundation to prop up the mana shield covering the entire Dalaran.

When Krasus hurried back to Dalaran, he didn't care whether there was any evidence, and immediately accused Kel'Thuzad of surrendering to the enemy.

Unexpectedly, Kel'Thuzad did not try to defend, but fled Dalaran for the first time.

This gave Antonidas an ominous premonition in his heart-it is clear that Kel'Thuzad still has a chance to cause greater disturbance and loss in Dalaran, why did he choose to expose himself and leave Dalaran suddenly?

Thinking about it, there is only one explanation for his behavior.

That was Kel'Thuzad's belief that Dalaran would definitely be destroyed-and he himself didn't want to be the fish that was caught by the fire at the city gate.

And when the undead natural disasters besieged Dalaran, Antonidas's ominous premonition became stronger.

The number of undead natural disasters is far from enough-yes, not too many, but not enough.

According to Krasus's intelligence, these undead can resurrect the dead and join them. Although the resurrected corpses were not so powerful, they were more than enough as cannon fodder.

But now, Arthas and the Scourge have clearly captured Lordaeron, why didn't so many dead residents of Lordaeron join them?

Soon Antonidas knew the answer.

On Lordamere Lake, a huge demon came on the waves.

He strode the meteors on the surface of Lordamere Lake, his body burning with billowing flames.

"Hahahaha! Azeroth, I am here again after ten thousand years!"

If Drunk Wind was here, he would definitely be able to recognize it—this was no one else, but one of the chiefs of the Burning Legion, Archimonde, the Eredar Warlock.

Due to the establishment of the oath, the pressure on the Lich King Ner'zhul was far greater than the original situation. Therefore, he did not dare to betray the Burning Legion the first time.

In order to prevent himself from becoming the first target of the oath, he obeyed the plan of the Burning Legion and ordered Arthas to use the souls of the dead in Lordaeron as a sacrifice and summon Archimonde.

The hundreds of thousands of innocent residents who died in the poor city of Lordaeron were not resurrected as undead, but became the soul energy that Archimonde needed to descend on Azeroth.

When Archimonde appeared near Dalaran, all the wizards in Dalaran realized that the matter was already big. The wizards keenly discovered that the energy in this great demon even exceeded the energy of all the wizards in Dalaran. sum.

When everyone was in a panic, Antonidas's voice resounded throughout Dalaran.

"Citizens of Dalaran, raise your heads and look up at the sky!"

"The rain of green chaos has come. The footprints of the devil have once again stepped into our world-my hesitation and conservativeness have made them sit up safely, so I have determined to exchange my life for the safety of all the wizards in Dalaran ."

"Now, all the teleportation formations leading to Karazhan in Dalaran have been opened, please evacuate all the mages in an orderly manner!"

"After arriving in Karazhan, everything temporarily obeyed Khadgar's arrangements. Now we are facing far more challenges than the previous Orc War-this is the life and death of Azeroth!"

Following Antonidas' words, all of Dalaran's teleportation circle began to operate at full capacity. Except for the high elves who mostly chose to return to Quel'Thalas, most of the other citizens of Dalaran chose to go to Karazhan.

The arrogant Archimonde did not immediately block the surrounding space. He stepped on the waves, letting a large number of wizards escape from Dalaran.


Finally, Dalaran has almost become a four-city, and even Jaina was gone by Krasus and Medivhura-they did not go to Karazhan, but chose to go north, where they have new Allies.

Sitting in his mage tower, Antonidas quietly observed the movement outside by monitoring the circle.

Archimonde's footsteps were getting closer.

Antonidas had already smelled the sulfur in the air.

At this time, the mage's heart was extremely calm.

Since becoming the chief of the six-member council, Antonidas hasn't done anything with others for a long time. Facing the devil this time, Antonidas has no reservations!

With the help of the Eye of Dalaran, Antonidas' eyes had turned bright blue. The violent arcane energy around him began to surge, propping up his robe, making this thin old man look extremely powerful.

Antonidas’ mage tower burst out with an extremely dazzling brilliance.

" interesting trick-but not enough to see!"

"Ten thousand years, I am not what I used to be!"

Archimonde, who had come completely, faced the mana shield supported by Antonidas and waved gently.

An architectural phantom identical to Dalaran appeared in the air.

Archimonde raised his right hand and made a fist.

The virtual Dalaran in the sky shattered with a bang.

And Dalaran, the magic kingdom of mankind on the ground, the capital of magic power, was also fragmented.

Looking at Archimonde, who was walking in front and was extremely powerful. Riding on the Invincible Skeleton Warhorse, Arthas sneered secretly, holding Frostmourne.

"Shake, wailing-the Scourge has arrived!" (To be continued.)


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