Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 181: Terenas the Furious

The establishment of the oath is undoubtedly good news for the entire Azeroth. It is a pity that for some people with ulterior motives, this cannot but be regarded as good news-such as the king of Lordaeron, His Majesty Terenas Menethil.

Terenas felt that the whole world was aiming at him at this time. Look at the slogan put forward by the oath. It's no wonder that Terenas, who has always been so scheming, is throwing a cup.

"Asshole, what is meant by ‘asylum for all displaced innocents’? What else is ‘against internal conflict’?"

Lordaeron was already preparing to unify the nations of mankind, but the establishment of the oath made Terenas throw a rat-in-the-eye.

According to Terenas's plan, Lordaeron's main force will raid Gilneas this winter, and there is a high possibility that it will take the country directly-anyway, Gilneas withdrew from the alliance.

The goal after that is Kul Tiras. Although Lordaeron’s navy is far inferior to Dalin’s elite fleet, Terenas believes that Kul Tiras’s army can’t stop Lordaeron’s elite at all, and once Gilneas serves as a springboard, Ku The geographical advantage of El Tiras is not so obvious.

However, the oath now puts forward a lot of restrictions on humanitarianism, which makes once Lordaeron takes action, the people of the defeated country may go to Kalimdor!

Without people, if only a piece of land is left, the income will be much lower!

After venting his anger, Terenas sat on the throne somewhat dejected.

In fact, this situation had not been expected long ago-last time I talked to Zuifeng, Zuifeng once asked Terenas to be careful.

But who is Terenas? King of a country! The king of Lordaeron, the strongest kingdom of mankind!

Terenas didn't allow himself to be threatened by that nasty Pandaren!

Didn't you make a **** oath?

it is good!

I want to see if Lordaeron will send troops to Gilneas quickly, or if you pledge to help come quickly!

Thinking of this, Terenas called in the attendant.

"Go to General Arthur and General Garithus."

The attendant was about to leave when Terenas stopped him.

"Wait a minute-hand this letter to Blackmore-hand it to him in secret."

Watching the attendant leave, Terenas gritted his teeth: "Damn Pandaren!"

If Drunk Wind knew that Terenas was so careful about himself, he would definitely cry out for injustice.

Drunk Wind can swear to God that these humanitarian clauses he kindly proposed were not aimed at Lordaeron!

On the contrary, this is Drunk Wind deliberately helping Lordaeron!

No way, Terenas was really unfriendly to the Prophet, and even more distrustful of Drunk Wind. Now Drunk Wind estimates that if the Burning Legion invades, Lordaeron is likely to break through!

It is precisely because of this that Drunk Wind deliberately rejects all opinions at the senior citizens' meeting and proposes to protect the innocent.

As for the consumption of opposing internal battles, this is talking about the Alliance and the Horde! Although it looks like the tribe is dead now, Terenas' shelter is a huge time bomb!

It is a pity that Terenas's painstaking efforts were completely regarded as malicious by Terenas. In his opinion, Zuifeng's proposals were directed towards Stormwind, and he did not want Lordaeron to unify the human kingdoms.

Terenas in desperation had no choice but to speed up the pace of annexation-no way, the paper strength of the pledge seemed too strong! Only the night elves, Lordaeron couldn't resist a full-scale war.

what? You said they were in Kalimdor, they were too slow to come here?

What about the Dragonflight?

When the orcs manipulated the red dragon, the Alliance suffered a lot. If it weren't for the Wildhammer dwarves of the Eagle's Nest Mountain to invest a lot of griffon knights regardless of blood, maybe Lordaeron would really be captured!

And now the five-color dragon army joined the oath...

In this case, Terenas chose to take a gamble-destroy Gilneas before the oath to intervene!


Arthur and Garithus hurried to the palace.

The two Lordaeron generals had also heard about the oath, and they instinctively were dissatisfied with the organization created by the alien race. As for the purpose of Terenas' summoning, the two guessed on the road.

Sure enough, as soon as they met, Terenas directly asked Garithus about the soldiers' training.

"Your Majesty, the training of our soldiers is not ideal-it's not that the boys don't work hard, it's that we lack experienced grassroots officers. When Stromgarde left, almost all the civilians were taken away, and most of the officers who participated in the expedition in Stormwind It has been reused, and in the entire orc war, we really can't win many experienced grassroots officers."

Terenas rubbed his temples.

Lothar is not an ordinary person...

Throughout the orc war, although this alliance commander will not weaken the power of a certain country, he always imposes various restrictions on various countries invisibly.

Although Lordaeron participated in a lot of battles in the war, the commanders were basically assigned by Lothar. This makes Lordaeron want to start a war even though he wants people and food and food. The commander is missing.

Terenas was not sure if Lothar had seen his thoughts, but every time he mentioned the commander, the ambitious king would feel very uncomfortable.

Seeing Terenas's expression, Garithus was also very embarrassed. The Lordaeron General, who had risen step by step in the orc war, knew his king's mind very well. Of course, he also supports Terenas' opinions.

It is a pity that clever women can hardly cook without rice, and the training speed of Lordaeron's militia is still too slow.

Gritting his teeth, Garithos came up with an idea.

"Your Otherwise, let's recruit some Paladins from the Silver Hand. These Paladins were carefully cultivated by the Alliance during the war..."

"This is unrealistic." Arthur, who had been silent for a long time, said, "Archbishop Alonthos Faor can't agree with our ideas, and Uther would not necessarily be willing to do so, they have been insisting on their ridiculous The kindness, not all paladins are like me, putting the country above their faith."


Unexpectedly, this short meeting was quickly over-it was not Terenas who dismissed his thoughts, but a new news that made him desperate.

Gilneas spent a lot of money to hire the Ratchet City Construction Group to assist the civilians of the country, and build a high wall on the south of Silverpine Forest! King Jean named this wall Greymane Wall!

"Goblin! Tauren! Pandaren!" Terenas furiously, "Very good! I am at odds with you!"

"Snee!" On Thunder Bluff, Drunk Wind rubbed his nose, "Well, my uncle is probably talking about me." (To be continued.)

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