Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 180: The Demon Hunter in Stormwind

? This important meeting called the "Elderly Meeting" in history, although the process and content of the meeting are strictly confidential, the results and regulations of the meeting are open to the whole of Azeroth.

Thanks to the goblin intelligence dealers, the purpose, members, and regulations of the oathsor’s establishment were quickly known to most intelligent creatures in Azeroth—the reason why they are most is because after all, there are jackals and eaters. Races like human demons and murlocs.

What's interesting is that they are obviously oaths, but everyone is more accustomed to using oaths. Over time, even the members of the organization are used to calling themselves oaths.

After learning that Drunken Wind had finally established such a power, his old friend far away in Stormwind was very uncomfortable.


After Varian, Khadgar, and Turalyon in Stormwind learned of the oath, they held a brief informal meeting.

The son of King Ryan Wrynn, the adjutant of Sir Lothar and the apprentice of Master Medivh, the previous generation of the Iron Triangle of Stormwind Kingdom was inherited in another form.

In the meeting, after the three people read through the vows made by Zuifeng, they couldn't calm down for a long time.

For Khadgar, as early as the reconstruction of Stormwind and the expedition to Draenor, Drunk Wind's mind and feelings had already convinced the new Lord of Karazhan. If it was said that the trust in Drunk Wind was due to Lothar at the beginning, then this trust has been poured in the blood and sweat when fighting side by side.

Varian, on the other hand, felt more and more profound and thought-provoking in the occasional seemingly casual words of Drunken Wind after he took office. Facing Stormwind City, where the noble power was almost wiped out, Varian, who had weak ruling experience, deeply felt what it was like to "rule a big country like cooking a little fresh".

Turalyon is a loyal admirer of Lothar. He clearly remembers Lothar's evaluation of Drunk Wind, thinking that he is a true prophet, a prophet who can point the way. The drunk wind organization took the oath. Does it mean that Azeroth needs to unite and fight the demons together?

"It's a pity, if it weren't for the alliance's disagreement, Drunk Wind could have joined us with most of these forces." Khadgar shook his head regretfully, "Now it seems that Drunk Wind's ideas are longer than ours. , Can win over those night elves."

"Yes!" Varian also nodded. "Although the high elves of Quel'Thalas are very arrogant, the father once said that the group of night elves are actually more arrogant than the high elves. Drunk Wind can pull them into the oath."

Turalyon is more concerned with the purpose of the oath. Without Lothar and Medivh, the Kingdom of Stormwind seemed to be thriving, but if it really had to face the devil, it would appear pale and powerless after all.

"If it really is like the covenant said, Azeroth is at the most dangerous time, what should we do in the Kingdom of Stormwind?"

Turalyon's question stunned Khadgar and Varian.

Yes, what should the Kingdom of Stormwind do if the Burning Legion invades?

Demons are not comparable to orcs!

The expeditionary soldiers who expedition to Draenor are the absolute elites of Stormwind who have been baptized by orc wars! However, in the battle of these elites in the Dark Temple, half of the people directly slept in Draenor-half of the return, and a large part of them were disabled for life.

And these veterans can already be one-on-one with the orcs in the later stage of the orc war. Who would have thought that a partial division of the Burning Legion-even a small unit that is not even a partial division would cause these elites to suffer heavy losses!

The horror of the Burning Legion is evident!

As if thinking of the fall of Stormwind City, the three shivered together, and then looked at each other.

No, we must find a targeted way to deal with the devil!

"I will go to Karazhan to carefully search for the magic books left by Medivh, and learn about the demons as much as possible!" Khadgar was very serious. "Dalaran originally proposed to rent these books, but now it seems that the sum is generous. The rent kingdom is out of reach."

"Rent is not the point. Stormwind City doesn't lack gold coins." Varian gritted his teeth. "Even the royal family can even come up with a certain amount of money. We just secretly formed an organization to deal with demons!"

"This idea is very good!" Turalyon nodded, "After all, we can't propose a tax increase at the aristocratic meeting for the reason that the oath was established to form a new army-but if the royal family finances, the fine decoration of the palace ..."

"It's okay, as long as Stormwind City is still there, I don't care what the palace looks like; and when I was living in Lordaeron, although it was much more luxurious than this, I never slept well." Varian squinted. Squinted, "Besides, I believe Tifiyin won't mind less flashy jewelry."

Speaking of his wife, Varian was full of warmth. This queen, who had been with Varian's childhood sweetheart, has always been Varian's good helper. When Varian was upset, Tiffiyin could always use various methods to calm him down. For this reason, she even deliberately became drunk. I have asked some questions about cooking skills—now that the queen beloved by the people of Stormwind is pregnant, everyone is looking forward to the birth of a little prince or princess.

By the way, Alleria is also pregnant now. The pregnancy of the elder sister of the Windrunner has just been found, and Sylvanas, Vereesa and Lilas are coming from Quel'Thalas.

The butterfly effect of the drunk wind is reflected, and the little Windrunner did not die in the Now this "Quel'Thalas youngest Ranger Captain" is riding with his two sisters Dragon Eagle rushed to meet the next new member of the Windrunner family-although if it were a boy, his last name would be Lothar.

Stormwind City, which is still under reconstruction, has become even busier due to the establishment of the oath.

The new Iron Triangle of Khadgar, Turalyon, and Varian held several meetings to deal with demons. This series of secret meetings held in the palace restaurant was called the "August Secret Meeting."

In this "August Secret Meeting", the Kingdom of Stormwind established a new organization-Demon Hunters.

A part of MI7, a part of the First Army, and a part of the Royal Mage Group were spun off. These absolute elites were secretly brought to Karazhan for training. Originally Turalyon thought about sending some paladins to join the demon hunter, but it was a pity that he could not succeed due to various reasons.

The Burning Legion is intensively preparing for the invasion of Azeroth, and why is Azeroth trying to smash this conspiracy?

At this moment, the demon hunters who received fel attack training in Karazhan had no idea that their name would resound across the continent in the near future! (To be continued.)

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