Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 153: The domineering of the black dragon queen

   After Onyxia approached, Zuifeng looked at her haggard appearance, and felt unspeakably distressed.

Even if it is a giant dragon, flying over the endless sea is a very hard thing. Onyxia is really full of wind and frost. Although it seems that he is still very energetic, the exhaustion of this journey is really real. .

"Silly girl, why bother in such a hurry, isn't it too early for the appointment?" Drunk Wind naturally stretched his arm around Onyxia's waist, "How hard it has been to fly, wouldn't it be okay to take a boat at the port? "

"How dare you? What if the only prince of our black dragon is hooked up by the succubus?" Onyxia is still worried about the goblin, "Furthermore, it's not because someone is unwilling to come to Black Rock Mountain to find I, I can only go find him."

   Listening to Onyxia's complaint, Drunk Wind was really embarrassed.

   "What's the matter with this strong sense of guilt?"

   Before Drunk Feng thought about this problem, the old Chen on the side had already said that the dog food was choking, and he said hello and went to the hotel by himself.

   Zuifeng and Onyxia walk hand in hand in the streets of Ratchet City late at night.

   Ratchet City at this time is not the same as a year ago. Thanks to the riches of the city owner, Ratchet City not only expanded its scale, but also updated a large number of municipal facilities.

   Under the dim street lamp, the two people remained silent for a long time, but walked forward side by side, still being stretched and shortened again and again by the shadow.

   "Are you ready for your plans?" Onyxia still broke the silence.

   "Hmm." Zuifeng let out a long sigh, "I hope that the Alliance and the Horde can stop for a while, I really tried my best."

   Looking up at the drunk face, Onyxia remembered a lot.

   I was recognized the first time I met, this bad guy didn't know Lianxiangxiyu at all, and threatened himself with a siege crossbow.

   Then he told himself a story with water mist. That was the first time someone had spoken to himself like this, without flattering, or ordering, but simply telling.

   After realizing that the ancient gods had an influence on him, he was really in a cold sweat at the time-what kind of existence the ancient gods exist, but my mother can tell her clearly!

   I felt that Drunk Wind was just a peculiar pandaman. I wanted to retaliate against him for a while, so I pretended to be with him.

   I didn't expect that those noble children who were troubled by the drunk wind were inexplicably settled, and the methods were similar, all of which were diarrhea. That was the first time I saw Drunk Wind's evil side.

   Then Zuifeng began to cook a variety of different foods for himself. Although these foods were for me to try dishes, I can find that Zuifeng was very serious every time.

   Gradually, between the two people began to become a little ambiguous, which means that they are not satisfied with some friends.

The end of the ambiguity was when Draenor faced Deathwing, when Drunk Wind turned the hammer handle and gave Deathwing the final blow, Onyxia was finally determined that she was in love with this Pandaren—and right. It was after this battle that Drunk Wind confessed to himself vaguely.

   Even though Onyxia had a cold look at the time, her heart was unspeakably sweet.

   That night in Stranglethorn Vale, I mustered up the courage to dedicate myself, but the drunk wind **** fell asleep! Although Onyxia knew that he was really exhausted, she couldn't help taking revenge.

   After a series of battles, Onyxia felt more and more good-looking-and the confession of Drunk Wind in Blackrock Tower made Onyxia feel Drunk Wind and reliable.

Some time ago, Onyxia met a large number of "young talents" from the Dragon Legion at the bi-month ceremony. These guys were very interested in Onyxia. After all, the black dragon who had just become the queen was still Very young.

   It turned out that Onyxia was disgusted by these guys.

  Especially the blue dragon called Kalecgos, who looks weak and wants to pursue himself! The scene was embarrassing for a while-because the Black Dragon Queen took a deep breath on the grounds that she felt offended.

   The deep breathing after the strengthening of the bimonthly ritual is not the same, Kalecgos estimated that it will take a long time to return to the magic hub to cultivate.

Onyxia still clearly remembers that after the ceremony, the Queen of Red Dragon took hold of herself, and said with heartfelt words that for the future of the Dragon Legion, the central idea is to lay a few more dragon eggs for herself and Drunk Wind~www Thinking of those brochures, Onyxia couldn't help but blush...

   Unknowingly, the two people walked into a dark alley.

   was thinking whether to say something, Zuifeng was suddenly slammed.

   "Say, would you like to have a bunch of dragon eggs with me?"

   Looking at the domineering Onyxia, Drunk Wind did not reveal the slight tremor in her voice, but nodded without hesitation.

   So a love hotel in Ratchet welcomes a new pair of guests.

   (10,000 words omitted here)


   Early the next morning, Onyxia, who woke up early, was refreshed, and the drunk wind, who was lazily in bed, had sore waist and leg pain.

  Imagine that the whole night's body is not bad and the real energy is sudden-drunk wind feels that he can get up really good physical fitness.

   "It seems that the dragon knight is really not easy to be, especially the black dragon knight..."

   When Lao Chen found Zuifeng, he was seeing Zuifeng happily eating a bunch of roasted wild boar kidney skewers, while Onyxia looked disgusted.

   Looked like a drunk wind about to starve to death, Lao Chen was very strange: "What's wrong with you?"

   Zuifeng raised a hand and turned it over twice: "I feel my body is hollowed out."

   Old Chen nodded as if he did not understand.


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