Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 152: Ratchet City Revisited

   The familiar Ratchet City is still bustling at night.

   This time, after Drunk Wind got off the ship, it was no longer a small merchant and a hawker who greeted him, but a true goblin tycoon.

   Today, the reputation of the God of Wealth of Drunk Wind has spread among the goblins. With the help of Drunk Wind, intentionally or unintentionally, Gazlowe has challenged the position of the new Prince of Trade with the Ratchet City Construction Group!

   Ratchet City Construction Group is responsible for building the basic part of Stormwind City. With the help of the Tauren Shaman summoning the power of the earth, this part has been completed. And this tauren group led by goblins was an instant success!

The reason is simple. When this stone building is popular, the nobles who want to build a garden and enjoy it often think about not how much it will cost, but how long it will take to repair it-many old nobles have abandoned it for more than ten years. Time built a great villa for myself, only to make my son cheaper.

  Of course, you can also choose to add manual labor to work, but it is too expensive. Unless it is a real god, the price is not acceptable.

Ratchet City Construction Group solved this problem perfectly. They have guaranteed credibility (participated in the construction of Stormwind City), acted very fast (time is money, my friend), and the price is not bad (one cow is worth five people but the salary only needs double Times).

These advantages make the Ratchet City Construction Group the first choice of the nobles-especially those nobles who have been newly appointed because of their achievements in the orc wars. They urgently need a manor to show that they are not a bun, so Gazlu Wei made a lot of money.

In addition, Erguotou, a famous liquor in Booty Bay, has also found out the source under the investigation of the caring people. This drunk-style distilled liquor delivered to Gazlowe for sale can now sell 10,000 cups in Booty Bay every day— -This is under the premise that profiteers do not exchange water.

Not only Gazlowe became rich, but Rivegaz, who is the master of Booty Bay and just nodding to Drunk Wind, is also very proud. Rivegaz, who has monopolized the draenei trade, has a relatively low price. A large number of jewelry products of the draenei were purchased, and stable food and jewelry materials were brought to these recuperating draenei.

   A large number of high-end jewelry poured into the market of the Eastern Kingdom, and even caused a depreciation of the jewelry.

   There is no way, among the draenei people, there are too many jewel masters who have turned decay into magic. Even if Rivigaz consciously controlled the influx of these draenei jewels into the market, the price of the jewels is still falling.

On the other hand, although Drunk Wind has reminded the draenei to bargain with the goblins, Rivigaz can find gadgets that are of interest to the draenei every time and sell them at a low price. Of course, the original price of these gadgets is lower.

It is precisely because of the wealth that Drunk Wind may bring. When Drunk Wind set off in Kul Tira, a large number of goblins asked about the ship’s destination after Ratchet City, and took the goblin teleporter back to Cali. Muduo went to report to his boss—it was unavoidable that some unlucky ones were blown up because of the characteristics of goblin engineering.


   Faced with so many big-bellied goblin tycoons, even the drunk wind was in a hurry for a while.

   "Lord Zuifeng, do you have any good ideas? I am willing to give you 20% of the net profit!"

   "Tell me, Lord Zuifeng, I will give you 25%!"

   "Thirty percent!"

   "I'm under the banner of Hot Sand, I promise 40%!"


   can't stand their quarrel, Zuifeng can only clear his throat and shout.

   "Be quiet, listen to me!"

  As today's protagonist, drunk wind is still very useful. After a loud roar, the goblin tycoons finally stopped.

   "Dear tycoons! I currently don't have any good ideas for making money-but I promise that once I have an idea, I will hold an auction in Ratchet City or Gadgetzan! The higher bidder!"

The guarantee of    Drunk Wind obviously did not satisfy these goblins, but seeing Drunk Wind’s attitude resolutely, these goblins changed their methods and started to promote their own financial management projects...

   A strong sense of Amway immediately rushed toward his face, and the drunk wind almost fleeed.

   But thinking that his family property is a little too much (20% of the profit in Erguotou), Zuifeng feels that he really should use the money.

   Thinking of this, Zuifeng yelled again: "While there are food supplies and condiment suppliers left, others..."

   Before Drunk Wind could finish speaking, many goblins raised their hands excitedly and shouted loudly.

   "Who else can provide security services? It must be reliable!"

   Many of the restless goblins rushed over.

   Most of the remaining goblins disappeared, and Zuifeng and these goblins who deal in food and security began to discuss their own spending plans.

   Meat, dairy, eggs, vegetables, fruits, staple food...

   Zuifeng boldly appointed dozens of various suppliers.

   Then Zuifeng began to discuss many matters concerning the establishment of a base of his own in Kalimdor.


   It's finally been a long Wind finally dismissed most of these goblin tycoons at the middle of the moon.

   stretched, and Zuifeng was about to take Lao Chen to the Broken Bone Hotel, when a goblin with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes approached.

"Honorable Drunk Wind, do you need some*? Although there are no pandamen, I guarantee that humans, dwarves, goblins, dwarves and even tauren, elves, orcs are at your disposal-as long as you can afford it, furbolgs are all There are a few of them."

   Looking at the pimping goblin in front of him, Drunk Wind raised his fist and beat him. An attack of this level would have drawn the warning from the guards of Ratchet City, but the patrolling goblin obviously did not intend to stop Drunk Wind.

   "Go away, stop telling me these messy things!"

Obviously, this goblin would not be easily frightened by Drunk Wind. He tried to squeeze out a "you know" smile and said: "Don't be like this, I even found a warlock and summoned a few succubus. That's really powerful. , It's all..."

   Zuifeng didn't do any more, but the expression looking at this goblin became very sympathetic.

   This goblin also seems to have discovered something wrong-a large shadow covers the moonlight!

   Behind this hapless person, Onyxia had just arrived. Hearing that the goblin was pimping Drunk Wind, the angry Black Dragon Queen took a deep breath.

  Poor goblin...

   After Onyxia sprayed the flames, he didn't care about the dark thing anymore, but gave a drunk glance: "Say, did you beat him because you saw me?"


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