Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 116: Shadow of Eranikus

   Just after Zuifeng and the others forced the green dragon with four slobbers to stop, before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, another dragon flew out.

   "Oh my God, Eranikus! Why are you doing this?"

In the exclamation of Isarios, Zuifeng and others discovered that the green dragon in front of them has far exceeded their knowledge of the "dragon"-God knows how Isarios recognized who it is of……

   The unphysical green dragon looked like a shadow at this time, and its vague appearance made people unable to believe that it was once a strong dragon.

   Interestingly, Eranikus did not rush to Drunk Wind and others after he appeared, but wandered in the hall of the temple.

   Everyone wanted to take advantage of this to take a break, the continuous battle is really exhausting. But Drunk Wind still urged everyone to hurry up and take Eranikus: "Hurry up, Hakkar is probably recovering himself, maybe he will run out soon!"

   Hearing that Drunk Wind said so, everyone had no choice but to attack Eranikus with a strong spirit.

   After starting his hand, Rexxar was embarrassed.

   Eranikus not only looks like a shadow, but is actually in a strange aspect, and the whole dragon is real and illusory. The result of the perfect combination of Misha and Rexxar was that they all rushed into the air-Rexxar, who was used to attacking with all his strength, almost flashed to his waist.

   "Rexxar, take Misha on your guard!"

   When Drunk Wind said that, Rexxar nodded unwillingly. There was no alternative, the Beastmaster had to act as a scout on one side.

   In the empty hall of the temple, Onyxia no longer had any reservations. She changed back to the form of a dragon. After taking a deep breath, a mouthful of hot magma spit out Eranikus.

  The green dragon that couldn't evade was sprayed straight, because Eranikus almost lost his mind, now he can only scream in the flames, but to no avail.

  The shadow of flames made Zuifeng and Lao Chen lose the desire to approach melee attack, the two of them simply started to assist Onyxia with all their strength.

   "Drunk and mist!"

   "Drunk and mist!"

   A large group of wine mist appeared, and the fascinating smell tightly surrounded Eranikus, making this green dragon, who had lost its consciousness, couldn't distinguish between east and west.

  Moreover, the large swaths of wine mist made the flames more blazing. After the originally red flame came into contact with the wine mist that contained true aura, it suddenly rose high and turned directly into white.

   Seizing this opportunity, Isarios began to breathe dragon's breath towards Eranikus's shadow. Under the baptism of dragon's breath, Eranikus seemed to regain some sanity.

"Sorry, my old friend, I didn’t expect to encounter the Emerald Nightmare here. I seem to have caused a problem for all green dragons. I don’t know if I can be saved, I just hope you can save those Children, they are innocent."

   "Don't worry, old friend, those wyrmlings have been purified, and now they haven't recovered for a while-don't worry, we will also purify you!"

   "Thank you then, I am waiting for my salvation... Wait a minute, I can't control myself! Be careful!"

   Eranikus said, opening his mouth was a mouthful of black dragon's breath, spraying it directly at Onyxia. The black dragon's breath contained a **** smell and a rotten stench. Although Onyxia escaped in time, it was still disgusting enough.

   Drunk Wind tried to purify Eranikus with See Suhuo Pu, but found that Eranikus could not be purified by himself at this time. As soon as his eyes rolled, Zuifeng began to yell Old Chen:

   "Old Chen, have you learned the Ring of Peace?"

   "Learn a little bit." Old Chen scratched his head, "What? The ring of peace can't stop him from spitting!"

   "Of course it is to purify him!" Drunk Feng laughed loudly, "As long as you can feel the ring of peace, it's not difficult to see the simplicity!"

   With that, Zuifeng started on-site teaching.

   "Sit down, Old Chen! Unfold your ring of peace, infuse pure innocence without any attributes, and then slowly expand the ring."

   Old Chen did what he said, sitting on the ground and spreading out his peace of mind.

   With the infusion of infuriating energy, the ring grew bigger and bigger, gradually covering Eranikus-but it seemed that there was no purification effect at all.

   "Now, keep the ring of peace of mind still and start meditation!"

   "Huh? Zen meditation?" Old Chen was confused at this time, but he still tried to do it.

   is difficult.

  The Ring of Peace is to extend one's body through pure innocence. Within the ring of peace, the monk has a strong control over everything. It can be said that after the ring of peace is opened, the inside of the ring is like the body of a monk.

Zen meditation is a way for Pandaren to fight against sha energy. They have extremely strong restraint on the spiritual energy of the ancient gods. The source of simplicity and simplicity is to turn a place of heaven and earth into a part of themselves through the ring of peace, and then enlighten Meditation forcibly expel this piece of pollution.

It is undoubtedly very difficult to do this-the first lesson of monk training is meditation, and this lesson is also called the hardest but Lao Chen is not an ordinary person after all, as a lost track. A rare strong man on the island, his understanding of the way of a monk can be called a genius. You know, at this time Lao Chen left the Wandering Island for the first time, younger than Zuifeng!

   After several more attempts, Lao Chen has mastered See Su Baopu. Seeing Old Chen comprehend so quickly, Drunk Feng laughed: "Very well, now the Green Dragon owes us so much favor!"

   said, the two opened at the same time to see Su Hupu, and together, the shadow on Eranikus disappeared like ice and snow.

   Rexxar, who had been holding back for a long time, jumped up and was an axe--unfortunately, Rexxar himself regretted it before he could cut it down.

   Eranikus was tortured by Haka. At this time, a large amount of Haka's blood was injected into his body, which turned the green dragon into a **** monster.

   Facing the corrosion of this kind of physical nature, Zuifeng and Lao Chen were very helpless. It was not a simple matter to turn Eranikus back into the original.

"Wait a minute, don't fight." Facing the hacked axe, Eranikus quickly transformed into a human form and hid aside, "I have regained consciousness! It was the power of the Emerald Nightmare that corrupted me, although Haka He tried to infect me with his own blood, but was unsuccessful."

   "I can control myself now!"

   Before Zuifeng and others could answer, another figure appeared in the side hall.

"Congratulations, little green dragon-it seems that your friends are very good at dealing with nightmares? Well, let me help you test whether they are good at fighting flesh and blood Book friends are welcome to visit us. Read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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