Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 115: Drunk Wind's Counter Strike 1

   These two shadows are not others, they are the violent clones of Zuifeng and Lao Chen!

Just when the element clones were separated, under Zuifeng's signal, both of them hid their invisible wind clones-although Lao Chen didn't know why Zuifeng did it, but out of respect to each other Old Chen still chose to follow suit.

   As a result, after the Bone Wind Serpent was defeated, the drunk wind clone suddenly used his mouth to signal Lao Chen to attack Jiamalan.

   This makes Lao Chen feel unbelievable, but before he understands why, Zuifeng has already shot directly. In desperation, Old Chen had no choice but to follow.

   Jamalan didn't expect that someone would actually take action against him, so there was no time to avoid it in the first place.

   Zuifeng made a knife with his left hand, cut to Gamalan's throat, and swiped his right hand along Gamalan's arm, successfully taking down the egg of the wind snake.

   "What? Do you want this power too?" Gamalan was obviously taken aback by the sudden attack, "This is not for you, Haka's power can only belong to Gurubashi!"

   "Don't hide it anymore!" After Zuifeng took the Egg of the Wind Snake, he cancelled the clone, "Haka, you have been seen through by me!"

   "What haka, I'm Jamalan!"

"Well, if you are really Jamalan and get rid of Hakkar's control as you said, why did you bring Hakkar's egg back to Zul'Gurub?" Drunk Feng stared coldly at the female giant in front of him. Demon, "Is it not good to just purify it?"

   "We are here to extract the power! Hakkar's power can be transformed into a mojo-maybe you don't know what it is? But the troll should know."

   Levi Khan nodded: "The Gurubashi troll can indeed transform the power of the strong into pure energy that can be used by us. This is the magic spirit. I know this, it should be true."

   "Look, I didn't lie to you! I promise that I won't use this power to trouble you!" Gamalan vowed, "Now please give me this egg. It is useless if you take it."

   "Resurrect Haka for you?" Zuifeng smiled sarcastically, "Oh no, should it be to resurrect yourself?"

   "What are you talking about? Hakkar has been defeated by you! Just now!"

   "It's impossible to lie to others by such words, it's impossible to lie to me!"

"Will the guy known as the blood **** be defeated so easily? And as far as I know, Hakkar wants to be truly resurrected and descends into this world with his own body. The resurrection ritual must be performed in Zul'Gurub-maybe you were The spy sent by Zul'Gurub, I don’t doubt that. But if you are free from Hakkar’s control, I will never believe that you don’t have that ability and consciousness!"

   "I'm right, dear Spirit Reaver, Hakkar."

   Jamalan was silent for a long time, and finally raised his head and stared at Drunk Wind.

   "Pandamen, aren't you afraid that I will kill those green dragons?"

   Haka's first sentence made Isarios extremely nervous.

   Afterwards, I found that the Hakkasau, who had been thoroughly seen through, no longer concealed it, and a **** breath quickly permeated the entire temple.

"Actually, you don’t have to do this. I plan to let him go. As long as you don’t say anything, you acquiesce in all of this—I am not in the same mind as the one who corrupts the emerald dream, I just rely on him. The power of this is just getting rid of the green dragon's surveillance." Haka shook his head regretfully.

"Of course you are not of one mind, otherwise you don't have to give up your believers? If I'm not wrong, many of your believers have been dragged by N'Zoth?" Drunk Wind exposed the truth without hesitation. "I'm really sorry, maybe I can really let others go, but you are not in this list!"

   "Why? Is there any enmity between us?"

   Before Drunk Wind could answer, Levi Khan stood up.

   "Of course there is, you once came and killed countless innocent trolls as a sacrifice, now do you want to set off another **** storm?"

Seeing that everyone around was looking bad, Hakkar was finally a little flustered: "Wait a minute, Pandaren, do you remember the Zandalari war that the Zandalar trolls launched against you ten thousand years ago? We have a common enemy. !"

   "One yard, one yard!" Drunk wind snorted coldly, "I don't like the Zandalari troll, but I only hate you!"

  Discovering that the battle is inevitable, Haka finally put away the superficial goodwill.

   "Well, since you are determined to fight, let's do a couple of tricks with your green dragon friends-come out, green dragon!"

   With the shout of Hakkar, a large number of green dragons poured out from a side hall next to it. Whelps, young dragons and dragon people crowded the temple, and finally four dragons appeared.

   Isarios looked sadly at these fallen companions, feeling very uncomfortable. At this time, he even complained that the drunk wind had exposed Haka. In his opinion, whether Haka was resurrected was not as important as the safety of these green dragons.

It seems that I have seen through the idea of ​​the green Drunk wind roared: "Put away you should not be careful, it is not difficult for me to purify these green dragons, you five do your best Protect me, I will purify them!"

   As he said, Drunk Wind threw the egg of Hakkar to Onyxia, and then sat on the ground by himself, with his five hearts facing the sky.

   "See Su Baopu!"

   The huge ring opened quickly, and under the ring, the red eyes of the green dragons quickly returned to their original shape.

  . It seemed that it had been corrupted for too long. Once the young dragons escaped from the corruption, they quickly fell from the sky, which made everyone in a hurry. The dragon man and the young dragon also became staggered as if they were drunk.

The real trouble is the four grown-up dragons. These four guys are extraordinary in strength. Therefore, N'Zoth has become more corrupted by them. The drunkenness of simplicity and simplicity will not be able to eliminate this corruption in the first place. In desperation, everyone Can only try to subdue them, and then give it to Drunk Wind.

In order not to hurt them, Levi Khan threw a bottle of paralysis potion distressedly, while Lao Chen uncovered the lid of his barrel, and Zhenqi turned all the wine in the barrel into a mist and enveloped the entire temple-as for Rexxar, he didn't do anything at all. No way, the Beastmaster was a guy who would cause huge damage to the beast partner first even if he tame the beast partner.

   Just when a few people were focused on dealing with the adult dragons, Haka sneaked into a side hall and looked at the green dragon sleeping in the shadow in the corner, and the blood **** showed a weird smile.

"Aren’t you very strong? Coincidentally, I also have a guy who is very strong. Buy me some time and let me kill these Welcome friends to visit and read, the latest and fastest , The hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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