Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 107: 1 smooth sailing journey

   Three large ships full of food left Booty Bay and headed south along the coastline to Jaguero Island.

   To the surprise of Auditore, the three ships did not return to Booty Bay after delivering the food, but went westward the next day, and the route seemed to go to Kalimdor.

   But even so, the Bloodfang was not dispatched at all—in terms of time, the three ships had docked on Haguero Island not long ago, and it was obviously impossible to pick up the orcs. It is impossible for Bloodfang to leave Booty Bay because of a routine inspection.

Auditore did not expect that on the eve of the departure of these three big ships, thousands of trolls of the Darkspear clan, old and young, were ready on the wild coast. After all the food was unloaded, the trolls were stuffed into the ship. in. These trolls will be sent to Kalimdor along the route from Booty Bay to Ratchet, where they will have a new home.

   Drunk Wind is not on the boat—he really doesn’t want to huddle with the trolls, and he believes that the Darkspear trolls can gain a foothold in Kalimdor.

   Before leaving, Zuifeng prepared two letters to Senjin, asking him to have the opportunity to hand them to the tauren and the night elves.

The tauren is already a fan of the drunk wind at this time. If there is a reputation system and the drunk tauren has a proper reputation, they must be happy to accept the neighbor of the troll-at least much better than the centaur. Up.

   As for the night elves, as long as the dark spear trolls do not go to the main action to die, Zuifeng believes that those who can't wake up will not bother to trouble the trolls.

  Because of the relationship between Drunk Wind and Tauren, everyone is well-known in Booty Bay. All sailors know that a Pandaren led the goblins and Tauren to build Stormwind City. Therefore, Senjin got the recommendation letter from Drunk Wind, and after climbing the big ship to Kalimdor, even if the transaction was completed, Levi Khan also joined Drunk Wind’s team.

What’s interesting is that in order to discuss the double reeds with Rivigaz, Drunk Wind deliberately returned to Booty Bay (flew back with his wife), and then flew to the wild coast after sending away the trolls. The drunk wind is a bit unbearable to walk on both feet, it is too slow.

   Therefore, Drunk Wind suggested that Onyxia call a few young dragons to walk over—the result was ruthlessly rejected because all the black dragons had already gone to Heishi Mountain first. Drunk wind burst into tears, and once again complained fiercely against Old Chen and Rexxar.

   "Blame you two..."

   "What does this have to do with me, you arranged it yourself." Old Chen said he didn't blame me.

   "If it weren't for you, I would be spending my honeymoon with Oni. Can the hiking in the honeymoon be the same as the hiking now."

   "What do you mean?" Old Chen didn't understand Zuifeng's words, and looked at Rexxar with a puzzled face.

   "I don't understand either." Rexxar shook his head, "Orcs don't have any wedding trips. Our newlyweds are all in winter. We give birth to our next generation of soldiers in a warm home."

Drunk Wind looked at Levi Khan helplessly, and the Shadow Hunter was shaking his head at this time: "How can you little guys who have not been in love understand? Ah~ I miss my wife's bad breath! (Troll's aesthetics) , Strong bad breath is the charm.)”

   Zuifeng finally realized that in many cases, differences between races are the root of contradictions.


   Complain and complain, the way is still to go.

   While on the road, the importance of Levi Khan was quickly fully manifested.

   A group of five people don't need to walk along the avenue. Under the guidance of the Shadow Hunter, the five people began to walk on the trail. Although it was hard for them to cross the mountains, the speed was not a little bit fast.

   According to Drunk Wind’s plan, the group should walk north along Stranglethorn Vale, then go east through the twilight forest, and reach the Swamp of Sorrows through the Deadwind Path. After getting enough crocodile tears there, he went north again, over the Redridge Mountains, and reached the Burning Plain.

   Now with the help of Livi Khan, a group of people can pass directly through the city of Zul'Gurub of the Gurubashi trolls to the Swamp of Sorrows.

   Under the guidance of the Shadow Hunter, the five people didn't alarm the troll at all-they drove from the path, the creek, to the trees, and the city wall, and passed directly through Zul'Gurub.

   Just when I entered the Deadwind Trail, Zuifeng still felt a little emotional that he did not appreciate the food culture of the Gurubashi Empire. And Levi Khan’s words completely shattered the drunken fantasies: "Zul'Gurub has nothing to eat, just some carrion feasts, which are far from what you did."

   Everything went smoothly. The five people finally reached the Swamp of Sorrows and began to slaughter the poor crocodile here separately.

   It is basically impossible for ordinary people to obtain crocodile tears, but none of these five are ordinary people.

   Zuifeng and Lao Chen directly slapped the crocodile's head with a slap, and then pressed the dizzy crocodile, and began to squeeze tears.

   Rexxar gave a whistle, and Misha sat directly on the back of a poor crocodile, without squeezing this time, the poor crocodile's tears were already streaming out.

   Onyxia tried to kill two crocodiles with magic, but the scorched crocodiles could not find their tear ducts, nor could they get their tears.

   Under the embarrassment, the Black Dragon Queen simply refused to wait. She transformed into a giant dragon form, flapping her wings and began to patrol the top of the Swamp of Sorrows to see if there was anything interesting.

   As a result, Onyxia really discovered an interesting thing-the green dragon.

   An injured green dragon!


   Isarios said he was very unlucky.

Originally, I was following the spouse of the Green Dragon Queen. Eranikus was responsible for guarding the Temple of Alehaka in the Swamp of Sorrows. Who knew Eranikus didn’t know why, he was suddenly corrupted and a good green dragon became Nightmare Dragon.

   Isarios fought desperately, but was outnumbered and was driven out of the temple in embarrassment.

   While Isarios was thinking about how to ask the Green Dragonflight for help, he found a large shadow in the sky. Looking up, Isarios was stupid in place.

  A black dragon.

   At this time, Onyxia had gone through some exercise, and the body of the dragon had grown a lot. Among the entire black dragon army, only Deathwing was bigger than her.

   The powerful wings and ferocious bone spurs made Onyxia in the form of a dragon look like a cloud in the eyes of the poor green dragon.

   The already injured Green Dragon couldn't suppress his fear and began to cry out for help.

   As a result, Livihan and Rexxar came over.

   "Orcs and trolls..."

It seems that thinking of the glorious deeds of the Dragonmaw clan, Isarios turned his eyes and friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all here~ For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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