Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 106: Drunken Tiger Lishan

   I have to admit that Senjin's thinking is very correct.

At this time, Admiral Dai Lin was in a state of madness-although his son died at the hands of the orcs and the red dragon, as a king of the alliance, he could not arbitrarily betray the decision of the alliance, so he had to squeeze He recognized the orc containment plan.

   But at sea, this is definitely the world of Kul Tiras.

   Admiral’s "Orcs Must Die" plan was perfectly executed at sea. So far, I have not heard of any orcs who fled the Eastern Kingdom. No matter who they are, if they dare to take the orcs to sea, they will be taught to behave by the large-caliber artillery of the Kul Tiran Navy.

Thanks to the troll adventurers, Senjin learned of this situation and realized that the blockade from the sea made the Darkspear clan’s already difficult migration plan worse. The Kul Tiran Navy did not mind to clean up with the trolls. , I care if you are a forest troll or a jungle troll.

   After listening to Sen'jin's description, Old Chen, Rexxar and Onyxia all looked at Drunk Wind.

   Zuifeng rolled his eyes.

Faced with the current situation, Drunk Wind is also undecided, and he is not sure whether to help these trolls-although in the original world line, the Darkspear clan has always been loyal to the tribe that helped him, but After all, the times are different, and Drunk Wind is really not sure.

   "Never mind it!" Zuifeng gritted his teeth, "I believe them once!"

   After making a decision, Drunk Wind provided an interesting plan for the Darkspear clan.


   Sailor’s House, Ezio Auditore once again ordered a cup of Erguotou.

  As a captain of the new blood chasing fleet in Kul Tiras, Auditore is responsible for monitoring ships leaving Booty Bay.

   The Blood Chasing Fleet is a fleet specially formed by Admiral Dai Lin to catch the orcs. Most of the ships are light cruisers. This fleet is divided into 5 teams, monitoring almost the entire Eastern Kingdom going to sea.

   And Auditore is the captain of the light cruiser "Bloodfang" in the second team.

   The day before yesterday, the other ships of the second squad left with soldiers of the expeditionary army. At this time, the blood chasing fleet stationed in Booty Bay was only the Bloodfang.

  Actually, the young Auditore is different from most of the officers of the Blood Chasing Fleet. During the Orc War, he was practicing in Ravenholdt Manor. He had not experienced the pain of losing his robes and this young man was not enthusiastic about capturing orcs.

"Isn't this funny?" Auditore kept shaking his head while sipping the spirits in the glass. "How could an orc leave from Booty Bay? If it weren't for this generous salary, I wouldn't want to be here. Stay here-I feel rusty."

   Just as the captain was feeling that time is rushing, a sailor ran in.

"Head, there are three large transport ships leaving today. We can't check them. I wanted to stop their ships and search them slowly, but the one who sailed said that they were transporting food for the draenei—you know, south. The guys on Guero Island have a good relationship with Stormwind. They said that this food is urgent and there is almost no food on the island. Should we let it go?"

   "Are they sure they are going to Jaguero?" Auditore raised his eyebrows.

   "Yes. They are indeed full of food, and they have also shipped to Haguero several times." The sailor nodded and confirmed.

   "Let it go!" Auditore didn't hesitate, "Idiot, you don't know if Moralini and orcs are deadly enemies? Do you still expect these ships to transport orcs?"

   "Then, shall we follow? I'm afraid they will come in contact with the orcs after they have shipped the food..."

"Use your brain, idiot!" Auditore slapped the sailor severely on the back of the head. "Where do they go to meet the orcs? East Coast? There is the first squad of our blood chasing fleet in the Cursed Lands. Use you Worry about here?"

   "The most important thing is that now the entire Booty Bay is just one of us, and we will leave the Booty Bay just for the three grain ships? How could it be possible!"

   The sailor thought for a while, and felt that Auditore was right.

After the Dark Portal collapsed, the orc coalition directly dispersed-the Warsong clan broke through to the north, and the Shattered Hand clan broke through to the south. After paying a great price, the remaining orcs hid in the mountains (due to the sequelae of the devil's blood) You are hungry, the soldiers of the alliance feel like they are catching pigs).

Since the Cursed Land is the last battle site, the coast here is also the top priority of the Kul Tiras naval fortification. The best ships and the best sailors in the blood chasing fleet are here, patrolling day and night. .

   In this case, the second team only needs to be responsible for the East Coast Savage Coast and West Coast Wild Coast in Stranglethorn Vale.

   However, if the orcs want to leave the Eastern Kingdom, they can only go to Kalim in one more direction. As long as they guard the east coast, the orcs cannot escape!

   Thinking of this, the sailor scratched his head embarrassedly: "Hey hey, I didn't expect, I would punish myself for a cup."

   As he said, he directly took the Auditore glass and took a big gulp.

   "Go away, brat, mixing my wine here again!"


   Most of Auditore’s inferences are Unfortunately, he did not know that the Expeditionary Army had an "inner ghost".

   In fact, it is not a ghost. Although Zuifeng helped the Darkspear Troll, the troll is also an enemy of the Alliance-but after all, Zuifeng does not belong to the Alliance.

   That's right, it was Drunk Wind who opened the blood chasing fleet.

  The method is very simple, just play a double reed with Livigaz.

After the storm fortress landed on Haguero Island, the black dragons went back to their homes, waiting for Onyxia to gather again, while the humans, dwarves, and high elves of the coalition were stationed near Booty Bay, waiting for the alliance to respond.

   But due to the constant wrangling of the King's Council, these hard-working soldiers can only sleep in Stranglethorn Vale. Originally, Zuifeng was kind enough to let the expeditionary army live in Booty Bay, and all the expenses were credited to his account. Now in order to open the blood chasing fleet, Zuifeng simply stated that he had no money.

   At this time, Livegaz began to drive people fiercely.

   Seeing that the expeditionary army that suffered heavy casualties in Draenor can only leave Booty Bay tragically, and sleep in Stranglethorn Valley. In the blood chasing fleet, the sailors who hate the orcs the most have expressed that the alliance is not authentic!

  A few captains together, let's send these soldiers back to Stormwind City!

   Just do it.

   These men on the sea have distinct loves and hatreds, and the heroic deeds of the expeditionary army make them extremely admired, and the decisive battle in front of the dark temple made the boys excited when they listened. So they didn't even care that this was hitting the Alliance King severely in the face, so they directly carried the Expeditionary Army and went north to Stormwind City.

As a result, the captain who hated the orcs most was transferred away, and Drunk Wind’s plan was a big Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all ~For mobile users, please go to read.

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