Our demon king is coming.

08: Thor, go ask that guy about the princess.

I was worried.

Because the princess knew she couldn't stay that way.

Because I have an ambiguous attitude, she drinks me at a sloppy pace.

I'm obscured because I barely know anything about her.

First of all, we need to know more from the circumstances around Princess Loulou and what exactly she stands for and who she is.

Information is a weapon. That will change the way this one comes out.

After learning so many things, I thought I had to get the light back into her eyes.

There is no good being a princess who does horrible things that confuse men with incense medicine.

Yes, this is a maneuver to get the light back in your eyes!!

"Hey Thor. What the hell are you doing visiting me without Miss Machia? Will it even snow?

"... shabby, Sir Medite"

I visited a certain person during the morning, especially since there was no escort work for the princess.

Someone who is sensitive to information and bordered by something called medicine while keeping a little distance from the royal palace.

Someone who's not very good at it but takes care of a lot of things.

This is Sir Urbanus Medité, the young head of the Medité family.

He is basically in the Teaching School of the Patriarchate at this hour.

I found him in the smoking room, sprinkling a flue with a strong smell, as usual.

There's one other grandfather and teacher, but for now, I just said hello to Lord Medite.

"Um, Sir Medite. There's one thing I want to ask you..."

"Yeah, yeah, even if I know.... You're Princess Lou's knight now, aren't you? Her knights must be in trouble - did they use weird drugs or something? Hahaha, colored men are not guilty. Yeah, well, I think I know what you want to hear. It must be Princess Lulu's situation, right?

"That does the info!!

It was last night.

What the hell is this guy? Where the hell do you think you're stalking us from?

"Dr. Medite... who the hell is that young man?"

On the soft sofa in the smoking room, the old man, pulled with a cigar, asks in a whispered voice.

Too much pulling and the cigar dropped polo from my mouth so I picked it up in a hurry and put it on an ashtray.

It's too dangerous......

"Not anymore, Dr. Renoit. This is Thor Sagaram, an advisor magician at the Royal Palace. Look, we had a giant soldier here six months ago, didn't we? You've heard rumors about the young sorcerer who defeated it, haven't you?

"... Huh? Kyohey?"

"If you're a teacher now, you're a clean man who throws away everything from the past."

Dr. Medite and the old man have a mysterious conversation. No, that's clean, or it's called bokeh......

Or is this the old man's teacher?

"Um, Sir Medite, this one..."

"Oh. This is Dr. Renoit. He looked like this and was an elite former royal magician. When it comes to alchemy in Russkia, he's as amazing as Dr. Renoit."

"... heh"

"I've been forgetting things a little bit lately. Well, the past is a place to throw away more and more..."


Dr. Renoirt is sipping tea with a teacup with his back round and a pully thin hand.

Tea is waving!! So, are you okay?!?

"... Sir Medite. As you said, I'd like to ask you something about Princess Rubette, but... when this old man asks me..."

"Haha. I'm not worried about that. I told you. Dr. Renoirt was a former royal magician. Actually, my real name is Renoirt Esta..."

"... Huh?

Speaking of the Estas, the Medithes are a family of magicians in the company of dog monkeys.

A family that is also home to many royal magicians. I also think the head of the Royal Palace Demon Inn belonged to the Esta family.

"Dr. Renoirt is deeply involved in the birth of Princess Rubette. And who, after the birth of Princess Rubette, was pursued by the Royal Palace Magic Academy and abandoned the name of the Esta family. But he was a brilliant magician, and my father greeted him here as a professor at a research school. Come on, Thor, do you have a lot to figure out?


Until just now, someone who thought he was just a messed-up old man suddenly looked like a man of great depth.

Sitting on the couch, observing me. With eyes surrounded by its wrinkled skin.

"Now, when it comes to the Medithes, poison magic, as I say, the Estas also have what they call their specialty in witchcraft. What would that be?

"... I've heard you're good at fortune telling."

"Exactly. The Estas are a clan that is good at all sorts of occupiers. Using its fortune as a weapon, the clan gained access to the royal family of the royal palace. An all-rounder guide who deals quite a bit with other areas, of course. I wonder if you call it worldly good... I also have the habit of getting into the powerful. Well, what if I say who the Estas are taking in right now?

"... Queen Jung, is it?


Sir Medite laughed niggardly.

"The Estas have been admitted to the righteous queen who gave birth to the first prince and have been sheltered for the past twenty years or so. The righteous queen herself, from the Terzier family, is the daughter of the Chancellor. No one in the Esta family doubted the throne of the First Prince.... Ha ha, but the Estas mistook a look, didn't they? It is now said that the First Prince's camp has no future."

"... what does that have to do with Princess Lulu?

"Well, don't rush me, Mr. Thor. In short, Princess Loulou's secret is hidden in the First Prince's camp and in the part called the Esta family."


When I was frowning and saying I didn't know better, Dr. Renoirt, who had been drinking tea in silence until just now, suddenly opened his mouth.

"That was... sixteen years ago..."

Yes, suddenly old stories.

No, let me ask you something serious here.

"That was sixteen years ago. The day Princess Rubette was born... The king was delighted to speak of the first princess. I am also a royal magician who serves on the king's side, so I am glad that the king is happy. … It has become a tradition for all royalty magicians of the royal palace to take possession of the future, but the princess was made to do so without exception. Around that time, by the royal magician, who was supposed to be the most fortunate. …… but the result of that fortune was a very inconvenient one…"

Dr. Renoirt's way of speaking was a profound tone, completely different from that of a bogus old man until just now.

I take my breath.

"What the hell are the consequences?

"... the Princess turned out to be harmful to her brother, the First Prince, when she rose to the throne of the First Prince. At the birth of the royal family, they were all occupied, but this was the first time such a result had been achieved, and the king and we were quite confused.... The only person who was snuggled up was the Queen Jung, who said she would raise Princess Rubette in isolation, on a far-off platform in the north. For the righteous queen, I also knew that it was still a bitter decision to give the first prince the highest priority... Then I thought the newborn princess was pathetic..."

Dr. Renoirt put the teacup on his desk and started smoking cigars again.

No matter how much smoking room you say, it's a somewhat breathless space for me not to smoke.

"So, in the end, the princess went to a northern hitch that was quarantined like that?

"... well, that's not what I'm saying. I prophesied to the king that the fortune, so to speak of the fortune of the House of Estas, was a preaching, like a commandment. It's not a good idea to believe too much... However, the faction of the first prince, starting with the prime minister, could not scorn its fortune for having a deep connection with the Esta family, and eventually decided to raise the princess in isolation in the north tower.... I had gone around saying I couldn't guess the fortune of the scattered Esta family, so I also met a claw bullet from the Esta family and they chased me through the royal palace... This is how I look after the Medithes now, so I can show up in front of that clan already... ho ho"

"... I see"

Dr. Renoirt had vain eyes as he slowly exhaled smoke.

Is it because I remembered a past I threw away?

I narrowed my eyes a little.

The story of the princess's circumstances reminds me of my past life with a twist.

But now, that doesn't matter.

I switched heads.

"What does Princess Rubette's study abroad have to do with anything, too?

"Oh... I guess the princess's decision to study abroad was when the battle over the throne intensified and your well-known Highness Ulysses was a superman, so did the First Prince's faction. You must have remembered fortune in a hurry and thought you should keep the princess further away. Damn, I'm kidding if I don't believe in fortune telling... But the king thought it would be a good idea to talk about the princess's study abroad. I gave my permission to make that suggestion if I could live in a beautiful art capital like Gibraltar rather than be isolated in such a remote tower."



So did the princess study abroad until this winter?

"Well, wouldn't that be a happy ending? How the hell did the princess get sick like that..."

In many ways, did you get sick?

Sir Medith laughs like a blow, as if it were every man.

"Hahaha. Well, why not?

"... at the place of study, is something wrong?

"I don't know...... I also have a princess in the Kingdom of Gibraltar, and I'm talking about a thorough princess system where seven dedicated knights serve one princess. The princess of that country, it can be brought up flawed. Princess Rubette didn't come with a knight like that, he said, but I guess there were places where I thought of the princesses of Gibraltar.... From what I've heard, Princess Rubette didn't seem to be treated very well, even in Gibraltar. I mean, she was a little harassed by the princess over there."

Sir Medite is nibbling, clutching the flue in his hand.

Under his feet is the White Viper Spirit's Organ Organ refraining, somehow intimidating me.

"Well, I don't know what forms the character of Princess Lou today, but I wonder if all sorts of things have caused all sorts of chemical reactions? She's a princess who's hungry for love since she was a child.... a handsome knight like you, if he were a little nice to you, he wouldn't have to obsess..."

"But then why is it that now the princess has been sent back to Ruskia?... aren't you actively encouraged by your official duties now? As always, I'm in a remote tower north of here..."

"... come on, I don't know why"


Every bit, the cigarette smoke of two teachers at the School of Magic Instruction Studies is rising.

Their gaze is cold and meaningful somewhere, as if they were observing my way out.

When I heard about the princess, I had a lot of questions, but for now, I thanked the two of them and left the place behind.

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