Our demon king is coming.

07: Thor, the fear of Violet Amarillis.

"No, um... so I'll have dinner in my room. Well, I already had an appointment..."

"What the hell is an advance more important than a princess who serves?


Princess Loulou increasingly wanted to bind me.

Especially after I find out I'm always eating dinner with someone else.

"I know. You must be eating with Miss Machia, right? Hehe, what the hell does that witch have to do with you? Are you a lover?

"Yes, no...... It's not that big a deal. An ancient friend, you call it a relationship between the Lord and his servants..."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Am I the Lord now?


I'm scared, to be honest.

Because I don't have light in my eyes!!

"But they agreed to be your knights on the condition that we would have dinner together."

"That means I'm a princess and that I'm more of a royal magician, and that solves everything."

"No, that's not the problem I said. They are saying that there will be obstacles to my future relationship with Machia!!

I said, I told you.

What do you say!!

"Obstacles, is there a problem?

"............ eh"

"You're going to be my only knight. If you look only at me and think only of me, that's the right and happiest thing to do. That witch thing isn't enough to take away, is it?


No. Shit.

Whatever you say, Princess Rubette has only one conclusion to make.

"Still, I don't want to be a knight who breaks his word. … excuse me"

I was so scared to turn my back on Princess Loulou, but I'm going straight to the door in her room.


But I can't unlock it.

"It's no use, Dear Thor..."


Soon there will be twin maids on both sides!!

I sucked the sweet aromatic scent of one of them into a cup.

I wonder why. My body stops moving.

"Ugh... Do you know what the national flowers of Gibraltar are? Dear Tor."

"... what the hell..."

"Do you know why that country, in a queen system, has a higher status for women?

Couscous... Couscous...

The princess's couscous and laughing voice echoed in her head, and she grew farther and farther away.

I remember that the national flower in Gibraltar was the flower of Amarillis.

Sure, it's Violet Amarillis with a light purple color.

"... Ha"

When I woke up, that was like I saw the other day, a cot with a canopy.

It was buried in a fluffy blanket of white lace, me.

The sky, visible from the dark room, is already a little brighter.

"... this is the next day...?

That's right.

For some reason, I sniffed that aroma and was struck by a sudden drowsiness.

"Are you awake?"


For some reason, there's a lepis on the side.

"Oh, man, you... why are you here... Huh!!

For some reason, he pulls over the futon and retreats.

Lepis looked at me white.

"What, it's not. Didn't you break your promise to have dinner with Master Machia? That maid told me that Thor was having dinner with the princess. Master Machia said he had no choice but to be careful..."


"He was angry at me at last"

"It's that way. That must be the main thing!!

"Here you go... it's from Master Machia"


Lepis handed me a piece of paper.

I peek into it in horror, and there's a letter in Japanese that says "Buddha's face up to three times".


What does that mean? No, I kind of know what that means.

The question is, how many times now?

"By the way, Master Machia said," This is the second time ”... I don't know what you're talking about."

"Maybe the first time I become the knight of the princess, this is the second time.... There's no next time."

"But what are you going to do? Princess Rubette will keep you bound, won't she? Surprised… what brings Violet Amarillis' aroma to this room"

Lepis frowned slightly, suppressing his nose and around his mouth with black robe sleeves.

"Hey... what's this scent..."

"Yep. The scent of this flower, the symbol of Gibraltar, by its exquisite formula of magic drugs, becomes every drug that only works for men or something...... It's horrible, if you're served ecstasy, you're done in many ways. It's the end of life."


"Shh, be quiet. The princess in the next room will wake up."

And that was then.

Feeling a tremendous glance from somewhere, me and Lepis look towards the door that connects to the princess's room next door.

"... what are you doing?

There's a princess in Negrije.

Hold still, just hold still with those eyes, I was looking at this one.

"Ah, yabba... Oh, then I'm in this..."

"Hey, you just said that. I told you!!

I'm surprised Lepis used those words, but now more than ever, I'm freaking myself out that she was so surprised and panicked.

Because I say to Princess Rubette, who is not a magician or anything, that she feels something extraordinary.

Lepis was good at space magic and left the scene with a shittiness.

Leave me alone.


"... Dear Tor. Who is that woman?

"Yes, no... the..."

"Ugh, it's the witch's money anyway, isn't it? I know. I know. You've come to tear our bonds apart."

"No. Makia said she had no choice... because she said she had no choice."

Besides, this is the one who's about to break the bond.

"Princess, you used Amarillis magic pills on me. Normally, a trusted princess and knight would not use such a thing. … I would like you to stop in the future"

I was feeling a little angry and in a hurry.

The medicine the princess took home from Gibraltar is actually very dangerous.

Like Ulysses, I can't disassemble poison in my body, and the healing magic doesn't work because it didn't hurt my body.

If I was conscious, I would be able to diminish the effect a little bit, but I didn't even think I would use this medicine in the first place.

"But... but Dear Thor, then would Thor leave me and go back to that witch!?

"............ no, I will be at your side while I am your knight. Because that's the job."

"I don't like it!! I am such a...!!

"Then we should look for other knights"

I lowered my voice a little.

Then the princess looks a little rushed.

"... Dear Tor?

"Excuse me, I'm going back to my room...... I'll come back later."

I strayed from her gaze and left the room in my jacket and hurried out.

Still walking down the dark corridor and out into the long, long crossing.

From the crossing hall, I heard the dawn of this Miradolid and was able to breathe refreshing and clear air.

Pay the best for that sweet scent.

".................. ha"

How the hell did Princess Lulu end up like that?

Ask Ulysses, she was usually a pretty princess when she was young.

I don't know.

I'm just curious to say that she's the only one living in this remote tower.

And I'll just remember a little bit.

Just a few things from my last life. When I was a little girl before I became the Black Demon King.

"... makia... are you awake??

It's still early in the morning, so I'll knock lightly on the door in her room.

Yes, scene.

Right, you're sleeping, right?

"What, you're home now?


Machia's voice from behind.

I jumped up in front of her room for a moment.

"You're in a big position to go home in the morning.... I have great sleeping habits."

"Oh, seriously..."

"If it's an excuse, I'll ask inside, come in."

Machia opened her room as she yawned.

"Because you're not coming back, I was in Noah's room next door, eating with Lepis."

"... Noah?

"Hehe, he's a boy from the Twilight clan. Sir Raymond added an escort because you became the knight of the other princesses. Smyrda is coming to King's Capital now, and I haven't seen her in a while... well, a little bit of a lot. He was adding an extra escort and it really helped."

"Is Smyrda here?... What happened?

"I was attacked by demons and weird men.... Me or you must have reacted to Smyrda's magic. I'm not sure who the men are, but they had weapons from other continents, so it seems to be intertwined with what Sir Raymond said before."


Machia gave me a warm cocoa.

Nevertheless, she looks very sleepy.

"You, have you been next door before?

"That's right. Noah and I were playing cards. That kid's smart, so I'm gonna lose right away. It's a little twisted in the lighthouse, but it's cute there..."


"Sounds like you love ships. There were lots of models in the room. Oh, that's what I was messing with, so I guess a" ship ”comes to mind in the image of the Magic Fortress.... I'm only twelve, but it's amazing."

"... what a child"

I sip cocoa and squeal.

"Yes, it feels like I've made you a little smaller in the old days," Machia said.

"But it's amazing talent. You know, if you've never seen him before, I'll see him next time. Because he seemed very obsessed with the Magic Fortress."

"... there would be a great risk of a magic fortress for a child"

"Right.... he was a prostitute too."


That's what Machia says, while she looks at me jitty.

Come on, like I said, it's your turn next.

"... uh... sorry about today... huh?


"So I couldn't keep my promise that we would have dinner together!! Sorry!!"


I bow my head and align my hands with the bread. To me, Machia just stood still and narrowed her eyes, but she heard a small exhale.

"Nothing, it's good. I know what happened from Lepis.... but, you know, that little girl doesn't do what she wants, the name of the Black Demon King will cry!

"... yeah, yeah... just like you said already..."

"You used to be a really cool, cool outfit for the Demon King already!!

"Stop. Yeah. Yeah."

If I were to say that, you would have been more of a witch back in the day.

No, it's embarrassing to be able to touch the old days.

"... but okay... This is how you got here properly... la..."

When she put the cup of cocoa on her desk, she stayed put and at the end of the day she dropped her forehead on the cancer and desk and remained silent.

"... mah, makia...?


I think I fell asleep completely.

Dynamic guy to bed.

I'll take her straight to bed and hang many blankets.

I paid for my long hair on my face, and while I asked for my sleeping face, I sat on the edge of my bet.

"... sorry, Machia"

stroke his head like a pong and stand up.

I'm leaving this room with nothing but the smell of cocoa, and I'm going to that far north wing again.

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