Our demon king is coming.

31: Ulysses (Eunosys), Memory 5.

(Memory - 5)

About 2,000 years ago.

Southern Continent Vabilofos

Yunosis: 200s ~

At a time when the brave men were growing up well, the sanctuary was showing a slightly disturbing move, so I decided to stay in Vabilofos for a while.

There was a conflict between the inhabitants of the sanctuary and the clergy who believed in Vabilofos, as well as Eiratia, the green witch.

Mostly about the Green Witch's candidacy for bridegroom.

"That's why I tell those men. He said if I mentioned my favorite flower in one go, I'd marry you."

"... again such"

"Shut up. Then you know?

"... like you liked lotus flowers..."

"Those were my favorite flowers when I was little. Not at all now..."

Back then, the witch seemed to defy the elders and clergy by persevering in rejecting the bridegroom just because the status quo was the status quo.

An innocent, honest, and adorable witch as a young child was now like an adolescent daughter who hated her father, and there was another verse that I was rejected by her, too. But I knew it. She's lonely.

When I think of her loneliness as a young girl who has lost her mother and swept away by the circumstances of the sanctuary, I wish I could have stayed on her side the whole time, but I couldn't have said that because I had other missions. She had stopped opening her mind to me when I wasn't quite home.

Now, I didn't think of the sanctuary issue as just a bridegroom issue. It was in a way the only absolute mission for the Green Witch to give birth to the next generation of witches, and I thought that the choice of a bridegroom to connect that blood would be related to the future of Vabilofos.

That is naturally also in the consciousness of the parties, and it is no exaggeration to say that the candidate for bridegroom was a pawn in each faction.

The inhabitants of the sanctuary said to the bridegroom a young man who had not disturbed the order before and who had a strong dividing power from among the inhabitants of the sanctuary, but the priests who wanted to spread the faith of the sanctuary seemed to hold hands behind the Kingdom of Luberchia and consider the third prince to be the bridegroom. Besides, the elders were angry and the relationship between the two positions was even worse.

Both the resident side of the sanctuary, led by the elders, and the clergyman's side, were taking a leap forward in trying to get each of the standing bridegroom candidates to be chosen by Eiratia, who was something who was fiercely rebellious against it, so the story didn't go on at all.

I thought it would be troublesome if I got into a bloodshed dispute, and I was staring at it in the sanctuary.

I have been associated with Vabilophos since my two previous presbyterian years, and the deterrence of being a widely known white wise man was, well, what I would call it myself, but it was huge. I wish I could help my son-in-law choose carefully by being the backbone of a rebellious green witch by myself. That's the sanctuary that always guided me, the payback to the green witch who dropped me off.

That's what I thought.

"... Yes?

I doubted my ears.

The elder seemed to be in a hurry for a witch who would never elect a son-in-law, and he finally called me the bridegroom of a witch.

From the sanctuary side, it would have been a decision to say that even if it were me with a slightly higher eye, it would be better than being interfered with by the Kingdom of Luberchia. And if I were you, they wouldn't be able to help me.

Honestly, my head turned white.

'Cause something would be wrong with me marrying a witch who's been taking care of me since I was born.

Because even my daughter jumped over and she had a similar feeling for her grandson.

"Wait a minute, Elder. I'm older than you, I'm just old when I see it from a witch. That's so witchy..."

I was in a bit of a hurry to ask how Ayretia was doing.

But the elders just really say, "Please take it on".

It felt like Eiratia was out of her mind, and I thought I was gone.

I wonder if this will give her distrust of accepting the bridegroom again.

For my part, I didn't think about being the bridegroom of a green witch at this time, either good or bad. I was just trying to figure out which one was better for Eiratia.

"I can't do that, Elder"

I shook my head.

"Me and my girlfriend have a different flow of time to live"

We raised a definite problem and tried to deny it.

That's good for her and for me.

I just cared that the look on Eiratia's face that I glimpsed at that moment seemed painfully meticulous. My eyes caught the sky, and then I didn't feel the color.

"... even me, old shit like you, I absolutely refuse!!

And she stood up, angry somewhere, and she turned to me and threw it away.

She was strong but the words were trembling, and her back as she left was small and was about to collapse now.

Maybe she asked me for something.

I changed my mind and confronted the elders.

"... what the hell are you thinking, Elder..."


"I was only hoping to be able to keep an eye on Vabilofos in my position as a third party. Just like before. But until you pull me in, do you want to get the clerics out?... If you're the green witch... and you chose me to be the first to think about the Eileiter thing, I think I should take it seriously too. But......"

"... wise man. You seem to be mistaken."


The elder is grinning deeply, stroking his long white beard.

I felt very powerful, though his old voice was silent.

"You said you had a different time to live than a witch. You know that your magic numbers are affecting you."

"... Yep"

"So, have you ever wondered how much the witch's magic numbers are?

"Witch's...... magic numbers?

I've never cared about what I call the Green Witch's Magic Numbers (Magi Vector) before.

Naturally, magic numbers were required when using witchcraft, and although it was true that witches also had mystical powers, there was no recognition that they had to know definite magic numbers.

"Sure, the witch is not a magician, but both historically she gives excellent numbers. But now the Green Witch... yes, the Eileiter is special."


"I'm no different from you. Alongside the Black Demon King, the Red Witch and also the legendary brave men from different worlds, there are over a million mg. Her magic numbers are just over 1.3 million. Dear White Sage... you won't notice at all that you're in the sanctuary, but this is the definitive number that he measured at birth."

"... 1.3 million!?


Because it was a bigger number than I was in this day and age.

And at that moment it was quite a joy and anxiety to my mind.

Maybe she's a being who lives the same time as herself.

Maybe she also keeps getting flirted with for as long as she does.

And those two opposite emotions of joy and anxiety led me to just one conclusion.

It goes without saying that the witch, who had just risen from the sacred fountain of the sanctuary, had lost her word to her adult expression and standing, who was still somewhere in the sacred air and light and still thought she was a child.

I guess I already saw her as a woman at this time. [M]

"Witch...... will you be a couple with me?


After a few days of thinking, it was my conclusion.

From that day on, the witch looked somewhere apathetic, painful and exhausted by the status quo. If she needed me, if she was going to feel safe about being who I am, that's what I thought, trying to live my life with her.

And maybe that's what I was looking for myself.

"No, you don't...... sorry. Will you be a couple with me...... right? Excuse me... not at all..."

"... what?

And I was a bad proponent. [M]

"What did the elders tell you...? That's not weird, you said you couldn't do it before. Am I that pathetic? That's the best decision Sage has ever made…"

After her twisted reply, she cried out blurry as if the thread she had endured had been cut.

Naturally, I denied marrying her once. That was hurting her somewhere.

I knew that at this time. [M] That's why I felt pain in her tears myself.

A little white orange infarct flower blooming on the side seemed somewhere like her.

"Witch...... I have lived thinking that I should, I'm sure I will never lean on anyone in my life. It's like this now, but it happened to me when I was young."

The truth is, I wish I could have been smarter and listened to more carefully.

But that was very difficult. If I could just simply bump my feelings, I might have made a cool proposal.

But what came out of my mouth was irony about long, long memories. I was worried about myself for a long time.

I don't think it's a life that never meant anything. But myself, I was a little tired somewhere.

I was looking for someone to heal me.

The flowers of the white orange infarct on the side were picked puffy.

"I don't feel like I have eternity..."

That word was everything.

I never told anyone, it was like my weakness.

It's something that made me laugh about what I'm talking about myself, spinning a circle of white orange infarct flowers in my hand. What is it that the wise white man is saying now?

"Excuse me. I wonder what I'm talking about... because every person..."

Even though I have to support her, I expect something from her myself. Tell yourself that's not a good idea.


She seemed to listen to me seriously.

I tie my mouth in a gut and point it at the white orange infarct with my gaze in my hand.

"Hey... you know what? its white orange infarct flower words"


"I mean" I'll love you forever "... don't you think it's frigid? That's why I don't really like the flowers."


It was unintentional.

Flower words...... were out of specialty.

And it was pretty crunchy, frigid flower words. No, I was never after you. I really didn't know.

But it was also difficult to be surprised if you didn't even know the words of the white sage.

hey...... i was really in a hurry at this time and i got in trouble.

The witch is also turning her jittery eyes, "Even if I say sage... that's not a big deal".

Wow, I didn't mean this!!

I couldn't stop being embarrassed enough to want to go in there if there was a hole.

Unredone life, take care of every moment!!

Once I soften it, I panic. Can I really name myself a wise man or something?

...... I've thought this far.


The witch was still staring at me.

"That flower, if it's for me... I think I'll like that flower the most"


"Then I think you're my favorite flower."

But her reaction was different from what I thought, very meaningful, but with a hazy connotation if I realized it.

She used to say that.

When you choose the one who says his favorite flower as your bridegroom.

And no one has ever been able to do it.

I felt slightly open and confused by unspeakable emotions.

It was, indeed, a warm, delightful emotion.

"I'm... old and shitty, aren't I? You can't be on your side all the time, and do something about it... you're an old man, aren't you?

"Hey, what... do you have it in your roots...?

Eiratia laughed like she was in trouble, and said in an adult tone.

"But those flower words... because I think you're the only one who can convince me... I guess you feel like you have eternity, don't you?


Totally, I thought they did.

I must have had some special feelings for her at this time.

At this age, I never thought I'd have such fresh, dreamy emotions.

That's a very uncut pleasure.

"Is your favorite flower white orange infarct"

"... yes... you're right"

"Will you be my wife?

To the words, I felt I had gained definite strength.

The power of words, whether it's duty or responsibility, not just the emotions that say you have to support her, but that you do want you.

Dedicated white orange infarct.

"Fine, Eunosys."

With those big green eyes, she looked straight at me and received the flowers.

I still remember the smell of the holy grace of the pillars of light at that moment, the leaking day that reaches the sanctuary.

I'm sure she didn't know that quiet joy that Eileitier had chosen me for.

To my own surprise, I was just delighted.

If there is a place of peace to return to, it must be hers. And he said he would be such a presence to her, too.

Yes, I fell in love with just one woman, just like everyone else would.

Hmm... I thought the nostalgic smell blurred my nose.

It was such a comfort in the cotton fields of my hometown that I now miss far away, looking back on the family path I had forgotten about.

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