Our demon king is coming.

30: Ulysses (eunosis), memory 4.

(Memory - 4)

About 2,000 years ago.

The eastern continent, the kingdom of Frejsta/the village of Sirik

Yunosis: 200s ~

When I heard rumors about a boy from another world, I came to the village of Silik in the kingdom of Fresista.

Rumor was this what I said.

The village of Sirik was dry land, so they perform a rain-begging ritual every year, but the moment the village elders prayed in the direction of Vabilofos, you think a boy appeared out of the light in front of people?

You think the boy was dressed in a strange outfit he'd never seen and had a sword laid on a golden sheath?

You think the moment he showed up, there was rain of grace in the village?

The elders who saw it seem to recall the legend of a boy and a girl from an ancient different world on this Mayday and welcomed him by saying he was the Savior, exactly the brave one. The rumor reached my ear when I was looking for someone from different worlds in exactly a chaotic time.

He was a beautiful, blonde, blue-eyed boy with a strange standing. Are you about 12 or 13 years old?

Sitting still at the roots of the biggest palm tree in the village. I don't think he's a very child. In a calm way.

Looks important, with a big golden sword that doesn't fit that body.

"Are you expecting someone?


The boy looked at me, just stared, and nodded.

"Someone to take me..."

"He said he'd take you... where?


What a twisted rhetoric, I'm a little fed up.

But surely we could not help but understand that the people of this village would speak of him as the “Savior," the "Brave One," etc.

He had an aura that I really wanted to hope for.

Unique, special.

"Is it good to say you want to go anywhere with an interpretation that says you want to adventure? Then I'll be able to help. Instead, you are given the mission of becoming a" brave man "and defeating the Demon King. Now this Mayday is in chaos by the mischievous violence of two demon kings. Maybe you've come to this world because you're the brave man of our hopes."

"... brave man?

The boy had moved his eyebrows a little and lost his words, but never showed any more surprise reactions.

When I say boys from different worlds, I'm confused by all the things in this world, and I say, "Yeah, I'm brave. Ahhh!?" What a cold kid, even though I was expecting as much reaction.

"... ok"

"Oh, it's very light. You're fighting for your life, aren't you? You're gonna train now, you're gonna learn magic, you're gonna get your people together for the showdown, right? The Demon King is quite strong. If he dies, he'll die."

"Doesn't matter"


My whole black joke was softened. [M]

I wonder what it is, this girl.

And when the boy stood up, he laughed a little at Nihil,

"... I will be the brave one and save this world. Be sure to ask the Demon King."

I said it with dignity.

This kid is going to be a big shot...... I was so sure.

He seemed dazzled, as if surrounding a grain of gold light.

The boy named himself Kaya.

It's a common name in this world, but the longer I could afford to think about it, the better he was and what he remembered immediately.

Swordsmanship, white magic.

After a while, I decided to take Kaya to the Holy Land of Vabilophos.

Before embarking on my journey as a brave man, I thought it would be better to take him to the sanctuary once and say hello to the elders. He was also an elder when he told me to look for brave men.

Before that great tree in the sanctuary, I wished he had some favor.


"... witch... you've grown up"

The green witch of this era was the Aeratia who would later be my wife...... in the previous life of Perselis.

Eiratia was my name. [M] So I think I felt like a special parent, like a grandfather to her by this time.

It was already an adorable, innocent, itchy, sober, sanctuary-loved witch of grace.

She likes me, who comes rarely, and she's always welcomed me with all her might.

Apparently he wanted to play with my spirits. How adorable of her to hold me innocently.

"Witch...... you have to go say hello to the elders before you do. One moment, please."


She's so adorable on the swell, she wants to hear about me, but I had a mission to engage Kaya with the elders, so feel strong here. There are times when the mind shakes, so to speak of the White Wise.

Kaya had a big tree in her blue eyes.

As always, I don't know what you're thinking, but I was smiling because I must be immersed in the sacred air of the sanctuary.

Eiratia cared about Kaya, so I joked and introduced him, and he just told me it wasn't funny.

He's on the big guy......

As soon as the elder saw Kaya, he lurked that white brow, roaring.

And slowly open your eyes.

"... I know. That boy must be your chosen one as a brave man. Coming from different worlds... boy... I didn't know you were really there..."

"Do you understand?

"Yeah. That golden sword is more than anything."

You think the golden sword of a brave man is an artifact of the goddess of battle, commonly known as the "patronage of the goddess”?

Where the hell did Kaya get that? I asked him a few times, but he just says, "... I picked it up".

That's why!!!

And I wanted to stick with it, but I couldn't hear it any more.

Because when I touched on the subject of that sword, he looked somewhere complicated. I read the air here.

He was then baptized as a “brave man” at the Fountain of the Great Tree, making his position clear.

And then I trained, and I took him all over Mayday.

In the ruins he once found the Spirit, in caves, in every labyrinth or whatever, defeating demons who are not under the jurisdiction of the Black Demon King, or who are being sent, so that he can grow. In doing so, he gathered and partied with his still famous comrades, such as Allen the Bowman, Lilia the Witch, and Ballad the Prince of Frejsta.

I was fascinated by the momentum of those young men, and I sincerely expected that they would defeat the Red Witch and the Black Demon King.

Red Witch... Black Demon King... I had a slight guilt in relying on other beings to say brave men because I had fought with them for a long time, but I knew that defeating them was very important to the world.

Kaya was actually doing well.

He didn't listen to me, he didn't listen to me, he stuck to my jokes, and he ignored me, but he couldn't be cute without a brilliant apprentice.

The face of a line of brave men who admired me like a parent, who had no family or children, all had different circumstances and personalities, and they were truly colorful and glorious.

I had hope for them.

I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. The brave Kaya builds strength well, and his companions also consolidate their ties around Kaya, making them successful beyond problems and dangers. It was so comforting to watch that.

The Red Witch and the Black Demon King seemed to think of the existence of the brave as very eye-catching, and even after interrupting their own battles, they have worked out measures to crush a line of brave men. The Black Demon King, in particular, has unleashed demonic assassins in an attempt to kill brave men.

Still, I believed in their justice.

They said they could do something about it.

However, the personal problem was the green witch in the sanctuary in the middle of adolescence...... yes, it would have been about the eiratia.

Instead of the unarmed brave, she was a very concerned daughter.

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