Sept. 2, 7446

You bastard (a woman), how dare you slip out and well...

[Lephais family: Baron of the Kingdom of Romberto. The date of his appointment was May 24, 7314]

[Erection: Third Generation William Lomberto is independently interested]

[The current housekeeper is the sixth generation at Vizons Refis]


There is no denying in itself that you enter into a kinship with a nobleman. It's effective to some extent. But you can't just be king of Lomberto. That really makes me a mere belonging country, and if I heck, I can even think of being mouthed with all kinds of details in the background.

No, it's nothing. I don't like my country. I don't like that. But I can't even say clearly that I'm interested in a country that will remain completely independent in this time and age.

I think self-sufficiency in food (I guess just staple wheat and meat) would be fine first if we could make part of the Dart Plains into territory. I wish I could open it somewhat. I am confident that I can manage about the military as well. If I'm here and I make gunpowder, I'll probably have no problem with defense. If only I had the time to build dozens of cannons and directional shotgun mines and directional anti-personnel mines (claymore) modokies (only scheduled, but I'm going to have some numbers prepared in advance), even if my sister was attacked five or ten times by an army of thousands led by a mixed First Knights, all of which would be painful enough to push me into retreat. Though it will be hard to clean up after.

The problem would be when they were invaded in secret by super elite like a handful of command troops, engaged in sporadic combat like guerrilla warfare, or ran into terrorism aimed at non-combatants, but such a Romberto kingdom, but the Granan Empire, would be troubled everywhere, and together.

More problematic than that would be about food, various non-military products, etc. I would do anything if it was not complete but all could be produced within the territory. I don't know what kind of nosebleed looks like, but I can build a manufacturing machine. But there are problems with mineral and plant resources. I have to import what's going on.

There are few mountains around the Dart Plains, so most of those things would need to rely on imports. Certainly there are some territories with mountainous areas, but that one has fewer forests per border with the Kingdom of Dabus and a lot of fighting. It's a long time, isn't it?

Because of that, there is no alternative to the country of origin, especially when the first aid is needed. But my hope is to be related to a nobleman who has territory around him. Next door to bounding territory if possible. It's easy to come and go if you're next door to get help. It is easy to conquer when it is time to conquer. No, I don't think so. Yeah. Maybe.

Anyway, I'm not likely to be making any unscrupulous demands on my blood shield. In this case, I expect that my demands on the country will be not the provision of money or resources, but the provision of military power. It would be a great battle force to try and take me personally, and as for guns, it's not something you can hide if you put them into action once and on some scale where you've been desperate to hide them. We need to find another way out of the military supply by then. It is possible that Dart Plains can be successfully opened and, if it can be defended, it can be replaced by the provision of food, etc. I like this one.

I can also think of something demanding of your sister as a hostage, but I'm more prepared for this than my sister is in the First Knights of the Kingdom. My brother and parents are Webdos Marquis' inhabitants, so I can't be impotent about being king by analogy unless I make my relationship with Webdos Marquis worse. It's possible to demand it from the Marquis to be precise, but I don't think the Marquis will take it.

In that sense, the Lyle kingdom of Mizchi is under pretty good conditions. A small country that left moderately and remained completely independent. We trade somewhat but have a very small population and rely on imports for a significant part of our necessities. The export is dominated by secret medicines and mushrooms that serve as raw materials, followed by demonic stones. And then... you can't even call it force. That's a very small number of assassins like Command Squad.

Thanks to Mizuchi, there are pipes with the healer Baizwons Tukerin in Wangdu, and industrial waste from their country has been picked up and used. At the sausage factory, which is not even operational, each flavor is delivered to his treatment center every day. He says Balducky is a favorite and very pleased. He thinks it's okay to sell groceries such as balducky and wheat to the kingdom of Lyle through him.

Finally, once you return Mizuchi to the Kingdom of Lyle, it's great that you could easily form an alliance. In particular, other than preventing assassinations against me in this case and making it easier to obtain all kinds of secret medicines, there is not much benefit in the near future.

However, it is possible that strong reinforcements can be obtained when enlarging the territory in the future. Anyway, you can have a 100-person unit with Mizuchi's magical powers on your side, and in some cases, you might be able to get that systematized education and upbringing.

Whatever the kingdom of Lyle, this Yorille lady is almost certainly the advance of that king (old man). I don't know if you ordered me to do this intentionally, or if I was induced to do this and assumed as if it were my idea. Then there is one appropriate response for my purpose. The purpose, of course, is not to drag her alone into the future. I can't help but have another guy sent. Then, make him understand the message, "I'm aware of it, don't imitate me too much licking."

Of course, if you don't imitate a lick and want a reciprocal alliance, raise your hands and welcome them. I guess I can't do that.

"I see. Are you willing to come to me? Earlier, they said it would be advantageous to marry you in the future... but what would they say about collateral?

It's a big deal not to move one eyebrow when you look at me that suddenly turns into a transverse attitude.

"I told you earlier, didn't I? I was born by His Majesty the King."

"So, your blood ties are important, and you yourself have no value other than inheritance? Oh, you were still a squire. It's from the Third Knights, too."

I said it with a face like I made a complete fool of myself. You're useless (at least not now) as a soldier or a troop commander, besides your blood ties, and I've tried to say that at best it's a tool to have children.

"What other value would you like?

Oh, this is surprisingly... thoughtful. Evidence that you know where you stand?

"If you don't figure that out, you can't have enough of my partner"

"Of course I understand. Instead of you, we're trying to appease the realm in a way you can't reach."

That's easy for you to say. Sure would score high as a spouse if I could do that. But I guess I'm not stupid to be able to return these answers all the time I do. But this answer won't work. If we're going to push out blood ties, we should thoroughly build up that benefit. Yeah, whatever you say to me. Conversely, I reviewed it to be a grand language, by analogy, if you said enough to put hope through the Kingdom of Romberto with your blood ties as a shield.

Especially since I'm not an official child. You should show the guts. This level of reply lacks specificity and simply gives me the feeling of being smart, right? It's nothing different than saying "I'll hang in there".

"How can you prove that?

"I can't prove it without it."

I guess so. I don't have a track record. You can't do more than nothing specific has come up here. "The country adventurer, Lord Brigadier Gried, will not be good at taxes, human resources and trials, so I'll be there to assist you" or "I have a handout for good tax collectors and deputies." What are you doing in the Third Knights for? That's what the Knights develop, isn't it?

"You won't be the reason to welcome a woman with no record of anything but blood ties. I think I have a lot of talent."

I guess I'll say this at last.

"By the way, why does your hair (ogu) have a different color than before?

Beautiful blue, but hard to say it suits you very well. I don't like it.

"Oh? Not your taste? I dyed it because I heard you preferred blue or green..."

Huh? I don't...

It was Belle and Sister-in-law Shani who just thought on the outside that you were beautiful at first sight, cute. Of course, Elf's Mizuchi is beautiful, and Ralpha has such a pretty face. But Mizuchi is more beautiful compared to the Pu than he is drawing the blood of an elf, but many people are even prettier if they simply look at it in the framework of an elf. Ralpha is a cute category if you look at him as Japanese too, but he smells like some piss. If you saw Guine as a dwarf, she's overwhelmingly beautiful, but far from her taste.

If you look at my lady, if you observe it, maybe you have different eyes to look at your dark-blue dyed bell or your light-green-haired Shani sister-in-law. Of course I'm unconscious.

But red and black and gold, and in some cases light red and white, are the colors of hair that were also found on Earth. Blue, green, and pink were the colors of hair not found on Earth, and at first they were the subject of considerable surprise. Is that what you're saying, no, I was, I'm figuring that out? I know you've been thinking too much.

"I don't think so."

Probably because I frowned and gave him a suspicious look. I was continued with a slightly discouraged voice.

"... I don't even know if you dyed it, but the hair in front looks better."

"... I'll keep that in mind"

"Ma, leave the hair story alone, my partner is going to choose for himself. Capabilities and appearance are also important, but if we can't share our sensibilities and values, it will be hard for each other for a long time."

It may be very common, but it will also be important. Daughters and relatives who are kings or nobles like making relatives won't be alone in this yorile, and then I want to choose too.

"Besides, I don't know what to say, but the Honorable Associate Sir Lephais is still a squire, right? You will also have important Knights duties."

"If Master Gried can marry me, I will resign tomorrow."

I'm sure you do, though. There are a thousand or so Knights of the Third Knights, so I guess there are as many of them as there are if they quit. But anyway, if you're a full-time knight, you don't really like that at the half-time squire stage, do you, Me? I have a little crush on Claw and Marie.

That's when the room was knocked. It was Run who put his face in the room with the permission of Miss Yorile, who waited for me to live in a hundred million robberies. (Catering) Arrived. Because I was bored by the time I walked into the room, and I was already ready and lucky. It won't be long enough since I sat on the couch.

"Well, that's it for today. Run, please call James."

It was declared the end of the stinking story at the same time that I would say that to Lan. I asked Giberti to go through the room, too. Of course he's a mouth wiper. After that, I ate a fine outing there (oh, I wiped my mouth myself. Giberti endured standing behind me. bad), he had been asked about his work as an undisputed adventurer.

After I finished my meal and had tea, I told you before I took my seat.

"It's an honor to have you here today. Also, it was a very tasty meal. I apologize for not being able to reply in good colour, but all this also involves a variety of circumstances. Please give it up."

I gave Giberti a nice place to eat on the way home.


I started with Mizuchi and put Zenom and Ralpha, Belle, Tris, Ghine, Bastral, and Rolic in it for today's report. I was very surprised because it was something no one had predicted.

"That's a string in translation, huh? And just a bastard. It doesn't seem like there's a reason I can pull the money, and I don't really have to be so good at that... besides the flaws, the 'butterfly stink' one. It was pretty, but it's not my thing."

I drank tea and discarded it.

"... I said no"

Mizuchi says somewhere as if it were a relief, but she is also convinced that somewhere there is a good chance that she will need to enter into a bonded kinship. There seems to be a lot of room financially around the Marquis of Webdos, and I have nothing to say about it, but my brother has already married his direct daughter. That would be difficult. But the eldest son of the Marquis, Baron Sendohel Webdos, the Knights Commander, by the time he succeeds the Marquis, if I'm a lord, one of my daughters might think about doing it to my daughter-in-law. Of course there's timing and everything. Don't mean Sister Shani's sister-in-law.

It may also be the Duke of Bertus, which has a vast territory to the northeast of the heavens. Or a hand called Count Falergers if you can trace Lorrick's hand. The Duke of Thurm, who has territory east of heaven and north of Count Falergers' territory, would be nice. If you're not the king and you're moderately away, you have no choice but to be rich. Conversely, if you are bordering territory or very close, it would be nice to look a little poor. Viscount Yorise or something. There's still a chance that if we do this right, we'll be able to listen to you.

"But if you only listen to words, Al is inhuman."

Ralpha said strangely. That again.


Xenom answers that.

"'Cause I can't believe you're thinking about money in a marriage."

"We're not, but you're gonna tell me? Al says he wants to cheer up the country. What's more important than loss? Me too. If you're getting married, you better get rich. Marrying a poor guy doesn't mean you're busy."

"Uh, how do you feel? What about Mizuchi?

"Feelings are second to none. And even Al would think about Mizuchi. Mizuchi, of course. It's not something you worry about. By and large, you're going to have to take over the Firefrid family. By the time you get married, you could be in a position where you can't get a divorce either. Think about it. My husband, who just spills money into his parents' house, can't even help the shit out of him."

When the parent-child conversation has gone so far, the bell breaks in.

"In the case of ordinary people who are not aristocrats, I think Lar is right. But you can't say something like that about a kid, can you?

I wonder what it is. This split seems to be a bell, too.

"I know what Lar's trying to say and how he feels. Me, too. But if we don't have a kinship, there's gonna be huge interest in return for the aid."

Guine gave it a reputation.

"That's right. Even if you had a relationship, you wouldn't be assisting me without interest or free of charge. For example, he took our parents' home and rubbed it until recently because of the issue of loans to the old Marquis of Rhodail. At the time, they gave over 10 billion Z in loans for starting mining operations in the mine, but they couldn't get it back. I ended up with mining rights and territorial concessions for some mines."

Lorrick also says with his arms together and a nod. Oh, you've heard of that. The King coordinated the valuation of mining rights and territories, didn't he? It seems that the adjustment was difficult because the value of Z (Zeny) is different from what it was at the time.

"Of course this is an example of failure. There are many success stories. Viscount Beason and Count Throyal, the loan went around well and they appreciate it, too, and we're making money. It's all about kinship. Without a relative, the interest rate would be a little higher. But, Mr. Al. Conversely, paying a little more interest might be better that way. If you return what you borrowed properly, it has nothing to do with it."

Right? That would be ideal. If you're going to get aid, it's bound to be quite a lot of money, and the large amount of interest will be a non-silly difference, right? I can also say that just taking on one daughter-in-law and one adopted son will give you 10% 20% of the interest, and if it discounts you, it's cheap. I'm sure the interest alone would be in billions.

For this reason, I've talked to Lorrick before about what would happen assuming I talked to his parents about the loan. But Lorrick said, "I can't really recommend it unless that's when Mr. Al stopped going so fast that he really needed the money that he had wrapped up. I hear our ancestors invented compound interest," he said, "I'm rich, but you don't have a very good reputation," he had a complicated face.

Well, there's no denying the possibility of being temporarily short of money, but I've been talking to everyone about the idea of an industry that seems to make a lot of money, and I'm not really worried about money, actually.

More than that, what's caught in my mind is the part that says, "If you marry me, in the future, when you give me territory, it's advantageous." Of course, it's likely to be a lip service, and the other possibilities are minimal.

Is it possible that Yorille is a super favorite bastard for the king?

We need to investigate.

I'm sure you'll soon find out.

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